Cassino – Wikipedia


Cassino – Stemma
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State Italia Italy
Region Lazio
Province Frosinone
Mayor Enzo Salera (Pd) from 11-6-2019
Coordinate 41°29′30″N 13 ° 50nter ″ and / 41.49167 ° N 13.833333 ° e 41,491667; 13.833333 ( Cassino )
Altitude 40 m s.l.m.
Surface 83,42 km²
Inhabitants 35 089 [first] (31-01-2023)
Density 420.63 AB./km2
Fractions Caira, Montecassino, Monterotondo, San Cesareo, San Michele, San Pasquale, Sant’Angelo in Theodice, Sant’Antonino, San Bartolomeo
Neighboring municipalities Cervaro, Pignataro Interamna, Rocca d’Evandro (CE), Sant’Apollinare, Sant’Elia Fiumerapido, San Vittore del Lazio, Terelle, Villa Santa Lucia
More information
Code. mail 03043
Prefix 0776
Jet lag UTC+1
Istat code 060019
Cadastral code C034
Targa FR
Cl. seismic Zona 2A (medium seismicity) [2]
Cl. climatic zona C, 1 164 GG [3]
Inhabitants name cassinated
Patron San Benedetto (patron)
San Germano (COMPATRONO)
Holiday 21 Marzo
Mappa di localizzazione: Italia



Cassino – Mappa
Cassino – Map

Position of the municipality of Cassino in the province of Frosinone

Institutional site

Cassino ( Fire : /kas’sino/ [4] , San German Until 1863) it is an Italian municipality of 35 089 inhabitants [first] of the province of Frosinone in Lazio. Second city of the province by number of inhabitants, after the capital, was for centuries the main center of the land of San Benedetto, aggregated since the Middle Ages to the land of work. Last city south of the Latina Valley [5] , develops at the foot of the mountain which in fact closes the valley and on which stands the famous abbey of Montecassino, along a historically strategic path for communications between the center and the South of Italy. Almost totally destroyed by the bombings of the Second World War, and for this reason also note as the martyr city, it has been completely reconstructed after the war.

Table of Contents

Territory [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The city of Cassino is located in the southern part of Lazio. The center is located at the base of the mountain called Montecassino, which rises up to 520 meters above sea level. And which marks the southern border of the Latin valley. Montecassino detaches himself from Mount Cairo, in the plain enclosed by the Liri and rapid rivers. The mountain consists of compact geological material, which does not retain the atmospheric waters, which therefore flow largely in the valley giving rise to the sources of the Gari river that crosses the city and which, after about a kilometer, near the so -called Varronian spas, It joins with the rapid. Not far from the city center, in the village of Sant’Apollinare in Giunti the Gari is paid in the Liri which thus becomes the Garigliano river; Due to this abundance of waters, in the plain there were swampy areas in the past. Remarkable is the importance of the location: Cassino is located in the place where the Valle del Liri is narrowed, well connected to the Gulf of Gaeta and the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park, which has always been crossed by important joint roads Rome with Naples and the rest of southern Italy.

Climate [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The summers are warm and sultry especially in the central hours of the day, even if, at this time of the year it is easy to attend temporal phenomena, often short -lived, due to the thermaloconverse vertical development of the clouds that originate from the mountains (Monte Cairo and Mainarde) and extend to the coast, these phenomena tend to lower the temperature and weaken the summer heat. In winter, Cassino’s climate is different from that of the other plains of the province, such as media and upper Valle del Liri and Valle del Sacco. Although in fact, the minimum temperatures below zero are still quite frequent, temperatures generally occur more myths, especially in the maximum values. The snow is in fact even more rare and less abundant than the rest of the province, most likely because in the south of the city the Aurunci Mountains are lower and in the south east there is only the relief of Roccamonfina, the southern hot calls are therefore very easily managed to Go up the valley and quickly transform the snow into rain or totally prevent its fall. The reason for these differences, however, is not only to be found in the exposure to the southern currents, but also in the fact that the findings of Monte Cairo and the Mainarde chain tend to create a local favonic effect, heating the northern winds for adjacent compression and limiting rainfall. These orographic characteristics influence the entire climate of the territory from San Vittore del Lazio to the nearby centers of Aquino and Castrocielo, where the climate quickly returns that typical of the low hilly areas of the province of Frosinone.

As a more sensational and relevant example of these differences, the historic cold wave of February 2012 is mentioned, when the city recorded only 3 cm of falling snow, while at 8 km in the crowd, with the same altitude, they counted About 20 in Aquino and even more than 60 cm in the provincial capital.


Among the most important snow events in recent years we find: 10 cm of January 16, 2002, about 5 cm of 17 December 2010, 2/3 cm of 31 December 2014, 4 cm of 9 February 2015 and 2 cm of 26 February 2018 (also in the latter case, the differences with many areas of the province decidedly important).

On average, about 1000 mm of rain, per year concentrated especially in the autumn and winter months fall.

The city, in Roman times, is called Casinum . According to Varrone, in his Latin [6] , the toponym derives from the word osca casco , from the meaning of “ancient”, to indicate the remote origin of the settlement. Varrone always recalls the widespread use among the Romans to identify Cassino as Market Old (“Ancient hole”) [7] . Due to the medieval events, he did not always keep the same name: he became before Castle St. Peter ; Then Eulogimenopoli , or “city of San Benedetto”; Finally “San Germano”, originating from the presence in the church of San Germano di relica del San Germano, bishop of Capua, revered by the faithful. With the unification of Italy and with an act of 1863, [8] The city took the definitive name of Cassino, the Roman Casinum .

The classic Cassino [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The first settlements arose in the caves of the hill, because there was a lake basin in the valley. Findings have been found that attest to the human presence dating back to the Neolithic; In the Iron Age, an allocation attested by the presence of a necropolis should be formed.

Cassino’s origin is normally traced back to the osc [9] [ten] [11] . Between the 6th and 5th century BC The Volsci ¡, another Osco-Umbra population, would have fallen in Lazio from a mountainous area, perhaps the sabina [twelfth] , and would have occupied the area [13] ; Some research propose a volsca presence already in the VIII century BC [14] Other scholars, on the other hand, refuse a volsca presence [11] . Later, before the Roman conquest, the city was now in possession of the Samnites [15] [16] .

When the Romans in 313 BC they took control of the area, founded a colony, Interamna succasina (The Lirenas) [17] , which controlled part of the territory of Aquino and Cassino. Hannibal transited in the area during the second Punic war, but Casinum He remained faithful to Rome.

In Roman times the town was located in the current Crocefisso hamlet and was crossed by the ancient via Latina. [18] It was fortified by about 4 km of walls and was rich in monuments, being the city wealthy. TO Casinum He erected one of his villa Marco Terenzio Varrone.

It was before municipality , then colony and finally prefecture as evidence of the progressive insertion in the order of the City . In addition to the passage of the Via Latina, in the Casinum territory a way was born towards the Val di Comino, Abruzzo, Sora and which finally arrived in Rome. The city was surrounded by morning ; One of these over the centuries has become the current locality of Sant’Angelo in Theodice.

Apollo was among the best -revered divinities. The location of his temple was identified in Montecassino, the acropolis of the city, by Gianfilippo Carettoni [19] , which in 1940 cited as sources i Dialogues of San Gregorio Magno. This complex stood where the abbey today is today; He also had a military function: he was defended by a double wall that today we can still admire in part today; It was built with heavy stones shaped to keep dry together and joined the city fortifications. Among the other venerated divinities there was Deluentinus, the local god of the waters.

The city was served by an aqueduct; The “hole”, according to Carettoni, was placed externally to the walls because the cattle market was carried out there. Recent studies, on the other hand, to identify the forensic area within the urban walls near the theater and the so -called Campana Porta. On the banks of Gari there were the villa of Varrone and the spas, portrayed in the sixteenth century by Francesco da Sangallo, but today very damaged. They have come to us, and can be admired in the Crocefisso area, the amphitheater, built on a natural declivio, and the theater; The church dedicated to the crucifix is ​​built in what was the so -called sepulcher of Ummidia Quadratilla. Costei, daughter of the Consul Umbidio Dumio Square, belonged to one of the most important families of the city; The young man is described by Pliny as a woman rich with a masculine character and massive physique; He gave the city a temple and an amphitheater.

In the Cassino area there was an association of oil producers: the oil oil was famous enough to be mentioned by Macrobio. The quality of the agricultural production of the territory is also underlined by Catone. The cattle breeding and the production of baskets and ropes was also very important, given the abundance of raw materials before these products near areas rich in water.

Legend has it that St. Peter himself, passing through these lands to reach Rome, first preached Christianity in the Cassiniani. What is certain is that in Cassino there was an ancient community of Christians, as many martyrs testify.

After the reorganization of suburbicaria, Casinum He finds himself in the province of Sannio. [20]

In the early Middle Ages, various barbarian raids damaged deeply Casinum which was totally destroyed by the Lombards led by Zotone.

The Belle’s Black Middle Ages [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The Abbey of Montecassino

We do not know much about the first centuries following the fall of the Roman Empire for the smallness of written sources; Pope Gregory the Great has handed down the coming of San Benedetto among the ruins of the acropolis of Casinum . Montecassino was chosen by San Benedetto da Norcia as a place for his first convent, a place of birth of the Benedictine order, about in 529.

As often happened for the first Christian institutions, the Montecassino abbey was built on a previous pagan cult place, the fortified acropolis. Cassino at the time was a city still mainly pagan and recently had undergone the devastations of the Goths. San Benedetto destroyed the effigy of Apollo and the pagan altars, then sanctioned the place by titling it to San Giovanni Battista. San Benedetto since then never left Monte Cassino again. Here he wrote the Benedictine rule, which became the founding principle for western monasticism. Here he received Totila, king of the Ostrogoths, in 542 (the only historical date known with certainty of Benedetto’s life) and here he died.

