Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo – Wikipedia


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Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo O Madruzzi , nato Charles-Gaudence of Madruce (Castle of Issogne, 1562 – Rome, 14 August 1629) was an Italian Cardinal and Bishop, Prince Bishop of Trento from 1600 to 1629.

The coat of arms of Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo on the facade of the Niccolini house in Trento

NATO Come Charles-Gaudence at Madruce [first] by Baron Giovanni Federico Madruzzo ( Jean-Frédéric de Madruce ) and from Isabella di Chaallant in the castle of Issogne in Valle d’Aosta, Carlo Gaudenzio was grandson of Cardinal Ludovico Madruzzo. After his superior studies, first in Ivrea and then in Trento, he attended the University in Ingolstadt (1577-1582), and in Pavia (1584-1586) where he obtained a degree in civil and canonical law.

For a long period he was hosted in Rome by the Cardinal Uncle to expand and perfect his training. Being Ludovico, owner of the episcopal principality of Trento, engaged in activity in the capital, Carlo Gaudenzio was appointed coadjutor bishop of Trento in 1595.

Upon the death of Uncle Ludovico in 1600, Carlo Gaudenzio became the owner of the diocese of Trento, thus becoming the third prince bishop of that sort of “ecclesiastical dynasty” represented by the powerful Madruzzo family. On June 9, 1604 he also obtained the title of Cardinal from Pope Clement VIII.

In his spiritual guidance activity of the Tridentine Church, Carlo Gaudenzio is committed in a wide operation of fighting to heresy and (often supposed) witchcraft in the Trentino valleys, in the creation of new churches and in the fulfillment of the provisions of the Council of Trento , while as a temporal prince he sought a stable balance with the emperor, establishing new rules relating to the defense and army of the Principality in the composite military picture of the Sacred Roman Germanic Empire.

In 1620 Carlo Guadenzio moved permanently to Rome, and he succeeded, just as his uncle Ludovico had done, to appoint the coadjutor of Trento the nephew Carlo Emanuele, who at his death (14 August 1629) succeeded him as a bishop.

Episcopal genealogy is:


The apostolic succession is:

Parents Grandparents Great -grandparents Trisnonni
Giovanni Gaudenzio, the Baron of Madruzzo Federico II, VII Lord of Madruzzo
Ursula from thun
Nicolo III of Madon of Madruzzo
Euphemia von Sparrenberg Knight Christoph von Sparrenberg
Helena Fuchs von Fuchsberg
Giovanni Federico Madruzzo
Joseph von Lamberg zu Ortenegg Georg II from Lamberg to Ortenegg
Maria Maddalena della Torre
Helena von Lamberg zu Ortenegg
Elisabeth von Ellach Georg von Ellach
Anna von Hunelberg
Carlo Gaudenzio Madruzzo
Philibert, IVOUNT OF CHALLANT Louis 3 Conte di Challant
Marguerite de Seyssel, signed from the room
René, v county of challant
Louise d’Aarberg, lady of VALEGIN Claude d’Aarberg, Lady Valangin
Vergy Guillemette
Isabelle de Challant
Dinis de Bragança Fernando II, III Duca in Braganza
Isabel de Viseu
Mécia de Lencastre
Beatriz de Castro Osório, I saw Contessa di Lemos Rodrigo de Castro Osorio, II Conte di Lemos
Teresa Osorio
