Carlo Dalla Pozza – Wikipedia


Carlo Dalla Pozza (Taranto, October 16, 1942 – Lecce, 18 July 2014) was an Italian philosopher.


He was the son of Luigi, Veneto and Officer of the Navy, and Cencilia Pontrelli, Apulian. During his studies at the Scientific High School Battaglini in Taranto, Giovanni De Tommaso, a “traditional” style mathematics teacher stimulates him the taste for mathematical problems and for the formal elegance of demonstrations. Carlo Dalla Pozza studies philosophy and literature at the University of Bari where he graduated with a thesis on Renato Serra having as a speaker Aldo Vallone. Throughout his life he combines the love for formal systems with love for Italian literature, in particular for Giacomo Leopardi, Giosuè Carducci (Maestro di Renato Serra) and Gabriele D’Annunzio (and among the classics predilized Torquato Tasso e New life of Dante).

After graduation he studies theoretical linguistic in Bari with Ferruccio Rossi-Landi and later at the University of Pisa, and therefore formal methods at the Cattolica in Milan. A turning point in his intellectual career is marked by participation in the “meetings of San Giuseppe” organized in Turin by Norberto Bobbio. Starting from here it develops new ideas in philosophy of law, especially at the work of Hans Kelsen, and on the formalization of deontics logic with particular attention to the absomatization of the principles of a general theory of law in collaboration with Luigi Ferrajoli for his Principles of right [first] .

In 1986 he organized in Taranto together with the commander Nicola Marturano, then director of the electronic elaboration center of the Navy, the meetings Infogiure taras one: IT logic and law, in collaboration with the center of Taranto of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, attended by some of the most representative figures of the law, information technology and Italian and international logic, including Carlos Alchourron, Antonio A. Martino , Luigi Ferrajoli, Amedeo G. Conte, Father Roberto Busa, Paolo Comanducci, Mario Jori, Angela Filipponio, Giancarlo Taddei-Elmi, Riccardo Guastini and Giovanni Sartor.
He teaches for several years in the high school in the province of Taranto, maintaining himself scientifically active and participating in conferences of Italian philosophical companies (especially the Italian company of logic and philosophy of science and the Italian company of analytical philosophy, from its first national conference of 1994 [2] Until the 6 conference “Analitic Philosophy and European Culture” (Genoa 2004) [3] ). In 1990 he was hired at the University of Lecce, where he teaches the logical and philosophy of language.

Among the main influences in his linguistic and textual semiotics studies there are that of János Sándor Petöfi who invites him to work with him at the University of Costanza. Dalla Pozza’s choice, however, is to stay in Italy where he continues to teach Lecce outside, in particular at the universities of Verona (where he teaches logical and computer foundations continuously from 1996 to 2002, and occasionally until 2013), Padua , Bolzano and, for his lessons of Logica Deontica, at the University of Rome Tre.

In addition to the influence of Petöfi and Kelsen, the greatest influence on his thought comes from the great works of Gottlob Frege, Bertrand Russell and Rudolf Carnap, to whose works from the Pozza he dedicates a continuous study, with particular attention to Carnap’s philosophical vision. In 1988 he published a contribution of neopian flavor, discussing and formalizing some arguments in quantum physics [4] . A link between his interests in linguistics and his work in formal logic is given by his formal theory of linguistic acts based on an original connection between intuitionistic logic (used for the linguistic actor acts) and classical logic (used for proposal content) . The first step of this theory is published in a two -handed work with Claudio Garola on Understanding in 1995. [5]

By presenting his theory of a formalization of pragmatic, from the pool he defines a Frege-Reichenbach-Stenius model for the formal treatment of assertions, showing that the main problem of this theory is the limitation introduced by Frege (and accepted by Michael Dummett) so that The sign of assertion can only be used for elementary asertory formulas. But, as many linguists support, there are compound linguistic acts; And to allow the treatment of composed linguistic acts and to overcome the limitation of the Frege-Reichenbach-Stenius model, from the Pozza introduces a set of pragmatic connectives that allow the construction of complex assertive formulas. The content of the assertive formulas is given by classical interpretation and true connectives; Pragmatic connectives (which connect assertive linguistic acts) instead have an intuitionistic interpretation, that is, they do not have values ​​of truth but values ​​of justification (in fact, an assertive act is not, as an act, true or false, but can be justified or not justified)
In this way, the formal system distinguishes the assetability of an alleged act from the value of truth of the asserted proposition. In addition to explaining the irreducibility of the Fregeano sign of assertion to a treatment in terms of classical logic and introducing a formal foundation of the theory of linguistic acts, from the pool it also gives an original solution of the problem of compatibility between classical and intuitionist logic.