The Abbey of Monte Cassino became a model for western monasticism and one of the major European cultural centers throughout the Middle Ages. A village called by the population was erected Castle St. Peter because of the local church; It was placed on the ruins of the ancient city hole that was in the plains and not on the hilly slopes like the previous city. Unfortunately due to its geographical location and its protected position, the monastery and, consequently, the city remained in all the eras involved in military events. In 584 the Lombards sacked the abbey and the surviving monks fled to Rome, where they remained for more than a century. During this time, the remains of San Benedetto were transferred: most of his bones today would find themselves in Fleury-sur-Loire near Orléans. In 718, the political balance changed, the monks were able to restore to Monte Cassino; A florid period followed: among others Paolo Diacono, the historian of the Lombards, and king in exile such as Franco Carlomanno, uncle of Charlemagne, and the Lombard Rachis, stayed there. In 744, from a donation of the Lombard Duke Gisulf II of Benevento, the Terra Benedict , that is, the abbey feudal domain, which, subject to the authority of the abbot, enjoyed a certain more or less wide autonomy according to historical contingencies, while continuing to be an integral part, based on the state succession, of the Duchy of Benevento, of Principality of Capua, of the Kingdom of Sicily, of the Kingdom of Naples, of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Thus Montecassino became the center of a vast and strategic territory through which the joining roads passed the Lombard Duchy of Benevento, the Byzantine cities-state of the coast (Naples, Gaeta and Amalfi) and the state of the church further north.

A couple of kilometers more downstream, north of the ancient Casinum , there was a small monastery on the banks of the rapid. The Church of the Savior was erected in about 797 at the behest of the Abbot Gisulfo on the pre -existing church of San Benedetto; The emperor Ludovico II, in 874, donated to the Church a relic of San Germano bishop of Capua, a fraternal friend of San Benedetto: for this reason he later became the cathedral of San Germano. Always due to those relics, among the people the sentence spread we go to the holy German To signify “Let’s go to visit Santo Germano”, a visit devoted to the relics of the saint: in this period from Eulogimo through, the name of the city began to transform itself into San Germano. The church of Santa Maria delle Cinque Torri was erected, at the foot of Colle Janulo, not far from that of the Savior, but it was on a ground where water emerged; The church floor was raised three times, to avoid the problem inside the sacred building, but without success; It had a very original plant with central symmetry with a colonnade inside, with four towers with the external corners and a wider one in the center.

The original Rocca Janula, as presented before the Second World War.

For administrative and defensive reasons, due to the scrolls of Muslims, the abbot Bertario founded the city again at the foot of Colle Janulo: near the church of the Salvatore he founded Eulogimeni, the “city of San Benedetto”. In 883, the Saracens, intending to expand on the Italian peninsula, sacked the territory, destroyed the city, the church of the Savior and the abbey; They took the massacre of things and people, the same Abbot Bertario was killed and the monks had to abandon the abbey for a long time. At the expense of the invaders the city resources. In this period he lived in Monte Cassino the Historical Teanese Erchemperto whose History of Lombards Beneventanorum It is the fundamental historical work of the ninth century for the South. The four placites are kept in the abbey, the first official documents written in Italian vulgar: there are four sworn testimonies, recorded between 960 and 963 and concerning the land properties of the monastery. The city became the administrative center of the land of San Benedetto as the men of government led by the abbot were housed here and operated there, such as the advocate , that is, the one who administered justice. The inhabitants participated in the political-religious struggles that involved the abbey, then the city, which took the new name of San Germano, was fortified and equipped with the Rocca Janula, a fortress placed in a raised position.

From the late Middle Ages to unity [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Miniature of the medieval Cassino and the territories of the land of San Benedetto.

Montecassino reached the peak of his prosperity and power in the 11th century under the abbot desire (1058 – 1087), which later became Pope with the name of Vittore III. The monks became more than two hundred and their miniator manuscripts became the most sought after. The buildings of the abbey were rebuilt and increased; The land of San Benedetto was organized thanks to new structures and settlements. Amalfi, Lombard and Byzantine artists worked on rebuilding. The reconstructed abbey church was consecrated in 1071 by Pope Alexander II. Here the Chronicle monastery casino of Leone di Ostia and Pietro Diacono and the Norman history of Amato di Montecassino, a major historical work on the Normans in southern Italy. At that time in Cassino there were also a Jewish and a Greek neighborhood [21] [22] . In distant times a Jewish community settled in the old center around S. Germano. In the Montecassino archive, it is documented, that the place of the old Judecca, mentioned the first time in 1232, which gave the name to the square called ‘La Giudecca’, still documented in 1730, is identical to the ‘square or the peel’, called Also ‘Piazza di S. Germano’, and is also identical to the ‘Largo Fontana Rosa’, present in the plant of the pre -war city. Here, in the ancient center of the city, then under development, it will have been the urban nucleus of the Jewish settlement. [23] An Amalfi community was also present in the city made up of traders who lived near the Amalfi square [24] .

Terra di Lavoro map before the unification of Italy.

The power of the abbots was soon limited by the Normans, who ruled the South and therefore also the land of San Benedetto. In 1199, imperial troops besieged the abbey by stopping in the city. Very often San Germano found himself at the center of important events of the Swabian principles, which limited the power of the abbey even more. On 23 July 1230 the city was the place of the signature of peace between Pope Gregory IX and Emperor Federico II in the church of San Germano. In the amphitheater they barricaded thirty -six years after Manfredi’s men, attempting to resist the angioin invader.

The strong earthquake of 1349 shocked central-southern Italy and also hit San Germano on 9 September at 9 am. The epicenter, located in the seismic district of Venafro with an MW 6.62 intensity (X Grade Mercalli), followed in shocks that occurred on the same day at the Eagle (MW 6.46) and in the Viterbo-Umbra area (MW 5.91). San Germano placed about 20 km from the epicenter razed most of the houses placed on the valley to the ground, but those leaning against Montecassino were partly spared. The abbey was consistently damaged. It was repaired in 1366, thanks to the pressures of Pope Urban V, who urged all the Benedictines to participate in the reconstruction. In the 14th century, from Rome it was tried to separate the administration of the city from the monastery by placing a bishop, but the abbots managed to maintain their prerogatives. In 1505 the convent was joined with that of Santa Giustina of Padua. In 1521 there was a revolt of citizens who looted the abbey for days. In 1527 the plague made massacres in the entire Cassinate.

The church of S.Antonio in a period image.

In the following periods there were no remarkable events in the Cassinate to the Napoleonic wars. The troops of the Kingdom of Naples allocated to San Germano, ready to invade the Roman Republic. In 1799 it was occupied by Napoleon’s troops. Also in San Germano, as part of the Kingdom of Naples, a pro-Napoleonic administration was established, but dissent was vast. At the time of retreating from Naples, the French troops devastated the territories that had been occupied by the opponents, including the city of Cassino. Among 15-17 May 1815, moreover, the city was the scenario of the bloody final clash of the Austro-Naples war, with the so-called battle of San Germano, which ended with the victory of the Austrian troops. The city gave birth to the philosopher Antonio Labriola in 1843.

Cassino’s cable car in a period postcard.

From unity to the Second World War [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The Abbey of Montecassino destroyed by the allied bombings of ’44

The city council of San Germano established on 23 May 1863 that the city would return to the ancient Italianized name Cassino. In the same year the city was reached by the railway. In 1866 the new kingdom of Italy I entered the lands of the monasteries. The number of people who gave themselves to brigandage, so much so that a garrison of the army in the city was growing. The reclamation works were also started to remove the danger of flooding and swampy areas. Cassino was part of the province of Terra di Lavoro, in the Sora district, until 1927 when the province of Frosinone was founded.

Ruins of the city of Cassino after the bombing

On May 21, 1930 the cable car that began the previous year that led from the city to the Abbey in 7 minutes was inaugurated, covering a difference in height of over 400 m; It was the first plant of the genre made in the South [25] , as well as the one with a greater length of a span [26] . In July 1943, during a training flight by German planes that had bases at the Aquino airport, a hunt came out with one of the cables of the cable car, causing its detachment and leading to the death of the pilot. The plant was later bombed together with the underlying city of Cassino. The cable car was no longer reconstructed.

The four battles of Cassino (January-May 1944) were among the most important of the Second World War. In Cassino, which was located on the north side of the so -called Gustav line, (line that cut Italy from the Tyrrhenian to the Adriatic, up to Ortona) the Germans were attested, which thus controlled the access routes to Rome; To the south, on the other hand, there were allied troops intent on tracing the peninsula. February 15, 1944 was one of the most black dates: the abbey was razed to the ground by a heavy air bombing. The allies, believing that the abbey itself was a strategic workstation occupied by the Germans, bombed it, killing the population that had taken refuge there. The works of art contained in the abbey were transferred to Rome by the Germans before the bombing, but many disappeared into the journey. Exactly a month later, on March 15, 1944, the city was also literally razed to the ground by the bombings. Citizens were partly displaced. When the allies managed to break through, 54000 losses between the allies and 20,000 among the Germans were counted.

On a population of about 20,000 inhabitants, 2,026 Cassino civilians lost their lives during the conflict. [27]

From the post -war period to today [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The immense losses suffered by the armies engaged in the battles of Cassino led in the immediate post -war period to the creation of three war cemeteries in the municipal area: a Polish cemetery, a COMMONWEALLTH cemetery and a German cemetery.

View of Cassino and the SKF area

Cassino’s reconstruction was an extremely hard period, which lasted practically until the sixties; An epidemic of malaria developed, but there was also great solidarity on the part of the rest of Italy: the children were hosted for a long time by families of the North and there were many donations. Cassino deserved the name of martyr cities for peace and the gold medal for military valor.

The city reconstruction plan was approved in 1946 and built by the architect Giuseppe Nicolosi, in collaboration with the architects Concezio Petrucci and Antonio Gatti [28] . From the reconstruction the premises were created for the process of transforming the production system which, in the 70s, from mainly agricultural it became industrial and then tertiary. Of fundamental importance for Cassino’s rebirth was the constitution, in 1955, of Banca Popolare del Cassinate wanted by the then mayor of Cassino Pier Carlo Restagno. Restagno had sensed the desire for rebirth that animated the city of Cassino and had imagined that a popular bank, administered and directed by local people, could be a valuable contribution for reconstruction and could really animate the resumption of the first artisan, commercial initiatives and entrepreneurial [29] . A further driving element was the realization in 1962 of the Rome-Napoli motorway section. With these premises, important industrial settlements, such as the SKF plant and that of Fiat with its induced, which modified the social and economic fabric of the Cassinate, were carried out in the years to come, important industrial settlements. To this must also be added the creation of the University of Cassino in 1979.

In the meantime, the abbey had also been reconstructed, reconsecrated by Pope Paul VI on October 30, 1964. The Pontiff was not the last to visit the city. In fact, John Paul II went there twice: the first on May 18, 1979 to pray on the tomb of San Benedetto and Santa Scolastica and to visit the Polish military Sacrario; The second time the following year, on September 20, 1980, for a pastoral visit to Cassino and Montecassino. Finally, on May 24, 2009 it was the turn of Benedict XVI [30] .

