Catamixis baccharoides – Wikipedia


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Catamixis baccharoides Thomson, 1866 It is a kind of Angiosperme Dicotyledoni plants of the Asteraceae family. It is the only kind of the genre Catamixis Thomson, 1866 . [first] [2] [3]

The species of this item is perennial with small-harmful brings. The drums can be simple or branched and densely tomentosis. [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

The leaves along the caule are normally available alternating, pigeoned (a wooden petiole). The shape of the lamina is obnovated with dentated edges and starting base (long cuneata); The apices are obtuse or sub-acute. The veins are palmata or pennate. Stiples are absent.

The inflorescences are composed of Pedunculate Terminal Capolini collected in corimbose formations. The peduncles are underlying the base by small linear bracts. The leaders, of the radiated and homogami type, are formed by a spiral -shaped wrapping consisting of bracts (or scales) inside which a receptacle bases the flowers. The Brattee arranged in 4 – 5 series in a subordinated and climbing way are of various types of foliacea consistency or membranous or leathery with long acute apices. The receptacle, convex, more or less alveled, glabrus, is generally naked (without straws).

The flowers are tetra-cyclical (i.e. there are 4 leaders: cup-corolla-androceo-gyge) and pentameri (each verticillo has 5 elements). The flowers, few (6), are of the Ligulant type (corolla zigomorfa), are hermaphrodite and fertile.

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  • CALICE: The sepals of the glass are reduced to a crown of scales.
  • Corolla: the corolla is ligulated (ends with a flat flap) with 5 small apical teeth. The color is yellow, pale or whitish yellow.
  • Androceo: the stamens are 5 with free, glabrous or biseling and distinct filaments, while the antheter are welded in a sleeve (or tube) surrounding the stylus. Antheter generally have a sagged shape with a caudata base and strictly triangular. Polline is normally tricolporate in a spherical or crushed to the poles.
  • Gyces: the stylus is filiform and bilobo with a galbro basal node; The two stigmas are divergent and short with acute apices (dorsally they are papillosis). The ovary is unilocular inferior made up of 2 carpels. The egg is unique and duckling.

The fruits are acheni with pappo. The shape of the Archinium is generally fusiform (with acute peak) with coasts or with 9 – 10 veins; The surface is densely and long sental. The pericarpo can be of the parenchymatic type, otherwise it is hardened (lignified) radially. The carpoforo (or hair – the receptacle at the base of the gyge) is ringing. The (rarely absent) Pappo is made up of a series of long -shaped, deciduous or persistent bristles, are directly inserted in the pericarpo or combined in a parenchymatic ring placed on the apical part of the accenio.

  • Pollination: pollination takes place through insects (entomogam pollination through daytime and night butterflies).
  • Reproduction: fertilization is basically through the pollination of flowers (see above).
  • Dispersion: the seeds (acheni) falling on the ground are subsequently dispersed above all by insects type ants (mymecaria dissemination). Another type of dispersion also takes place in this type of plants: Zoocoria. In fact, the hooks of the bracts of the envelope hook to the hair of the animals passing through, thus dispersing even the seeds of the plant on long distances.

The distribution of this species relates to India, Nepal and Himalaya (Eastern). [2]

The family of belonging of this item (Asteraceae or Compositae, Name conserving ) probably originally from South America, is the largest in the plant world, includes over 23,000 species distributed over 1,535 genres [ten] , or 22,750 species and 1,530 genres according to other sources [11] (one of the most updated checklists lists up to 1,679 genres) [twelfth] . The family currently (2021) is divided into 16 subfamilles. [first] [7] [8]

Phylogenesis [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The position of the Pertyideae subfamille, in the context of the Asteraceae, is quite central: between the hecastocleidoid and tarconanthoidaae subfamilies; And it is characterized by aromatic herbs, conical and multicellular hair, corollas not clearly bilabiate (irregularly uniform), tricolized pollen with solid thorns, quite short and hairy stigmas in the abassia part and often uniserial pappa. [first]

The kind of this species, which remained in positions for a long time uncertainty , in previous discussion, was included in the Mutisieae tribe ( Catamixis Group). [7] [8] Following analysis on the DNA of this species, genetic shares with genres were found Ainsliaea , Myripnois It is Pertya (they have the same deletion of 145 basic couples and a common mutation as the chloroplasty gene) so the inclusion of this monotype in the sub -famiglia Pertyoideae is justified. [13]

The period of separation of the subfamille varies from 38 to 2 million years ago. [first]

  1. ^ a b c d ( IN ) The Angiosperm Phylogeny Group, An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the ordines and families of flowering plants: APG IV , in Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , vol. 181, n. 1, 2016, pp. 1–20. URL consulted on 11 May 2021 ( filed July 28, 2020) .
  2. ^ a b World Checklist – Royal Botanic Gardens KEW . are . URL consulted on 11 May 2021 ( filed on 11 May 2021) .
  3. ^ World Checklist – Royal Botanic Gardens KEW . are . URL consulted on 11 May 2021 ( filed on 11 May 2021) .
  4. ^ Pignatti 1982, vol.3 pag.1 .
  5. ^ Strasburger 2007, pag. 860 .
  6. ^ Judd 2007, Pag.517 .
  7. ^ a b c Kadereit & Jeffrey 2007, pag. 119 .
  8. ^ a b c Funk & Susanna 2009, Pag. 208 .
  9. ^ Judd-Campbell-Kellogg-Stevens-Donoghue, Systematic botany – a phylogenetic approach , Padua, Piccin Nuova Libraria, 2007, p. 520, ISBN 978-88-299-1824-9.
  10. ^ Judd 2007, pag. 520 .
  11. ^ Strasburger 2007, pag. 858 .
  12. ^ World Checklist – Royal Botanic Gardens KEW . are . URL consulted on March 18, 2021 ( filed on 1 March 2021) .
  13. ^ PANERO 2008 .
  • Kadereit as above & Jeffrey C., The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants, Volume VIII. Asterales. , Berlin, Heidelberg, 2007.
  • V.A. Funk, A. Susanna, T.F. Steussy & R.J. Bayer, Systematics, Evolution, and Biogeography of Compositae , Vienna, International Association for Plant Taxonomy (IAPT), 2009.
  • Judd S.W. et al, Systematic botany – a phylogenetic approach , Padua, Piccin Nuova Libraria, 2007, ISBN 978-88-299-1824-9.
  • Strasburger E, Treaty of botany. Second volume , Rome, Antonio Delfino Editore, 2007, ISBN 88-7287-344-4.
  • Sandro Pignatti, Flora of Italy. , Bologna, Edagricole, 1982, ISBN 88-506-2449-2.
  • Jose L. Panero, Shared molecular signatures support the inclusion of Catamixis in subfamily Pertyoideae (Asteraceae). , in Phytologia , vol. 90, n. 3, 2008, pp. 418-424.
