Casal Palocco – Wikipedia


Church of San Timoteo

Palocco couple It is the thirty -fourth area of ​​Rome in the Roman countryside, indicated with Z. XXXIV . The toponym Housepalocco indicates a fraction of Roma Capitale.

Territory [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

It is located in the south-west area of ​​the city, beyond the large ring road, separated from the city complex, between the Via del Mare to the north-west and via Cristoforo Colombo south-east. This area includes 4 residential areas, including Axa inspired by the conception of Casalpalocco but desired for a medium -high bourgeoisie and lesser green spaces, and Madonnetta who on the other hand arises in an uncontrolled way and belongs to the areas or of Rome.

The confine area:

Together with the Castel Fusano area, it is the only one, of the current 53 of Rome, whose borders are not delimited by any of the great ring road, the Tiber, the Tyrrhenian Sea or another municipality. All other areas border on at least one of them.

The residential area of ​​Casalpalocco extends specifically between via Cristoforo Colombo and via dei Pescatori and borders the other residential areas of Madonnetta, Axa, Infernetto and Palocco 84.

The idea of ​​Casal Palocco Urbanized was born between the 1930s and 1940s, with the aim of creating a noble area in the southern area of ​​Rome. In the intentions of the fascist regime there was the idea of ​​Eur as the center of the capital, an idea to be made definitively after the 1942 universal exhibition, therefore a residential neighborhood, in whose design Adalberto Libera, one of the architects protagonists of Italian rationalism participated , Raffaele De Vico, Pietro Porcinai and Maria Teresa Parpagliolo for the arrangement of parks and gardens.

The project was developed in 1958 and created since 1961. The first villas, in fact built after the Second World War, were an ardit construction of anti -seismic systems, grandiose, luxurious, never excessive homes. The subsequent construction is due to the general real estate company and represents the first example of integrated urban planning of the capital; In fact, in the projects, the areas with housing units were immediately identified and carried out, those with commercial purposes, and also providing for green areas or sports activities, present today in such large numbers on the territory of the neighborhood that it gives it the name of “Green District” .


Today the care in the maintenance of green easements related to homes, the per capita of housing density make the “Borghetto” studied by university on various continents.

Civil architectures [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Religious architectures [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Parish erected on May 1, 1979 with the decree of the Cardinal Vicar Ugo Poletti “The apostolic concern”.

Archaeological sites [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Villa with residential, productive and thermal system. [8]

Natural areas [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Park in via di Casal Palocco

From via di Casalpalocco to via Diofanto extends the “Pratone”, a non -fenced public garden; This park, like other green areas, has been designed and built by maintaining some of the oldest trees (cork, maritime pines, corbezzoli) and preceding the reclamation of the swamp, and integrating them with others like i Callstemon .

The main roads of the neighborhood form an 8, the carriageways are separated from a trees green strip and are equipped as a “park road”.

Other [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Discovered in the second half of the 80s, he was recovered in 1997.
  • In Carosello Saiwa entitled “The songs to the gigetto” (1972-83), with Ninetto Davoli, the scene (present in each episode) in which he delivers the crackers he was shot in the “The olive trees” of Casal Palocco.
  • In the movie I and Caterina (1980): Turn in the square of the Le Terrazze Centro the scene where Alberto Sordi meets Edwige Fenech dressed as a modern cow-boy, while downloading the shopping in his car.
  • In the movie Darkness (1982): In the well -known square of the Le Terrazze Centro, the scene of death in the light of the sun of John Saxon was filmed.
  • In the movie 7 kilos in 7 days (1986), by Luca Verdone with Carlo Verdone and Renato Pozzetto, some scenes were shot in Le Terrazze, where the shop of the wife (Silvia Annichiarico) of Alfio Tamburini (Carlo Verdone) was located in the stage fiction. The shop was actually La Casa del Gambero, an exercise used for the sale of frozen foods managed by the Boschetto family and in the premises of which another activity is now located.
  • In the movie Great (1987), by Franco Amurri and with Renato Pozzetto, one of the main scenes was shot in Casal Palocco, at the Le Terrazze shopping center and inside the supermarket.
  • In the movie Daily expensive (1993) by Nanni Moretti, the actor-director visits the neighborhood contesting the choice to go to live in Casal Palocco in the early sixties (1962), when Rome “was beautiful” and to conduct a life from suburb American between slippers, video -tone film, guard dogs behind the gates of the villas, and pizzas in cardboard containers.