Since the 1980s, the initiatives to ensure that Cassino became the capital of a new province have been strongly started again. The historical roots of the Municipality of Cassinate, a profound link between the city and the other centers and territories of the ancient land of work and the clear refusal towards the widespread and artificial (as well as incorrect) equation “Ciociaria = province of Frosinone” [thirty first] led to support the creation of a province of Cassino. This was therefore to return an institutional plan to its own identity to the populations of the average and low Valle del Liri-Garigliano, different from the historical roots of the territories of the ancient countryside and pontifical maritime. There were ten bills were presented between 1956 and 2006 [32] .

The dreams of independence from the capital is set aside, today Cassino is a developed industrial and commercial center, however marked by the cyclical crises of the car market that negatively influence the city economy [33] [34] .

Coat of arms [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Stemma di Cassino
The origins of the nine stars

The belief is widespread that the nine stars of the coat of arms represent the nine municipalities of the district of S. Germano, according to the territorial distribution made by the Napoleonic laws at the beginning of the nineteenth century. However, this belief is refuted by the fact that the coat of arms was already existing years earlier: in the State Archives of Naples, in fact, there are dry seals and ink stamps depicting the Cassino coat of arms, whose dates go from 1745 to 1777. It must also be noted that the coat of arms with one or more stars is present in numerous municipalities in the Cassinate: Cervaro has one, Piedimonte S. Germano has three. This definitively excludes the star-comune combination. It is more plausible, therefore, that the number of nine stars in the Cassino coat of arms is simply indicating the greater importance of the city compared to the other local centers: nine, and not eight or ten, only for reasons of graphic symmetry.

The coat of arms of the municipality of Cassino is composed of a shield with nine five -pointed stars arranged on three rows in the blue field and five towers; The shield is surrounded by a golden ribbon that wraps on two sides to form the “supports”.

The crown responds to the canons set by the heraldic technical regulation of the 1905 Araldic Consulta, where the five towers indicate the dignity of “city”. The effigy was created by the sculptor Tamagnini, who between 1927 and 1928 made the bronze coat of arms that was affixed to the top of a large plaque, dedicated to the fallen in war, posted at the entrance of the town hall. The bronze coat of arms was lost in the bombings that destroyed the city.

Honors [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The municipality of Cassino is among the cities decorated with military valor for the war of liberation as it is awarded the gold medal for military valor on February 15, 1949 for the sacrifices of its populations and for its activity in the partisan struggle during the second war world [35]

Medaglia d'oro al valor militare - nastrino per uniforme ordinaria Gold medal for military valor
“Already tested in the remote era by the barbaric destruction of the Lombards, and resurrected and consecrated, it constituted through the centuries with its famous abbey, beacon of science and faith to the people of the world. For long months, between 1943 and 1944, it marked the tormented limit, made of blood and ruin, of the most harsh and long struggle fought by armies on its soil in the name of freedom and civilization against oppression and tyranny. His harsh ordeal, his long martyrdom, his immense ruins were, in the passion of the people for the independence and freedom of the homeland, as an altar of pain for the triumph of justice and the millenary Italian civilization. ”
– Cassino, Montecassino, September 1943 – May 1944

Anniversaries [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • February 15: Anniversary of the destruction of the Abbey of Montecassino
  • March 15: Anniversary of the destruction of Cassino. On a ten -year basis, the city is visited by the President of the Republic in office; The last, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary, was Giorgio Napolitano [36] .
View of the Abbey complex
Interior of the Cathedral of Montecassino.

Religious architectures [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Montecassino abbey [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Founded by San Benedetto by Norcia in the year 529, it is the most famous monastery of Christianity. It rises on the hill overlooking the city of Cassino. Here, the Holy Patriarch founded the famous “rule” that he was unwitting throughout the western world. The monastery, which has undergone four destruction in its millennial history, is known all over the world for the last, which took place on February 15, 1944, in which it was totally razed to the ground by the allied bombings. It was reconstructed after the war “as it was, where she was” and, returning to its original majesty, it is a destination for pilgrimages from all over the world.

Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta and San Benedetto Abate [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The abbey church of Montecassino, also reconstructed together with the Neapolitan Baroque monastery, preserves the relics of San Benedetto and Santa Scolastica inside. It is a cathedral of the territorial abbey of Montecassino.

The Palago Badi Adi [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The Palagio Badiale

The Palagio Badiale stands in Piazza Corte. It was entirely reconstructed after the war by the architect Giuseppe Breccia Fratadocchi, who also cared for the reconstruction of the abbey and the church of Santa Scolastica and used the same limestone [37] . The reconstruction was completed in 1951. Today the Curia of Montecassino is located. [ Even after 2014? ] In the week preceding the day of San Benedetto, it hosts numerous events that culminate on March 21 with the historical procession “Terra Sancti Benedicti”, which begins and ends in the building.

Concatadrale of Santa Maria Assunta, San Salvatore and San Germano [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Located in Piazza San Benedetto located in front of the Palagio Badiale, its foundation dates back to the eighteenth century, when it was a chapel dedicated to San Benedetto. Destroyed during the Second World War, it was reconstructed in modern forms between 1972 and 1977. The main altar with a work of the Crucified Christ of Christ. Since 2018 he has been a co-foundra of the diocese of Sora-Cassino-Saquino-Pontecorvo.

Church of Sant’Antonio of Padua [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The second main church of Cassino, it was the largest parish, dating back to the fifteenth century and made upside down in the 17th century. Before the war destruction showed a Baroque appearance, which was reused in a position for the new construction of the 50s, by Giuseppe Poggi.

Archaeological sites [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Archaeological park of Casinum [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The archaeological park is located at the foot of Montecassino. The area includes the remains of Casinum , the ancient Roman city that was articulated in a series of terraces traveled by roads parallel to each other. The Archaeological Park provides for a path through which they are observed: the megalithic walls, the Campania gate, the buildings, the amphitheater, the so -called mausoleum of Ummidia Quadratilla, the theater, the nymphaeum, passing by multiple sections on the basic road.

Since 2021 he has been director of the “G. Carettoni” National Archaeological Museum and the archaeological area of ​​Casinum, Marco Musmeci [38] .

Roman amphitheater [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]
Aerial view of the Roman Amphitheater of Cassino

The Roman amphitheater was built by the Matrona Ummidia Quadratilla in the first century AD The structure is elliptical in shape with the diameter of the larger side of about 85 meters and the smaller side which reaches a size of 69 meters. Most likely, in the upper part of the amphitheater there were slits whose purpose was to accommodate a series of strips that went to support the sail. It could accommodate about 4500 spectators, arranged on 12 steps.

The neighborhood that today stands at the foot of the amphitheater, precisely because of the presence of the latter, is called “Colosseum”.

Roman theatre [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]
Roman theater of Cassino

The Roman theater is of the Augustan age (27 BC-14 BC); It has the typical Greco-Roman theater scheme, semicircular in shape and with the slope of the mountain which is used for the support of twenty steps. They start again in one The highest cage which includes seven and one Imma Cavea of thirteen steps. Access was guaranteed by a series of covered galleries that led directly to the last step of the structure. Completely forgotten in the medieval period, it was brought to light only in 1936 and was the subject of restoration around the 1950s and subsequently in 2001. It has a capacity of about 2500 seats and is still used in the summer for numerous cultural events and activities, What shows, concerts, outdoor cinema. The theater is located at the intersection of via Crocifisso and via Montecassino.

Megalithic walls [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The inhabited center of Casinum It was surrounded by a vast wall circuit of about 4.5 km. Today, two walls identifiable as pre-Roman buildings are visible inside the park and datable to the V-IV century BC. The remains of a third ring are also visible, which is located below the abbey, also in a polygonal work, with a function of the substruction of the pre -existing buildings.

Bonsuptant road and substructures
Via Latina and Sostruzioni [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Always in the archaeological area, it is possible to visit a branch of about 230 m that connected the ancient Casinum At the Via Latina. The road surface consists of the typical limestone slabs that constituted the the highest crust of the road. On the upstream side of the Roman road, there are two stretches of republican substructions used for the containment of large embankments.

Porta Capuana [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

So called because located in the direction of Capua, the remains of this door are preserved along the route of the Via Latina Nova. On the other hand, traces of the Roman gate that allowed access to the city coming from Rome do not remain.

The mausoleum of Ummidia Quadratilla
Mausoleum of Ummidia Quadratilla [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The powerful structure stands on the south -eastern slopes of Montecassino. Built with large square blocks and perfectly connected without mortar, kept together only by lead staples inside, resisted the wear and tear of time, to earthquakes and, lastly, to the fury of the war, without suffering substantial damage. The origins of the artifact are certainly dark: it is traced back to the first century BC. and the I D.C. Those who have dealt with it have sometimes called him “temple” and sometimes “tomb”. Many scholars attribute the mausoleum to the benefactor Cassinate Ummidia Quadratilla, daughter of the consul Umbo Dumio square; This belief derived from the discovery, which took place in 1757, of an inscription in the nearby amphitheater.

Ninfeo Ponari [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The nymphao Ponari is located in the middle area of ​​the ancient Casinum . It is a building dated I century BC The nymphaeum is semi-inspired in the soil and covered by once in a sesto barrel, it has a rectangular plant, closed on three sides and completely open on the front one. The three walls are moved by the presence of nine niches (three for each wall) with a rectangular plan and flat coverage.

Military architectures [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

ROCCA Janula [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

View of the Rocca Janula after the Restoration

Built in the 10th century by the Abbot Aligerno, it was for centuries the military fulcrum of the Lordship of the land of San Benedetto. Heavily damaged by the bombings of the Second World War, has been the subject of a significant restoration in recent years and still dominates today’s city of Cassino.

War cemeteries [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

At the end of the Second World War, the nations that took part wanted that the thousands of fallen on the Gustav line were buried in the places where their sacrifice was consumed. In their memory in Cassino and several war cemeteries arose in the Cassinate. In addition to the English one, Polish and German, near Cassino we find the Italian military cemeteries (Mignano Monte Lungo) and French (Venafro).

Commonwealth cemetery [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Interior of the Cassino Commonwealth cemetery.

The Cassino war cemetery is a military cemetery located near the campus Folcara University, where the soldiers of the Commonwealth countries fell into the battle of Montecassino during the Second World War rest. There are 4,266 military tombs from the current United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India and Pakistan and a Red Army Soldier. 284 of these soldiers have not been identified. In this cemetery it lies Eric Fletcher Waters, father of Roger Waters, bassist and singer of the historic music group Pink Floyd.