At the essay on Understanding Work follows on erotic logic, deontic logic and substructure logics (see references below). Dalla Pozza’s work has aroused interest in different fields, from the philosophy of language to the philosophy of physics (with the collaboration with Claudio Garola) to logic and information technology, (especially starting from his collaboration with Gianluigi Bellin [6] ). To his formal theory of pragmatic, in addition to the works of Richard S. Anderson 2009 [7] , E Kurt Ranalter 2008 [8] A number of Informaticae foundations of 2008 [9]


Dalla Pozza’s influence extends thus as well as the philosophy of physics and the philosophy of language also to logic and information technology, especially with three conferences in his honor organized a Verona (2003) , a Paris (2004) it’s at Sirmione (2008) , based on the collaboration between the Department of Computer Science of the University of Verona, the Queen Mary University of [London] and the University of Paris 12 ( Algorithmic laboratory, complexity and logic ).
Memories of international personalities and friends are collected on a site in his honor. [ten]

A list of works by Dalla Pozza can be found on his home page [11] and on [twelfth] .

  • On the logical foundations of the Jauch-Piron approach to Quantum Physics (with G. Cattaneo, C. Garola, G. Nisticò), in International Journal of Theoretical Physics , Flight. 27, No. 11, 1988 [first]
  • A pragmatic interpretation of the propositional intuitionistic logic, in USBERTI G. (ed.), Foundational problems in meaning theory , Leo S. Olschki, Florence, 1991 [2]
  • A pragmatic foundation of the logic of questions, UNPUBLISED HANDWRITTEN (DRAFT, May 1991) [3]
  • Talk about nothing. Non -denoting singular terms and illocutory acts, in ‘ideas’, year VIII, n ° 23, 1993 [4]
  • A pragmatic interpretation of intuitionistic propositional logic (with C. Garola), in Understanding , 43, 1995 (pp.81-109) [5]
  • A pragmatic logic for the “expressive” conception of the rules, in Martino A. (ed.), Logic of the rules , S.E.U., PISA, 1997 [6]
  • A pragmatic interpretation of substructural logics (with G. Bellin), in W. Sieg, R. Sommer and C. Talcott (eds.), Reflections on the Foundations of Mathematics. Essays in Honor of Solomon Feferman – ASL Lectures Notes in Logic , Natick Massachusetts, 2003 [7]
  • Gettier’s problem: observations on justification, test and probability (with D. Chiffi), Talk at the SIFA conference Analytic Philosophy and European Culture , Genoa, 2004 [8]
  • A pragmatic logic for the expressive conception of norms and values and The Frege-Geach problem, Electronic scientific publishing , 2008 [9]
  • How to distinguish science and non-science: Bayesiana verifiability, falsifiability and confirmability (with A. Negro), Carocci, 2017, ISBN 978-843-08078-6, [ten]
  1. ^ Luigi Frazoli, Principia Juris. Theory of law and democracy. vol. 3. The syntax of the law , Bari: Laterza Edizioni: 2007
  2. ^ you see
  3. ^ you see
  4. ^ On the logical foundations of the Jauch-Piron approach to Quantum Physics (con G. Cattaneo, C. Garola, G. Nisticò), in International Journal of Theoretical Physics , Flight. 27, No. 11, 1988
  5. ^ A pragmatic interpretation of intuitionistic propositional logic (con C. Garola), in Understanding , 43, 1995 (pp.81-109)
  6. ^ vedi G. Bellin and Carlo Dalla Pozza. “A pragmatic interpretation of substructural logics” in Reflections on the Foundations of Mathematics, Essays in Honor of Solomon Feferman , W.Sieg, R.Sommer and C.Talcott eds. ASL Lecture Notes in Logic ; 15, 2002
  7. ^ Richard Stuart Anderson Some Remarks on the Frege-Geach Embedding Problem 2009
  8. ^ Kurt Ranalter, “A Semantic Analysis of a Logic of Assertions, Oblicagion and Causal Implication” in Fi, 2008: 443-470 Filed On August 10, 2014 in
  9. ^ Informatic basis , 84, n.3-4, 2008 Filed On August 10, 2014 in
  10. ^ Carlo Dalla Pozza
  11. ^ HOME PAGE DI Carlo Dalla Pozza
  12. ^ [ ]
