Charlotte Delbo – Wikipedia


From Wikipedia, Liberade Libera.


Charlotte Delbo (Vigneux-sur-Seine, 10 August 1913-Paris, March 1, 1985) was a French poet and playwright.

He was born in a family of Italian origin [first] And in 1936 he married Georges Dudach, known a few years earlier in the community of the Jeunesse Communist (communist youth) [2] , of which Georges was one of the managers. Together they attended the courses of the working university, where they taught Georges Politzer, Jacques Solomon and the philosopher Henri Lefebvre, at the time not yet a known author, with whom Charlotte worked again after the war. Charlotte and her husband lived in Paris, in a small apartment in the III arrondissement . Official of the French Communist Party, Georges traveled a lot, while Charlotte worked like Steno-DactiLografa. Since the spring of 1937 the spouses worked for Youth Notebooks And it is precisely in the realization of an interview for this newspaper that Charlotte knew the director and actor Louis Jouvet, who took it a few days later as his assistant [3] , in charge of transcribing his notes and his thoughts. Charlotte Delbo worked for him until November 1941, also following him in his tour in Switzerland and Latin America.

Resistance and imprisonment [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In 1939, after France’s declaration of war on Germany, Georges was called to arms. Deceived after the capitulation, in September 1940 it was among those who worked to structure the resistance against Nazism, trying to mobilize intellectuals and writers. Charlotte also collaborated with him once he returned from South America. Using false names, they created illegal magazines, spread flyers and documents. The Brigades Spéciales arrested them on the morning of March 2, 1942, as part of an operation aimed at hitting the resistance of intellectuals. Imprisoned together in the prison of La Santé, Charlotte and Georges fell asset on May 23, 1942. He was shot on the same day at the Fortress of the Mont-Valérien [4] , she was transferred to the Forte di Romainville, where she met the companions with whom she then shared the deportation to Auschwitz – Birkenau: Vittoria Nenni, Yvonne Blech, Yvonne Picard and others. Arriving in Auschwitz on the morning of January 27, 1943, they were assigned to Block 26 of Birkenau, together with the Polish Jews. They were experts forced labor, two hours of walking from the field. They worked in the swamps, had swollen legs, they fell constantly, but they were still alive. Every day the body seemed to succumb to the abnormal physical effort and constant denlorerition. Then they were destined to work in an indoor factory, so their physical situation improved. In July 1943 Charlotte was a witness of the agony of Vittoria Nenni, of which, after the liberation of the field and the return to Paris, he reported to his father, the socialist leader Pietro Nenni. In January 1944 they were called back to Birkenau and transferred, in small groups, to Ravensbruck.

The liberation arrived on April 23, 1945, then, after a transfer to Sweden, Charlotte and the surviving companions returned to Paris. Stretchly Charlotte began to love life and returned to work alongside Jouvet. The need to tell her experience in the concentration camp immediately arose in her: she finished writing a manuscript report already in July 1946, but published it only in 1965. The title, ” None of us will come back “(” None of us will return “), is a verse of Apollinaire’s poetry [5] The House of the Dead “(” The house of the dead “). In the same year he published” The convoy of January 24 “(” The convoy of January 24th “), a reconstruction on the name and history of all the 230 women deported with her in convoy 31. He also composed a theatrical work,” Who will bring these words? “(” Who will report these words? “), from the subtitle« A tragedy that takes place in a concentration camp »(” A tragedy that takes place in a concentration camp “) which was staged in the mid -1970s by the director François Darbon. It was played by twenty -three actresses, who, hand by hand, disappeared from the scene; was without scenography and the customs” did not count “. Name of the field, nor were there direct references to Nazism. Charlotte Delbo did not cease his political commitment, especially on the occasion of the war of Algeria, siding in favor of the independence of the former French.

He died on March 1, 1985 in Paris from lung cancer [6] .

Essays, memories and poems [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • The beautiful letters , Les Éditions de Minuit, 1961; Rieditato nel 2012 ISBN 9782707304742
  • The convoy of January 24 , Les Éditions de Minuit, 1965, 1978, 1995
    • None of us will come back , Editions Gonthier Sa Geneva, 1965. Rieditato Nel 1970, 1979, 1995 Da Midnight editions . In the audiobook format (in the necklace Voice libraries , Éditions des Femmes-Antoinette Fouque, 2017), Ottiene Il “Grand Prix du Livre Audio”, Nella Categoria Contemporary .
    • Useless knowledge , Les Éditions de Minuit, 1970
    • Measurement , Les Éditions de Minuit, 1971, 1994
  • Specters, my companions , Maurice Bridel, Lidtelire, Laranicne, in 1977; RouteTato Then Berg International, Pareigi, 1995
  • Memory and the days Paris, Berg International, 1985; rebuilt in 1995

theater [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Theory and practice , Anthropos, Parigi, 1969
  • Sentence , piece in late acts, p.-j. Oswald, 1972
  • Who will bring these words? , tragedy in three acts, P.-J. Oswald, Paris, 1974
  • Maria Lusitania , pious in three acts
  • the Coup d’Etat , farming andtarts, p.-J. Ostwald, Paris, 1975
  • The demarcation line It is The capitulation , P.-J. Oswald, Parigi, 1977
  • Men , piece published by Thierry Bouchard in the magazine Théodore Balmoral , n ° 68, June 2012
  • Those who had chosen , road, to continh, the Princinns, Saint-Victor, 2011

Texts published in magazines [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Lily , story published in the Swiss monthly Annabelle , n ° 63, May 1946.
  • The teddy bear Novella published on the Swiss monthly Annabelle. n ° 70, December 1946.
  • Lily It is Interview with Charlotte Delbo , in The new criticism , n ° 167, June 1965
  • Jouvet’s lessons , p.561, in The new French review (NRF), March 1, 1966, n ° 159.
  • To a Judith , It is A scene played in memory Text posted by Thierry Bouchard in Théodore Balmoral , n ° 2/23 (autumn-winter 1995).
  • Men , peddy posted by thierry bouchard in Théodore Balmoral , n° 68, I’m in a cafe , Spring-summer 2012
  1. ^ Charlotte Delbo. A memory, a thousand voices January 28 – March 30, 2014 , Museo Diffuso Torino
  2. ^ Memoirs of “young girls” not necessarily “tidy” , in Humanity , 08-03-2013. URL consulted on 28-07-2020 .
  3. ^ ( FR ) Charlotte Delbo (1913-1985) . are France culture .
  4. ^ ( FR ) Plate in homage to the resistant Georges Dudach . are Online resistance museum .
  5. ^ Jean Lebrun, « Charlotte Delbo » , in The walk in history On France Inter, January 25, 2013
  6. ^ Violaine Gelly, Charlotte Delbo: ​​writing as the ultimate means of resistance , in Humanity , December 20, 2013. URL consulted on 13/5/2016 .