Polish cemetery [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

View from the top of the Polish cemetery

It is placed in a basin behind the hill where the abbey stands and is under the superintendency of the Italian Ministry of Defense. It was built by the same Polish soldiers and inaugurated in early September 1945. He gathered the remains of the soldiers of the II Polish army corps who, driving General Anders, fought in Montecassino in May 1944. Inside the Salmes of 1078 soldiers including those of the general, who wanted to be buried there among his soldiers, and the military chaplain. Part of the Sacrario is reserved for Jewish religion soldiers enrolled in the body. Every May 18 a commemorative day is organized where the remaining survivors, their family members and representatives of the Polish institutions are collected.

Germanic cemetery [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Sculpture placed in the interior of the Germanic cemetery.

The German cemetery instead stands on a hill, called Colle Marino, in Caira. The Sacrario, curated and maintained by a private association and by volunteer German soldiers, collects not only the bodies of the German soldiers who died in Montecassino, but also those found and refined in the provisional war cemeteries of the Italian South (Calabria, Puglia, Basilicata, Molise and Abruzzo), configuring itself as the largest and most important German war cemetery in Italy. More than 20,000 corpses rest, many unknown soldiers. The cemetery was inaugurated in 1965.

Civil architectures [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Palazzo Barone De Rosa [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The building, located in via di Biasio near via Montecassino, is the only building miraculously remained standing despite the bombings that raised the city to the ground. Its construction dates back to the beginning of the nineteenth century and belonged to the family of Barone De Rosa, a Neapolitan entrepreneur who before returning to his hometown sold the building to two families of Cassino. For its strategic position (allowed the time to control the Cassino railway station, as well as access to the city from the national road to Rome and Sora) was occupied, during the Second World War, by a platoon of German parachutists. The military historiography that deals with the battle of Cassino often cites the Palazzo by calling it Hotel des Roses, but in reality it has never been a hotel. After the war he was completely restored due to the damage he had undergone and used as the office of offices and schools.

The Ina-Casino rationalist building.

INA-CASA BUILDING [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The building located in progress of the Republic, designed by the architect Giuseppe Nicolosi, is one of the most significant architectural elements of the city, as it is a shining example of Italian rationalism. It is a multi -storey and multifunctional building of five floors: the ground floor intended for commercial premises, the first floor floor, the second, third and fourth to civilian homes. In addition to being a pivotal building of the reconstruction, it represents an example of Le Corbusier theories on the “residence unit”, in which the residence is considered inseparable by the services that form its immediate complements [39] .

Faculty of economics and jurisprudence [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The building that houses the faculties of economics and jurisprudence of the University of Cassino is one of the most important constructions from the architectural point of view of the contemporary Cassino. It was inaugurated in May 2004 and constitutes the first building of building Campus Folcara. It has a height of over 40 meters and is structured in reinforced concrete and steel. It is divided into thirteen floors above ground. From a functional point of view, it is divided into specialized areas. Above the basement, which contains the technological plants and various services, there is a basement plate, which contains most of the 18 classrooms and the canteen, with a capacity of 300 covers. Higher are the volumes containing the offices of the various departments. The top plate contains the audiovisual centers of the two faculties, organized in two triangular bodies with small individual work rooms, distributed even on two levels around large double height spaces, with partially transparent covers. [40]

Natural areas [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The territory of Cassino is part of the Aurunci Mountains Natural Park.

Albaneta Tenuta di Montecassino

The Albaneta of Montecassino is the abbey hold of the Benedictine Fathers of the Abbey of Montecassino. The property is located behind the famous monastery founded by San Benedetto and inside there are two Benedictine monasteries albeit cliffs, Santa Maria dell’Albaneta and San Matteo Servi dei. The prepositing of Santa Maria dell’Albaneta founded around 980 AD, for centuries it was inhabited by the monastic community where the young monks of Montecassino instructed here. Some quotes speak of a young San Tommaso d’Aquino who would have received part of his monastic instruction here. In the year 1538 San’Ignazio di Loyola stopped in the monastery for about 50 days, writing part of the Jesuit rule. The estate for centuries also provided the existence of the monks themselves, which within the ancient farms of the albaneta, cultivated the land and raised animals, mostly cattle with the help of numerous settlers who lived in rural homes still present. During the Second World War he was the scene of harsh clashes, in the so -called battle of Montecassino, where many Polish soldiers lost their lives. The estate holds three war monuments in memory of the valiant soldiers. Immediately after the war, the monastic community resumed the farms and crops, until the 80s. Today the entire estate of the albaneta is the subject of a vast redevelopment and enhancement project by the entrepreneur Daniele Miri, conductor of the ownership of the abbey of Montecassino. Here the Montecassino beer was reborn, presented in 2020 at the international press. In fact, many quotes report that the oldest beer in Europe would be born in Montecassino. More information on the abbey seal. [41]

Municipal villa [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The municipal villa, renamed Park XV March 1944 (date of the destruction of Cassino), is the main public park in the city. It is equipped with large green spaces and crossed by two branches of the Gari river that meet giving life to the suggestive lake invaded by nice nutrie. It is equipped with tree -lined avenues, benches and play areas for children and is very popular with people of all ages. It also hosts sporting and cultural events. In August 2011, the main wide of the park was dedicated to Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, while all the avenues were dedicated to the escort agents who were killed in the mafia attacks of Capaci and via D’Amelio in 1992 (we therefore find via Francesca Morvillo, via Agostino Catalano, via Walter Eddie Cosina, via Rocco Dicillo, via Vincenzo Li Muli, via Emanuela Loi, via Antonio Montanaro, via Vito Schifani, via Claudio Traina). The intent was to create a path that you remember daily the teaching received by these men and respect for those who died to defend the state and the idea of ​​justice. The villa is in the center of Cassino; The main entrance is located on Corso della Repubblica. The other accesses are from via Arigni, via Gari and via di Biasio.

Parco Baden Powell [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Inaugurated in 2014, it is the second city park. It is located in the area where the Boario camp stood, in which the cattle market once took place. Today, in addition to a children’s play area, the associations operating in the municipal area are based there. Given the centrality of the park, it is often used as the seat of events and manifestations.

Varronian spa [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The water springs at the Varronian Terme.

The Varronian spas are a suggestive natural-terminal park born after the war near the sumptuous villa that belonged to Marco Terenzio Varrone. They are located in the area of ​​the territory of Cassino called “Monticello”, at the railway station. The springs of the Varronian spas is classified as the largest in Italy. From here flow thousands of sources that generate one of the branches of the Gari river. The flow is estimated to be 18 cubic meters per hour. The water temperature is 13 degrees. The waters, classified as “cold medium -ineal bicarbonate”, are diuretic and indicated for various gastric, kidney and liver diseases, as well as to relieve gout.

The park today houses an hydropinic factory, the congress room-bust room, the concert area and the camping international, equipped with a picnic area and sports activities. The streams are rich in fauna such as trout, carpions, eels and lamps.

Sorgenti del Gari [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

They are located in the center, behind the Mother Church, in Piazza Corte. From this point stands the Gari river which, after an underground stretch, re -emerges in the municipal villa.

Other monuments [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Peace monument [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The peace monument of Umberto Mastroianni in Piazza XV February.

The sculpture is the work of the artist Umberto Mastroianni. It was inaugurated in 1987 and placed not far from the Rocca Janula where, consequently to the recovery of the fortress, the Peace Park should have arisen. In Cassino there is also a second reproduction of the sculpture which is located in Piazza XV February, in the center of the city. The monument, made of steel, weighing about 100 tons, consists of tangled tubular elements which, starting from a central nucleus, invade the surrounding space. It faces the drama of the destruction of Cassino and its millenary abbey, proposing not the effects of the battle – ruins, fallen or the despair of those who remain – but the triggering cause, which is, moreover, the primary nucleus of every modern war conflict : the explosion of a bomb.

Monument to Enrico Toti [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Located in the central Piazza Enrico Toti, the monument is composed of a bronze statue depicting the extreme gesture in which the Italian hero of the First World War, already wounded, throws the crab towards the enemy, just before being hit to death, On August 6, 1916 at Monfalcone. The monument was inaugurated in 2008. The statue, the work of the sculptor of Anagni Egidio Ambrosetti, seals that “blood red thread” that binds the martyred city to Enrico Toti: not only because his family originates here (his father Nicola was a Cassino railway worker), but above all because both of the honor and pain of knowing the devastations, the dead, the horrors of the war in the supreme degrees.

Statue of San Benedetto [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Placed at the north entrance of the city, it is an imposing bronze work of the Roman sculptor Giuseppe Ducrot. About 3 1/2 m tall and laid on a huge stone base, it was placed in the city in 2009 on the occasion of the visit of the Pope Benedict XVI. It was recently enhanced following the works that affected the area and was located inside the access roundabout north of the city [42] .

Pace bell [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

It is located on the bridge of the four battles on the Gari river in the hamlet of Sant’Angelo in Theodice. It was established on May 18, 2008 in memory and gratitude of the fallen of January 1944 on the Gari river, theater of the first battle of Cassino. The bell built by Severino De Santis was merged at the Pontifical Fondia Marinelli of Agnone. It weighs 1380 kg, has a base diameter of 132 cm. Every evening at 5.00 pm the bell sounds 30 chinses in memory of the heroes of the belligerent nations, and in historical anniversaries it sounds a stretch for three minutes at 12.00.

Demographic evolution [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Inhabitants surveyed [43]

Religion [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The population professed for the most part the Catholic religion and affixes the diocese of Sora-Cassino-Saquino-Pontecorvo, but until 2014 it was part of the territorial abbey of Montecassino.

Foreign ethnic groups and minorities [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

At 31 December 2017, 2 202 foreign citizens are residents in Cassino. The most numerous nationality are the following [44] :

Languages ​​and dialects [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The Cassinese dialect is substantially Campania, being the city belonging to the kingdom of Naples in the past and then to the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (until 1860) and confining with the Alto Casertano. However, the Cassinese is linked to the speech of nearby Campania almost exclusively in terms of the lexicon, which has remained very influenced precisely by virtue of the historical events mentioned above, while it is different for some particularities concerning above all the pronunciation and accent, which They are closer to those of the neighboring dialects of the southwestern sector of Molise (in the nearby city of Venafro the speech is very similar), as well as in part to the Marsican Abruzzo ones. Even in nearby Formia, for example, the emphasis is equally similar Although Formiano incorporates an influence at times Apulian because of the presence of numerous fishermen mainly from Lake Lesina [ without source ] .

