Cladonia FloerKeana – Wikipedia


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Cladonia floerkeana (Fr.) Flörke, 1828 , is a kind of lichen belonging to the genre Cladonia , of the Lecanorales Order.

The name derives from the botanist and lichenologist Heinrich Gustav Flörke (Altkalen, 1764 – Rostock, 1835) who discovered it and classified it.

The tall is white up to green. The farms are straight, cylindrical in shape; quite small, do not exceed 1-2 centimeters; Coated by Cortex in pins or zolle, they highlight soredi of grainy consistency and gray in color. The apothecians are of a beautiful red color, showy and almost always present. Easy to confuse with C. lean It is C. bacillaris . [first]

Mountain species, widespread in the circumboreal areas. It grows above all on organic soil and peat, but has also been found on sand and rarely on wood. It prefers a pH of the substrate that goes from very acidic or with intermediate values ​​between very acidic and subneutral. [2]

The species, to be considered cosmopolitan, has been found in the following locations:

  • USA (Alabama, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Florida, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York (State), South Carolina, Vermont, Washington, Western Virginia, Wisconsin, Louisiana, Mississippi);
  • Germany (Berlin);
  • Australia (New South Wales);
  • Canada (New Bruswick, Ontario);
  • CINA (HeilongJiang, Jilin, Hubei, Yunnan);
  • Spain (Castiglia and León);
  • Argentina, Bahamas, Bhutan, Brazil, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Japan, Greenland, Guadeloupe, India, Ireland, Iceland, Azores Islands, Svalbard Islands, Lithuania, Luxembourg, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Oceania, Netherlands, Papua New Guinea , Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, South Africa, Taiwan, Hungary.

In Italy it is present, but very rare, throughout Trentino-Alto Adige, in the Piedmontese Alpine arc and in northern Lombardy; in very few places in Eastern Tuscany and Sardinia. [2]

Cladonia floerkeana

According to some authors, this species would be identified with the Cladonia macilenta ssp. floerkeana . For most of the lichenologists it is a species in its own right, it must be referred to the Cocciferae section, [3] and presents the following forms, subspecies and varieties (to 2008):

  • Cladonia floerkeana f. carta (But.) J.W. Thomnson (1968), (= Cladonia floerkeana ).
  • Cladonia FloerKeana F. FloerKeana (Fr.) Flörke (1828).
  • Cladonia floerkeana f. intermedia (HEPP ex only.) J.W. Thomson (1968), (= Cladonia floerkeana ).
  • Cladonia floerkeana f. minor Rabenh.
  • Cladonia Floerkeana f. Tingens Asahina (1939).
  • Cladonia Floerkeana f. trachypoda (Nyl.) Harm., (= Cladonia floerkeana ).
  • Cladonia Floerkeana was. Albicans (Delise) only.
  • Cladonia Floerkeana was. Alpina Asahina (1939), (= Cladonia Alpina).
  • Cladonia Floerkeana Var. Brebissons (Delise) only.
  • Cladonia Floerkeana Var. CARC (Ach.) Vain. (1887), (= Cladonia floerkeana ).
  • Cladonia floerkeana var. chloroides (Flörke) Only.
  • Cladonia floerkeana var. floerkeana (Fr.) Flörke (1828).
  • LOERKEANA CLARARY VAR. intermediate HEPP ex just. (1857), (= Cladonia floerkeana ).
  • Cladonia floerkeana var. scypellifera Only.
  • Cladonia floerkeana var. suboceanica Asahina (1939).
  • Cladonia Floerkean Var. symphycarpe (Flörke) Only., (= Cladonia symphycarp).
  • Cladonia Floerkeana var. trachypoda Nile., (= Cladonia floerkeana ).
  • LOERKEANA CLARARY VAR. xanthocarp Nile.
