Chris Griffin – Wikipedia


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Christopher Cross [first] “Chris” Griffin , is an imaginary character member of the Griffin family, protagonist of the cartoon television series I Griffin , created by Seth MacFarlane.

Physical aspect [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Chris is an obese and medium stature boy. He has blonde hair and almost always dresses with a simple blue shirt, a pair of sports trousers and an orange and black cap. In the first seasons he also had an earring.

Character [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Although it is often presented as a little intelligent, it occasionally presents artistic talents: it is capable of singing and has an in -depth knowledge of films and television actors; He likes to draw, so much so that he almost managed to become a successful artist in New York, but he failed when he refused to separate from the family. He demonstrates that he can adapt with great ease to new socio-cultural contexts and is capable of coherent reasoning in which he makes unexpectedly acute observations when he speaks of films. At times paranoid, quite inclined to create imaginary friends such as Colonel Schwarz, every now and then sees an aggressive monkey that seems to live in his wardrobe. The monkey explains that he never wanted to threaten Chris, and that his alleged threats correspond only to his way of relating to him, even if he never succeeds because of the fear of Chris; In some episodes, the monkey even manifests a basic affection towards Chris: for example, when the latter is far from home for long periods; Chris will later make peace with the monkey, who will live in Jake Tucker’s closet. Unexpectedly, it is also capable of profound reflections on topical issues, such as when he raised the problem of the helmets of the American football players, considered too light and therefore dangerous for the safety of the athletes.

Relations [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In the episode Over there in the deep south , Chris makes friends with a girl named Sam. In the fourth season, he adheres to the Republican Party for a girl’s love. A plant named Cooper has the best friend, who will then abandon after the nuclear disaster that occurred due to the millennium bug. From the third series onwards a person in love with Chris Griffin, Mr. Herbert, an elderly gentleman who knows Chris in his occasional work of delivery of the newspapers and who does everything to get something from Chris, but despite numerous attempts gone went on. Male still remains in love and ready to spy on him and help him.

His father Peter often refuses him for other children or for himself. In Impossible emission , it turns out that Chris was born by mistake, because of a condoms laundry and his dirty report to the company that produced them and with the compensation they bought home. In Peter’s daughter Lois said he drank and smoke a lot when he was pregnant with Chris to have a miscarriage, but who then stopped halfway through the pregnancy. Generally, Chris is of kind and friendly ways, but as his father hides a more rough side, which comes out when the others make him angry: for example, in Peter to the Habbage , when he insults Joe Swanson because he is the bearer of a handicap, or when he hits Brian with a chair just to be able to return to the vet and see the girl who gave him up.

In the movie The secret story of Stewie Griffin We learn that Chris will be a policeman in the future and marry Vanessa, a girl with a rude ways. Chris is also the member of the Griffin family who appears in less episodes, not being present in three episodes of the seventh season. In the episode RPGs It is clear that Chris is Mancino. His name is inspired by that of Christopher Cross.

He and Brian are the only ones to know that Stewie talks.


In the episode Who’s Brian Now? of season 19, it turns out that it was kidnapped when he was a newborn, and that his real family lives in Holland, and the natural mother makes a lot of lack. [2]

In the Italian version the character is dubbed by Davide Lepore, while in the original one by the actor Seth Green.