Unlike other dialects of the neighboring countries, the Cassinese dialect also shares with the dialect of Frosinone the use of the verb to be as auxiliary where the Italian provides for the use of the verb to have ( fat to say I did , you are capitis to say did you understand ). However, the use of the verb has also widespread in the spoken of the city to have in the same contexts: you can feel indifferently, so , to say I did , but also aid done . The Vocabulary of the Cassinese dialect is almost entirely Neapolitan: ” Bed” , for example, it is said ” LIKED ” (like in Naples), ” ready ” it is said ” sealed ” (like in Naples), ” Tomorrow” it is said ” Demande ” (as in Naples) and so on. An element, however, in which the Cassinate dialect approaches the dialect of the capital, especially if compared to the idioms spoken in the province of Caserta, it is the use of the male decisive article giu , for sections identical to many speakers of the province of L’Aquila and similar to the Frosinate the , widely widespread in the central-northern Lazio area as well as in some countries of the province of Rome, while in nearby Caserta, determinative articles are frequent RO It is ru (for example, the latter, in nearby Galluccio).

In recent years, dialect has been enriched with numerous neologisms, which were not part of the classic Cassinese dialect, and especially in young people tends to penetrate some elements of Roman origin, given the remarkable frequentation of the capital. The most genuine pronunciation of the vowels of the local Italian has numerous Campania elements, often absent in neighboring dialects, such as the closure of the “uo” diphthong or the opening of the suffixes in “-Mènto”, and this constitutes a testimony of the fort link with the rest of southern Lazio and nearby Campania, still felt by the older generations: however, for the combined influence of the Romanesque and standard Italian, the younger generations tend to prefer a pronunciation without the most markedly Lazio southern traits , even from the point of view of the accent, in which the influence of the aforementioned central-northern and median Lazio dialects in general becomes stronger and stronger. According to the Maccarone, in its wide study on the dialects of Cassino and Cervaro, it belongs to the Neapolitan municipality with some characteristic of the Abruzzo dialects (in particular for phonetics) and Lazio [45] .

The Cassinese dialect is part of the VAT area including southern Lazio dialects.

The sonnet Old cassino , by the writer Cassinate Gino Salveti, is representative of the typical elements of Cassino’s dialect.

«Addo ‘Saiut Tu, Vasso Cassinë,
with the Cellö Woman and She Bancel Carrozzelë
tank ice cream chianchetellë,
take court, La lecna e giulia Shell on …

Added ‘YouToë Tu, old Cassinë,
And addo ‘was all that people
who without you died badly
SheChored noth heavily closely!

“Under the pensas cchiù… fatte ‘stu brora,
Ass-ass Corsica tombough,
‘This is a beautiful tripe … sientë s sie’ che amorë! ”

Ma a me n’mmenetè. Sent’n addorë
Glad it was caurmarine living …
Of Magnasa mo ‘sulë gliu cor! »

( Gino Salveti, “Vecchia Cassino” )
Detail of the linguistic situation of southern Lazio. In pink the median dialects (Roman, central-northern Lazio, Sabino), in Magenta the southern dialects (Lazio southern, Campania, western Abruzzo).

In the reading, the series, almost interminable almost, of It is mute, which remain mute also in the body of the word (example: the Italian word “finished”, becomes in dialect lady , but we read Fnuta). The It is Instead, they remain intact in front of the group gl , always in the body of the word (example: the word Caurarial (in Italian “Calderone”) in the pronunciation loses the It is final, but keeps the It is preceding the group gl ; The pronunciation becomes, therefore, cauaries’).

Proverbs and called in Cassinese dialect
  • Who I struggle Magnä, who does not, magn’e berë! (Whoever works eats, who does not, eat and drink).
  • JuLTTA C Pignatä Guli Sof Cuciarë (The facts of Pignatta knows the spoon), in essence, appearances, even if they count, have no definitive value.
  • Vóruocccholes and Figs Sheets (The broccoli is the son of the leaf) Said of those who belong to a race: it will never change.
  • Gliu comes sta bbuon sort alla votes (The wine is fine in the barrel).
  • GLI Sazië Nasor – ANCRER) (The sazio does not believe in those who are fasting), that is, those who are fine, cannot understand the suffering of those who are sick.
  • AGGIA IUTA SAZZIA OF SODIUN TURNETS (I went to know and went back hungry), it is used to say when lunch was poor.
  • He sees shot white with Lla skorettë (He ate the broth with the fork), it is used to say when hopes find reality only in dreams.
  • If Misses quatt’On Gend Zit (He put four eggs on the plate), said of those who adequately settled.

Traditions and folklore [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

On July 9, the procession is held in honor of the Madonna Assunta. From 5 in the morning the statue of the Madonna goes around the city parishes of the city followed by the faithful who thank her for the end of the plague that took place on 9 July 1837 [forty six] .

Institutions, entities and associations [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The Palace of Justice in Piazza Labriola

The Court of Cassino was established by law on 17 February 1861. Since September 2013 it has been located in three locations: the main one is located in Piazza Labriola, the second is located in the premises of the former “Cinema Teatro Arcobaleno” in via Tasso and the Third, since September 2013, has been hosted in the premises of the former “G. Diamare” middle school, in via S. Marco. All the locations are located in the city center. The headquarters in Piazza Labriola hosts the presidency, the bankruptcy stationery office, the civil chancellery, the registry of volunteer jurisdiction, the tutelary judge, all the criminal chancellers, the investigating judge, the council of the forensic order, the hearing classrooms, The Court of Assizes as well as the Public Prosecutor’s Office. The headquarters in via Tasso hosts the offices of the Chancellery Lavoro, Chancellery for securities and real estate executions, Strollio Chancellery and also the office of the Justice of the Peace and the judicial officers. The Court of Cassino also includes the detached headquarters of Sora, established in 1999. From 13 September 2013, in compliance with the law on the reorganization of the courts, the Court of Cassino has merged the suppressed court of Gaeta and the detached headquarters of Sora [47] .

  • The “Santa Scolastica” Civil Hospital is located in San Pasquale and can be reached from the appropriate junction on the S.S.V. Sora-Cassino-Formia. It was inaugurated in April 2006, replacing the old “Gemma de Bosis” hospital. The structure consists of five floors, with a total volume of 147,000 cubic meters and a equipment of eight operating rooms, a diagnostic diagnostic department and an accommodation capacity of about 300 beds. It is also equipped with a heliport for the urgent transport of patients in other hospital facilities.
  • The San Raffaele Hospital is an accredited nursing home with the health service of the Lazio Region. It is located in via di Biasio near the Roman amphitheater. It specializes in neuromotor rehabilitation and has a capacity of about 300 beds. It also hosts the degree course in Nursing Sciences in agreement with the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” [48] .
80º R.A.V. “Roma”

The 80th Volunteer Training Regiment “Rome” is a regiment of the Italian Army specialized in the professional training of Sergeant Students from the troop staff in permanent service (volunteers in permanent service). It depends on the School of the Viterbo Army School and is framed in the application school. It consists of a regiment command, a logistical support company and a training battalion [49] .

Dante Alighieri, Paradiso [50]

That mountain to which Cassino is in La Costa
It was already frequented in the Cima
from the deceived and poorly arranged people

And that I who left you before
the name of the one who ‘in earth added
The truth that so much soblima.

Already flourishing center in Roman times, Cassino’s cultural flowering must certainly be the push received by the Benedictine monastery, which became a real lighthouse for European culture throughout the Middle Ages. Among the most important works produced in the monastery, we remember the Chronicle holy monastery Casinensis of Leone di Ostia and Pietro Diacono and the Norman history of Amato di Montecassino, a major historical work on the Normans in Southern Italy. In the twentieth century there were several intellectuals, writers and poets, who distinguished themselves on the national scene. New impulse was given by the institution of the University, with the aim of continuing the humanistic and cultural tradition carried out over the centuries by the Abbey of Montecassino.

Instruction [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Schools [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In addition to numerous elementary and middle schools, in Cassino all the main secondary education addresses of II degree are based in Cassino, who receive students from all over the Cassinate and, therefore, also from Campania and Molise.

In recent years, contingent to the nascent campus Folcara, a real educational center has come to create, which includes the state industrial technical institute and the scientific high school.

The project is active in the municipality Piedibus , which aims to promote exercise in children.

University [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The building that houses the faculties of economics, jurisprudence and motor sciences

The University of Cassino and Southern Lazio has been based in Cassino since 1979. It is one of the medium -sized universities with its approximately 12,000 members coming, as well as from Lazio, also from Campania and Molise. It counts 5 faculties:

  • faculty of Literature and Philosophy
  • Faculty of Economics
  • Faculty of Law
  • College of Engineering
  • Faculty of motor sciences

In Folcara, not far from the center, the Campus , which in the future will group all the university locations and the student’s house, which are located in various points of the city. Since 2004, the faculties of jurisprudence, economics and motor sciences have been based at Folcara. The accommodations that will host the student’s house and the building that will host the faculty of letters and philosophy are in the process of completing.

Cassino also hosts detached offices of the Sapienza of Rome and the University of Tor Vergata.

Museums [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The entrance of the “G. Carnttoni” Archaeological Museum
National Archaeological Museum “Gianfilippo Carittoni”

The Archaeological Museum preserves a series of finds that certify the fact that the Cassinate area was already inhabited in the period of the Iron Age, but also objects belonging to the period of expansion of the Roman Empire. All the finds preserved were found in the Cassinate territory. The museum also includes an archaeological area, in which there is the tomb of Ummidia Quadratilla and part of the ancient via Latina and the Roman amphitheater.

Historial of Cassino

It was a completely innovative museum born in the sixty -year of the battle of Montecassino, with the aim of telling the historical events that led Cassino to become a crucial center of the Second World War in Italy. It was conceived and created by Officina Rambaldi. Inside, auditory and visual stresses in the thematic spaces specifically set up, they aimed at full involvement of the visitor, making the visit a unique experience, attractive and suitable for any age. The scenographic and artistic path, which also adapted to the type of visitors, unfolded between special and multimedia effects, projection systems on casts, on screens, optical theaters and Internet areas for information and learning bases, so much so that it makes the Historial definition as a simple museum. The slogan of the Historial played, in fact: “It is a museum, it is an exhibition, it is a film […] is a story of story”. The Historial has been closed since 30 September 2017, when at the expiry of the museum management, the Municipality did not launch new tenders, and the museum was therefore closed. [51]

Cassino Museum Contemporary Art

Inaugurated in October 2013, Camusac – Cassino Museo Arte Contemporanea is located on via Casilina Nord, near the roundabout on which the bronze statue of San Benedetto is present. At the moment it houses over 250 works of contemporary art.