Urban planning [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In the territory of Casal Palocco extends most of the 13D Palocco urban area, part of the area 13C Acilia Sud and the South section of the area 13th Ostia Antica. The urban areas of Longarina (area “or” 41) are also part of the area [9] , Acilia Saline (Pdz B36) and Stagni di Ostia (Pdz B42).

Fractions [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The Polisportiva

The residential center of Casalpalocco extends between via Cristoforo Colombo, which separates it from the hamlet of Infernetto, and via dei fisheri.

The hamlet is provided with several sports and commercial centers; The main feature is the abundant and well -kept vegetation that adorns the roads.

A large sporting complex is the Polisportiva, equipped with tennis courts, calcium, basketball and volleyball, a skating rink, a swimming pool and a gym (with two rooms) where, among other things, judo courses and Jūjutsu.

Not far away is the Le Terrazze shopping center, a vast outdoor center with two floors, equipped with a large variety of shops. Another (smaller) shopping center is the so -called “white center”.

Famous is the Complex of the Metro Drive In, now equipped, as well as with outdoor cinema, with wheelchair, minimum and karting skating slopes.

Casal Palocco has a higher education complex, the Democritus, divided into the scientific high school and an experimental classical high school.

The management of the public green of the neighborhood and a part of the internal road network is entrusted to a consortium financed by the residents, which also deals with representing residents in the various competent offices. A lively neighborhood newspaper, distributed for free, is published by the local Polisportiva.

The neighborhoods belonging to the tenth town hall and surrounding the green Casal Palocco are the Axa, the infernetto, Madonnetta and Palocco 84, the residential complex located south of Casal Palocco, which takes its name from the year of its construction.

The condominiums are indicated with the term island followed by a number; For example, they are condominiums of the neighborhood the island 28 south or the island 45.

Ostonic names [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Viale Alessandro Magno

The streets of Casal Palocco are mainly dedicated to Greek educators and historical characters; The two main streets are viale Gorgia by Leontini and Viale Alessandro Magno.

Soccer [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • A.P.D. PALOCCO (Social colors blue orange) which, in the 2019-20 championship, plays in the male promotion championship. [ten]

Basketball [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Palocco that in 2019-2020 he played in the Serie D male championship. [11]

Volleyball [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Roma Volley Club ssdrl that in 2019-2020 he played in the Serie C male championship. [twelfth]
  1. ^ Separated from the Via del Mare, from the height of the Cover Viale dei Promontori/via delle Azzorre, up to the height of via di Tor Boacciana.
  2. ^ Separated from the Via del Mare, from the height of via di Tor Boacciana to the fishermen canal.
  3. ^ Separated from via del Mare, in the stretch from the fishermen’s canal to via Macchia Saponara.
  4. ^ Separate from via di Macchia Saponara and via Pindaro, from via del Mare to via Cristoforo Colombo.
  5. ^ Separate from via Cristoforo Colombo, in the stretch from via Pindaro to viale del Circuito, from this as the crow flies to the Dragoncello ditch, from this to the fishermen canal to the Viale della Villa di Plinio bridge.
  6. ^ Separated from the fishermen’s canal, in the stretch from the Viale della Villa di Plinio bridge to the air, in the air of Viale dei Promontori.
  7. ^ Separated from Viale dei Promontori, as the air from the fishermen’s canal to the overbridge viale dei Promontori/via delle Azzorre.
  8. ^ Marina de Franceschini, chap. 1. Villa di Procoio Nuovo, pp. 1-3.
  9. ^ Detailed area of ​​the area “or” n. 41 – “Via Pernier – Longarina” . are Rome Urban Planning .
  10. ^ The team on the Tuttampo website
  11. ^ The regional championship on the FIP website
  12. ^ The championship on the Federvolley website Lazio Regional Committee
  • Casabella Continuity , n. 279, Rozzano, editorial Domus, September 1963.
  • Piero Ostilio Rossi, Rome. Modern architecture guide 1909-2000 , 3ele Ed., Bari, Laterza, 2003, Pp. 222-224, ISBN 978-88-420-6072-7
  • Marina by Franceschini, Villas of the Agro Romano , Roma, L’Ha di Bretschneider, 2005, ISBN 978-8265-311-8.
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