Libraries [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The Library of the Monastery of Montecassino.
  • The National Monument Library of Montecassino, located inside the Abbey, houses a conspicuous heritage, for the most part self -produced, consisting of 25,000 ancient volumes (of which 198 incunables and about 3,000 five hundred) and 85,000 modern volumes [52] . The Placiti Cassinese are also preserved, the first official documents in the Italian vulgar language.
  • University libraries:
    • Legal-economic area: it is located at the Polo Folcara and contains about 30,000 volumes (monographs and collective works) and over 350 subscriptions to Italian and foreign periodicals. The library has a 90 -seater consultation room, equipped with Internet access stations for consulting the catalog on line and electronic resources [53] .
    • Engineering area: has over 6,000 specific volumes for the disciplines of engineering, as well as almost 200 subscriptions to periodicals and the complete collection of CEI and UNI standards. The library, which is located on the first floor of the engineering faculty, has a 60 -seater consultation room, equipped with Internet access stations for consulting the catalog on line and electronic resources [54] .
    • Humanistic area: includes about 56,000 volumes and 600 subscription magazines. The library (located at the headquarters in via Zamosch) has a 64 -seater room [55] .

Media [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Press [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • The investigation [56]
  • The province
  • Cassino today
  • The point at noon [57]

Radio [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • RadioCassinostereo [58]
  • Jolly FM

Television [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

theater [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Until 1943, the city of Cassino had the prestigious Manzoni municipal theater, which was totally razed to the ground by the bombings of the Second World War, so much so that not even the perimeter walls survived. After the post -war period, the “Cinema Teatro Arcobaleno” was created by private individuals (now home to the municipal library), active from 1950 until the early 1980s. For more than 30 years, the territory of Cassinate has undergone a lack of a municipal theater, understood as a place of cultural growth and aggregation. The only theatrical performances were held in the summer season at the Roman theater, which still hosts numerous events in summer. In 2008, finally, the city was able to get back its municipal theater which was symbolically called the Teatro Manzoni. The Manzoni Theater is a multipurpose room, inaugurated in 2008. It stands in the central Piazza Diamare, adjacently to the church of S. Antonio. It has a capacity of 700 seats and hosts numerous events during the year, theatrical works of prose and lyrics, comedies, concerts, dance essays, conferences. Since 2012 the multipurpose room also acts as a cinema.

In Cassino there is also the Cut Theater School (theater university center).

Cinema [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The city, like many other Italian and European realities, has undergone the crisis of cinemas since the early 1980s. In the 70s, in fact, the offer was made up of three cinemas: the rainbow, the most large, which also served as the theater; the modern, on Corso della Repubblica; And the rapid, the smallest of the three, but the only one to survive until the early years 2010. The rainbow in the 90s hosted a commercial gallery, after which it became (and still is) the seat of the municipal library and to Some offices of the Court. The former modern is owned by the BPC, which has implanted the Cassino central agency right there. As already mentioned above, the only Manzoni Theater offered a film on the big screen.

Kitchen [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Although the belief, among its own citizens, is widespread, that Cassino does not have its own culinary tradition, the Cassinate cuisine has, on the other hand, a centuries -old tradition, not elaborated with respect to the canons of contemporary gastronomy, but generated by a southern social ethnology with unmistakable indigenous typicality [59] . Traditional gastronomy is linked to a disappeared farmer world, in which it was possible to transform the products of the earth into simple but unmistakable dishes.

Among the first courses we find, so, Fasulë and Taglierglië (beans and cutters), cicï and taglierglië (chickpeas and cutters), spaghettï e vëruoccle (spaghetti and broccoli), Pulent with Gli Pastardunï (polenta with black broccoli), Cavulaffiore (pasta and cauliflower), warped rout and bang (black broccoli soup and cod). Among the seconds, there are the ciammirojoira in the fish (snails to the Cassinese), gl’abbuotö (the accommodation) sausage containing lamb coins, the frightened with (omelette with coral), mouth Captittö Caciol and Ovä (the kid of the cheese and eggs), Guli canisonens in Cassinese (the Cassinese chestnut, a sheet of cheese and salami),), gili chanion with the ietë (Browse stuffed with chard, black olives, capers, anchovies and chilli pepper), cucuzeau jls to scapecë (Zucchini at the Scapece). Finally, among the typical desserts, we find the Susamelle (of the Christmas biscuits in the shape of S known throughout the district), the pine cone (typical of the Easter period), the house, the cicerchiata (with the presence of variants that makes it more similar to Stuffoli, also taking into account the fact that it is customary to prepare it in the Christmas period), in addition to the pastiera (at Easter) and the Mostaccioli (at Christmas) [60] [sixty one] .

The ancient center of Cassino at the foot of the Rocca Janula.

Urban planning [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The events of the Second World War have canceled almost every sign of its ancient past. Until the unification of Italy, the city presented itself as a compact fabric of medieval origin with three doors on the walls: Porta Romana, Porta San Giovanni, Porta d’Abruzzo and two external poles represented by the churches of Sant’Antonio and the Carmine. In 1863 Cassino was crossed by the Roma-Napoli railway. Following the violent earthquake of 1915, the city, which had remained deeply damaged, began a profound renewal of its urban fabric: the two religious buildings once outside the urban center were incorporated and transformed into aggregative poles of the new fabric according to the directors of Development drawn from the 1916 regulatory plan, thanks to which the station and the new station pole of the station viale of the station, identified as a new development axis, came to the welding between the old center and the new center of the station.

Ruins of the Carmine church

Completely razed to the ground by the bombings, Cassino has been deprived of its most significant buildings and historical stratifications; Without trace of its urban structure, as well as historical memory due to the loss of most of the documentary sources, the city laboriously began the work of reconstruction during which several proposals for reconstruction plans were advanced. However, as happened in other areas of Italy, the rule of the “accomplished fact” was accepted on the wave of the emergency, allowing the spontaneous construction of buildings, often on the rubble of the destroyed buildings. The common element of the various plan proposals, however, was the abandonment of the medieval area and the respect of some development lines already identified by the 1916 regulatory plan.

In 1946 the plan of the architect Giuseppe Nicolosi was approved, in collaboration with the architects Petrucci and cats, the realization of which, however, will be late ten years due to variants and extensions, due to both the pressures of the owner citizens, and for the political choices dictated by the emergency of those years. In fact, the main road axes were kept, even if expanded and rectified; Some buildings of worship were rebuilt on the original site; Basically the new city was structured according to development directives close and perpendicular to the Road Axis of the Casilina, along the Rome-Napoli director, considering that the railway, located in the southern part of the urban nucleus, was actually a border line to the fabric building.

Cassino in full reconstruction. The two main road axes are clearly visible: Corso della Repubblica (right) and via Casilina (left, which takes the name of via E. De Nicola in the city).
The Colosseum neighborhood seen from the archaeological area. The locality of Folcara is visible in the background, with the university center and the Cassino paper mill.

Today, at a superficial view, the center of Cassino can be the product of a single historical period, that of post-war reconstruction. However, from a more careful analysis, two distinct phases can be identified: that of the actual reconstruction of the 1940s and 1950s (of which some examples of convenient construction as well as architectural importance are emblematic, such as the inhabited building Corso della Repubblica house, designed by Nicolosi himself and an example of rational architecture) and that of economic growth, since the 1960s, often governed by logic, only economic, investment and profit and which has led to a disordered growth and a excessive soil consumption [62] .

Historical subdivisions [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Neighborhoods, districts, locations, districts, hamlets
  • Antridonati, Caira, Capodacqua, Casilina Nord, Sudlina Sud, Cavallo, Morrone chapel, Cerro Tartari, Cesa Martino, Driver, Colle Canne, Carmine, Collecendro, Colosseo, Dante, De Biasio, Faio, Falasca, Ferrovieri, Folcara, Fountain Livia-Solfegna, Fontanarosa, Fossa dei Serpenti, Gargano Ricci, Giure, Malfa, Mandrines, Mastronardi, Monaci, Monaci, Monte, Montecassino, Montemaggio, Monterotondo, Monticello, Palumbo, Pascoli-D’Annunzio, Panacioni, Pietà, Pietà, Ponte , Ponte Marozzo, fifth bridge, Holy Family-Station, San Bartolomeo, San Cesareo, San Domenico, San Giovanni-Vetica, San Marco, San Michele, San Nicola, San Pasquale, San Silvestro-Chiesa Mother, Sant’Antonio-via Arigni , Selvone, Selvotta, Sferracavalli, Sant’Angelo in Theodice, Sant’Antonino, Sinagoga, Three pumps, Vaglie. [63] [sixty four] [65] [66] [sixty seven] [68]
The city economy is mainly based on industry and tertiary. [ without source ]

Great push to the industrialization of the territory was given by the Fiat plant in Cassino, located in the territory of Piedimonte San Germano, by the Swedish SKF plant, the paper mills of Cassino and Villa Santa Lucia and other plants concentrated more in the industrial area of ​​Cassino -Villa Santa Lucia-Piedimonte San Germano. In the industrial area, the Co.S.I.LA.M. (Consortium for the industrial development of southern Lazio) born with the aim of promoting investments in the Cassinate territory.

Of fundamental importance in the city economy are the Court of Cassino and the University of Cassino and southern Lazio, which guarantee the influx of thousands of people in the city. The University in particular offers great potential to local companies and the territory, both for the possibility of recruiting specialist professional figures, but also for the acquisition of qualified consultancy. Very important for the city economy is the weekly market that takes place on Saturday morning in Piazzale Miranda and in some streets of the center and which recalls thousands of people from all over Cassinate. [ without source ]

Below is the historical table elaborated by Istat with the themed “local units”, understood as the number of active companies, and employees, intended as the number of employees of local active companies (average annual values). [69]

2015 2014 two thousand and thirteen
Number of active companies % Provincial Active Companies % Regional active companies Number of employees % Provincial employee % Regional employees Number of active companies Number of employees Number of active companies Number of employees
Cassino 3.266 9.72% 0.72% 10.251 9.62% 0.67% 3.252 10.195 3.308 10.479
Frosinone 33.605 7.38% 106.578 6.92% 34.015 107.546 35.081 111.529
Lazio 455.591 1.539.359 457.686 1.510.459 464.094 1.525.471

In 2015 the 3,266 companies operating in the municipal area, which represented 9.72% of the provincial total (33,605 active companies), occupied 10,251 employees, 9.62% of the provincial data; On average, each company in 2015 occupied just over three employees (3:14).

Tourism [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Cassino is mainly subject to religious tourism and memory. The most popular destinations for tourists who arrive in the martyr city are the abbey, the Historial and the cemeteries of war, places with a strong attractive power for their symbolic-sacral value. In particular, the Montecassino abbey in the period 1996-2010 was visited on average by about 570,000 visitors per year, [70] confirming himself as one of the places of the greatest tourist influx of Lazio outside of Rome. Overall, however, despite the great potential of Cassino and the Cassinate territory, tourism is a resource still little exploited on an economic level. Cassino, in fact, is a destination mostly of daily hiking flows, which are often not integrated with the local economic system and, therefore, cause a few benefits to the city economy.

The city of Cassino represents, geographically and historically represents an important road and railway hub, a crossroads between the Lazio, Abruzzo, Molise and Campania regions.

Roads [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The city is served by the homonymous toll booth placed along the A1 Milan-Napoli motorway and is crossed by the S.S.6 Casilina and the S.S.V. SS509 SORA-CASSINO-formy, which connects the city with the Tyrrhenian coast and with Avezzano in Abruzzo.

Railway [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The Municipality of Cassino is located on the Roma-Cassino-Napoli railway section and is also connected to Abruzzo through the Roccasecca-Avezzano section.

Aerial view of the station

The city is served by two stations:

Urban mobility [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Urban and interurban transport of Cassino is ensured by autoservices managed by Cotral and CLP. The public service within the Municipality is under concession to the Magni and Mastntoni companies.

Between 1930 and 1943 the cable car for Montecassino was active, destroyed during the Second World War [71] .

City Hall

In 1927, following the reorganization of the provincial circumscriptions established by the Royal Decree no. 1 of 2 January 1927, by the will of the fascist government, when the province of Frosinone was established, Cassino passed from the province of Terra di Lavoro to that of Frosinone.

Between 1956 and 2006, ten bills were presented to ensure that Cassino became the capital of a new province: the parliamentary proposals were presented by the Ondelucci ON.LI (1956); Picano (1984); Pecoraro Scanio (1996), Testa (1997), Magliocchetti (1997) (the latter supported by birth in 1999 of the Masl, South Lazio autonomist movement), Tofani (2004), La Starza-Conte (2004) and, finally, from On.le Formisano (2006); The regional initiatives were taken by Director Gentile (1993) and by the Vitelli-Colpardi Directors (1998) [32] .

On 20 June 2016 Carlo Maria D’Alessandro (center -right) was elected mayor of the Municipality of Cassino for the first time after the ballot with the center -left candidate, as well as the outgoing mayor, Giuseppe Golini Petrarcone (center -left). [72] On February 22, 2019 D’Alessandro left his assignment to the prefect commissioner Benedetto Basile, after the fall of the city council. [seventy three] The ballot between Enzo Salera (Pd) and Mario Abbruzzese (Forza Italia), following the elections of 26 May, with the victory of the center -left candidate, is held on 9 June. [74]

Twinning [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • GermaniaZehlendorf, dal 1969 [75]
  • PoloniaZamość, Dal 1969 [75]
  • FranciaFalaise, dal 1974 [75]
  • PoloniaTychy, Dal 1977 [75]
  • SerbiaLeash, Dal 1981 [75]
  • ItaliaVenafro, since 1983 (twinning of the youth communities that follow the two city football realities)
  • CanadaNorth York, dal 1987 [75]
  • Rep. CecaKarlovy Vary, Dal 1991 [75]
  • ItaliaOrtona, since 1991 [75]
  • AustraliaCasino, since 1997 [75]
  • ItaliaCavarzere, since 1998 [75]
  • MaltaSenglea, this 2003 [76]
  • ItaliaLeno, gave 2005
  • ItaliaZogno, since 2009 (twinning of school groups)

Athletics [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Soccer [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • A.S.D. Cassino 1924 (social white colors) which, in the year 2022-2023, plays in the Serie D male championship. [78]
  • A.S.D. Real Cassino (Green White Social Colors) which, in the year 2022-2023, plays in the male promotion championship. [79]

Basketball [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Volleyball [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • A.S.D. Cassino Volley, representative of militant men’s volleyball in Serie D.

Other sports [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Several other sports disciplines practiced in Cassino: CUS carries out activities of: Athletics, Tennis, Fencing, Swimming and Kayak. Numerous other companies that practice: athletics, swimming, tennis, rugby, boxing, martial arts, rhythmic gymnastics (3 schools in the area), artistic gymnastics, volleyball, golf and archery. The city has grown sporty thanks to the presence of the faculty of motor sciences.

The rallytical tradition is very strong. The rally Di Cassino, organized for the first time in 1976, was one of the first in Lazio. In the 1980s, the Cassino-Monte Cassino special test was very popular. After a 10 -year long stop, the competition returned to Cassino in 2001 reaching the greatest prestige with the “Rally Lirenas”, stage of the International Rally Cup. Between 2006 and 2011 new long stop. Finally, the competition returned to the shadow of the abbey in 2011 with the Rally “City of Cassino” .

Cassino has been several times a place of passage of the Giro d’Italia of cycling. On May 15, 2014 he hosted the arrival of the 6th stage of the 97th Giro d’Italia, Sassano – Montecassino, the longest of the 2014 edition of the Giro with its 247 km (which became 261 due to a deviation of the route due to A landslide in the province of Salerno [82] ); The stage will be remembered for a maxi fall that took place on the outskirts of Cassino, in which many cyclists suffered wounds and some even fractures [83] . Furthermore, Cassino was the starting point of the 6th stage of the Giro d’Italia 2019 with arrival in San Giovanni Rotondo; The stage was won by Fausto Masnada with Valerio Conti new pink jersey.

In 2013 the city hosted the 77th edition of the national university championships, organized by Cus Cassino.

In 2016, the world championship championships of Campestre Race, organized by Cus Cassino were held.

There is also a paragliding club (Voliberocassino) with a school certified by the Aeroclub of Italy.

Sport facilities [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In a Cassino in full reconstruction, a sports center was inaugurated in 1967 that stood on an area of ​​5 hectares at the cross between via Appia Nuova and via Casilina Sud. The center, originally, included a sports field with athletic track and a sports hall. Subsequently, two regulatory football fields for football youth teams were added to the surrounding area, one in grass and one in beat, several tennis courts of which one covered and another field used for the practice of archery . The municipal swimming pool, near the stadium, has never been completed. Overall, the city of Cassino suffers from the lack of municipal sports facilities suitable for today’s canons. The main municipal sports facilities are listed below:

  • “Gino Salveti” stadium, located in the sports center, has a capacity of 4100 seats.
  • Palazzetto dello Sport, located in the sports center, has an ability of about 1000 spectators.
  • Colosseum neighborhood stadium, has a capacity of about 800 seats.
  • “Franco Nappa” sports field, located in the San Bartolomeo district.
  • “San Basilio” sports field, in the Caira hamlet.
  • “Giampaolo Fazio” sports field, in the hamlet of Sant’Angelo in Theodice.
  • Sports field “Cucedro”, in the homonymous locality of the hamlet of Sant’Angelo in Theodice.

Other sporting complexes

  • Haway Sport of Cassino, private sports center
  • Sporting Club Cassino, private sports center
  • Azzurra Sport Village, private sports center
  • “Lamberto Collari” International Circuit, Migiutodromo di MotoroLismo
  1. ^ a b Monthly demographic budget year 2022 (temporary data) . are , State.
  2. ^ Seismic classification ( XLS ), are .
  3. ^ Table of the degrees/day of the Italian municipalities grouped by region and province ( PDF ), in Law August 26, 1993, n. 412 , attached a , National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, 1 March 2011, p. 151. URL consulted on April 25, 2012 (archived by URL Original 1 January 2017) .
  4. ^ Dipi Online – Dictionary of Italian pronunciation . are . URL consulted on August 7, 2015 (archived by URL Original on 9 October 2018) .
  5. ^ Gino de Vecchis (edited by), For a geography of Lazio , Bologna, 2007, p. 8.
  6. ^ Varrone, Latin , VII, 28-29
  7. ^ Varrone, Latin , VII, 29
  8. ^ Royal Decree of 26 July 1863, n. 1425 , in Official Gazette , September 5, 1863.
  9. ^ Pre -Roman Italy. Lazio sites: Cassino . , in The world of archeology (Treccani), 2004
  10. ^ “Casino” The Oxford Classical Dictionary , New York, 1999
  11. ^ a b M. Di Fazio, I Volsci, a “liquid” people in ancient Lazio , Edizioni Quasar, pp. 59-62.
  12. ^ On the Sabina dei Volsci origin, see: F. Coarelli, Rome, I Volsci and the ancient Lazio . in Crisis and transformation of the archaic societies of ancient Italy in the 5th century BC. JC. Acts of the Rome round table (19-21 November 1987) , Rome, French school in Rome, 1990, pp. 135-154.
  13. ^ Dora Cirone and Alessandro De Cristofaro, Cassino between Volsci, Samniti and Romans: new data from the excavation in the locality of Agnone , in Eugenio Polito (edited by), Casinum town, Atti della Giornata di Studi its Cassino E Roman , Cassino, Cassino, Municipal Library, 2007, pp. 43-68.
  14. ^ Sandra Gatti e Francesco Maria Cifarelli, I Volsci: a new perspective , in Orizzonti: Review of Archeology VII, 2006 , Pisa-Rome, Fabrizio Serra Editore, 2006, Doi: 10.1400/81984 .
  15. ^ Pre -Roman Italy. Lazio sites: Cassino . , in The world of archeology (Treccani), 2004; “Casino” The Oxford Classical Dictionary , New York 1999
  16. ^ Varro, Latin , VII, 29
  17. ^ Tito Livio, City , IX, 28
  18. ^ Strabone, Geography , V, 3.9.
  19. ^ Gianfilippo Carettoni, Casinum (Presso Cassino) , in Institute of Roman Studies , Italy Roman: Municipi E colonie, vol. 2, 1940, p. 30.
  20. ^ Eginaldo, life and transactions Charles, 2.
  21. ^ Luigi Fabiani, The land of S. Benedetto: historical legal study on the abbey of Montecassino from the eighth to the thirteenth century , Badia di Montecassino, 1968, rest. Anastatica, Isola del Liri, tip. Edit. Michele Pisani, Volume II, pp. 338-339
  22. ^ Cassino. The first three centuries after the year 1000 (from the X to the XII century AD) . are . URL consulted on September 3, 2011 (archived by URL Original on 13 October 2012) .
  23. ^ Robert Schomacker, On the trail of the Jewish presence in Cassino. A story never sought .
  24. ^ Luigi Fabiani, The land of S. Benedetto: historical legal study on the abbey of Montecassino from the eighth to the thirteenth century , Badia di Montecassino, 1968, rest. Anastatica, Isola del Liri, tip. Edit. Michele Pisani, Volume II, p. 338
  25. ^ Funicular – The voices of science . are . URL consulted on 1 October 2015 .
  26. ^ Various authors, The old cable car of Cassino 1930-1943 from the project to destruction , Cassino, CDSC, 2008, p. 7.
  27. ^ 2016/08/2012-03-quel-10-settembre-1943.pdf
  28. ^ Various authors, Giuseppe Nicolosi (1901-1981) – City University Architecture Perugia, books, 2008, p. 110.
  29. ^ Administrator, History . are . URL consulted on August 21, 2015 .
  30. ^ Administrator, E. Pistilli, May 24: Pope Benedict XVI in Cassino and Montecassino . are . URL consulted on August 21, 2015 .
  31. ^ The folkloric and cultural unit of the Province Frosinate was in fact propagated by the fascists in the 1920s with the imposition of the term “Ciociaria”, originally only a derogatory name, to the territory of the new province.
  32. ^ a b Giuseppe Gentile, Province of Cassino: fifty years of institutive proposals: 1956-2006 , Cassino, Documentation Center and Cassinate Onlus Studies, 2007.
  33. ^ Antonio Marizzi, Cassino, strike Fiat workers to say no to the closing hypothesis . are . URL consulted on August 21, 2015 .
  34. ^ Cassino, birthday of crisis for southern mirafiori . are Repubblica TV – La . URL consulted on August 21, 2015 .
  35. ^ Cassino . are .
  36. ^ Napolitano in Cassino: “Don’t forget the lesson. Never more wars” . are . URL consulted on August 21, 2015 .
  37. ^ Administrator, Giuseppe Breccia Fratadocchi, the architect of Montecassino’s reconstruction . are . URL consulted on July 26, 2015 .
  38. ^ Direction Marco Musmeci . are .
  39. ^ Various authors, Giuseppe Nicolosi (1901-1981) Architecture University City Perugia, Casa Editrice Books, 2008, pp. 112-115.
  40. ^ Teching Srl, Ing. Michele Mele, MGA Architecture . are Cassino University of Cassino (FR) , 22 December 2006. URL consulted on April 6, 2021 (archived by URL Original April 9, 2013) .
  41. ^ Montecassino beer . are . URL consulted on April 6, 2021 (archived by URL Original April 6, 2021) .
  42. ^ The city embraces the monument in San Benedetto . are . URL consulted on July 26, 2015 (archived by URL Original April 29, 2016) .
  43. ^ Statistics I.Stat – state; URL consulted on 28-12-2012 .
  44. ^ Istat demographic statistics . are . URL consulted on 13 July 2018 (archived by URL Original on August 6, 2017) .
  45. ^ Nunzio Maccarrone, the dialects of Cassino and Cervaro, Cooperative Typographical Union, Perugia, 1915.
  46. ^ Cassino puts the alarm clock at 5 in the morning for devotion to the Assumption – the photos . are . URL consulted on August 28, 2015 .
  47. ^ Court of Cassino .
  48. ^ Degree course in Nursing – Physiotherapy – San Raffaele didactic center .
  49. ^ Italian Army- 80th Volunteer Training Regiment “Rome” . are . URL consulted on May 20, 2012 ( filed on 7 August 2012) .
  50. ^ XXII, etc. 37-42
  51. ^ Memory and indifference, the Historial Museum of Cassino closes its doors .
  52. ^ Library . are , April 21, 2012 (archived by URL Original April 21, 2012) .
  53. ^ SMA – Legal area . are , University of Cassino, 14 August 2010 (archived by URL Original on August 14, 2010) .
  54. ^ SMA – Engineering Area . are , University of Cassino, 17 September 2012 (archived by URL Original September 17, 2012) .
  55. ^ SMA – Humanistic area . are , University of Cassino, 11 June 2010 (archived by URL Original on 11 June 2010) .
  56. ^ The investigation .
  57. ^ The point at noon . are .
  58. ^ RadioCassinostereo . are .
  59. ^ Gino napkin, Fasule & Taglierglie , Cassino, Autonomous Company of Living Room and Tourism, 1985, p. 16.
  60. ^ Gino napkin, Fasule & Taglierglie , Cassino, Autonomous Company of Stay and Tourism, 1985, pp. 23-131.
  61. ^ index . are . URL consulted on August 28, 2015 .
  62. ^ Michela Cigola, Assunta Pelliccio, Miriam Flying and Sara Mattei, The work in Cassino after the war , in Giuseppe Nicolosi (1901-1981) Architecture University City Perugia, Casa Editrice Books, 2008, pp. 109-115, ISBN 978-88-96067-11-6.
  63. ^ FRAZIONI AND LOCATIONS CASSINO | Municipalities and cities . URL consulted on August 17, 2017 .
  64. ^ Fausto Pellecchia, – ​​The suburbs of Cassino . URL consulted on 9 September 2017 (archived by URL Original September 9, 2017) .
  65. ^ The “Europe” neighborhood , in European pharmacy cassino , 25 October 2010. URL consulted on August 17, 2017 .
  66. ^ Gianfranco Pulsoni, Municipality of Cassino (FR), 34 hamlets, 33,703 inhabitants (Istat 2013) . are . URL consulted on August 17, 2017 .
  67. ^ Cassino -fire in the La Malfa neighborhood, the mayor promises a new ordinance – Cassino informs , in Cassino informs , 20 July 2017. URL consulted on 9 September 2017 .
  68. ^ Cassino, the neighborhood committees are born: there will be ten . are . URL consulted on August 4, 2021 .
  69. ^ Statistical Atlas of the Municipalities of Istat . are . URL consulted on January 16, 2020 (archived by URL Original January 14, 2020) .
  70. ^ Statistical Office, Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities – Visitors and Revenue of Museums, Monuments and State Archaeological Areas
  71. ^ The old cable car from Cassino, 1930-1943, from the project to destruction , Catalog of the photographic exhibition center documentation and studies cassinati 1-10 February 2008. downloadable from the site CDSC ( PDF ) (archived by URL Original March 5, 2016) .
  72. ^ Template: Cita WB
  73. ^ Commissioner Benedetto Basile has settled, will ferry Cassino to the administrative elections . are , 22 February 2019. URL consulted on January 20, 2020 .
  74. ^ Municipal elections, Enzo Salera is the new mayor of Cassino . are , June 10, 2019. URL consulted on January 20, 2020 .
  75. ^ a b c d It is f g h i j Twin cities . are . URL consulted on June 22, 2020 .
  76. ^ ( IN ) Twinning . are . URL consulted on April 3, 2020 .
  77. ^ The company on the Fidal website (search function on the map) .
  78. ^ The team on the Tuttampo website . are .
  79. ^ The team on the Tuttampo website . are .
  80. ^ The team on the Pallacanestro League website . are .
  81. ^ The regional championship on the FIP website . are FIP.IT .
  82. ^ There is the landslide, the Giro d’Italia changes its way .
  83. ^ Purito stops in Cassino. Pozzovivo: “Too many risks” – News Giro d’Italia 2014 .
  • Emilio Pistilli, Cassino from the origins to today , Edizioni Idea Stampa, 1994
  • F. Di Giorgio – E.di Vito, The Air Force in the Cassinate from the Kingdom to the Republic , Edizioni Idea Stampa, 2013
  • Gaetano Angels – Curtis The Court of Cassino 1861-2011 , F.ciolfi editor, 2011
  • Cassino past and memory , introduction P.Grossi, photo A.Mangiante collection, F.Ciolfi
  • Gaetano di Biasio, Diario 1943-1957 , F.Ciolfi Typographer-Editor-Libraio, 2012
  • Gino napkin, Cassino and his mountain in history , F.ciolfi typographer-editor-Libraio, 2001
  • Francesco Gigante, Cassino from the origins to the present day , F.Colfi Editore-Libraio, 2011
  • Carlo Baccari, Leaves in the turbine , F.Ciolfi Typographer-Editor-Libraio, 2013
  • M.G. de Ruggiero-i. Lepore fatty, Cassino 1944-1994 , Typography f.ciolfi
  • Various authors, Memory of Gaetano di Biasio , F.Colfi Typographer-Editor-Libraio, 1982
  • Big tancredi, Cassino’s ordeal , F.Colfi Typographer-Editor-Libraio, 2003
  • Francesco Gigante, We were there , F.Colfi Typographer-Editor-Libraio, 2006
  • Michela Cigola, The Benedictine abbey of Montecassino , F.Colfi Typographer-Editor-Libraio, 2005
  • A.Pelliccio-M.Cigola, Cassino-Segni and drawings of a recent past , F.ciolfi editor, 2010
  • G.Gentile, A witness of Cassino’s reconstruction , Cassino, 2010
  • Antonio Pontone, The long wait , F.Colfi Typographer-Editor-Libraio, 1998
  • Gino napkin, Cassino A long time ago , F.Colfi Typographer-Editor-Libraio, 2006
  • Vincenzo Mastrangeli, “A love in the penumbra”, from The battle of Cassino , F.ciolfi editor
  • Peppino Grossi, Remnant , F.ciolfi typographer-editor-Libraio, 2001
  • Peppino Grossi, Cassino, in August it is not ugly , F.Colfi Typographer-Editor-Libraio, 2010
  • Antonio Ferraro, Cassino from the destruction of the war to rebirth in peace , F.ciolfi, 2007
  • Antonio Ferraro, Cassino the reconstruction and policy for peace , F.ciolfi editor, 2009
  • Helena Janeczek, The swallows of Montecassino , Guanda Editore, 2010
  • G.Gentile-F.Di Giorgio, Fiat and lead years in the province of Frosinone , F.ciolfi, 2012
  • Giuseppe Gentile, Province of Cassino: fifty years of institutive proposals 1956-2006 , Documentation and Cassinate Study Center, 2007
  • Various authors, Giuseppe Nicolosi (1901-1981) Architecture University City , Libria publishing house, 2008