Claudio Strinati – Wikipedia


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Claudio Strinati

Claudio Strinati (Rome, September 17, 1948) He is an art historian, Italian television conductor and public manager, Superintendent for the Roman Museum Pole from 1991 to 2009 and a popularizer of art history.

Rome: Scuderie del Quirinale, home of the exhibition Caravaggio and the Caravaggeschi , edited by Strinati

Born in Rome in 1948, he graduated in 1970 in modern letters, with a specialization in art history, at the University of Rome [first] . After teaching in some high schools and the Frosinone music conservatory [2] [3] , since 1974 Claudio Strinati has worked in the Ministry for Cultural and Environmental Heritage [4] , first at the Superintendency of Liguria and subsequently in that of Rome [2] . From 1991 to 2009 he was superintendent for the Roman museum pole [4] and in this guise he has committed himself to the reorganization of some museums in the capital [4] .

Strinati has conceived and organized important art exhibitions, in Italy and abroad, dedicated, among others, to Sebastiano del Piombo, Caravaggio and the Caravaggeschi, Raffaello, Tiziano, Tiepolo [4] [2] .
As a popularizer of art history has conducted some television broadcasts, such as Divine devoted broadcast by Rai5 in ten episodes in 2014 [5] , and collaborated with newspapers and magazines [4] [2] . He also wrote and presented three episodes of the radio transmission of Radio2 At eight in the evening On the theme “The artist’s profession”.

Painting and sculpture expert of the Renaissance and seventeenth century, Strinati is also competent in the music field [4] and collaborated with the Biographical Dictionary of Italians published by the Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia [2] . In 2018, he participated in the honor committee of the artistic prize Foyer of artists [6] , founded in ’73 by the gold medal (to culture) Mario Morelli with the Alessandro Rigi Luperti Foundation. [7]

  • The art in Rome from the Renaissance to the Baroque , with Sergio Rossi, Rome, Idisu, 1987.
  • Palazzo Volpi at the four fountains , Roma, Iger, 1991.
  • Mattia Preti: drawing and color , with Maurizio Marini, Carolina Ippoliti, Catanzaro, Abraham, 1991.
  • Raffaello , insert of “art and dossier”, Florence, Giunti, 1995. ISBN 88-09-76193-6.
  • The dignity of the family: the painted living room of Palazzo Farnese , with Ingeborg Walter, Rome, Edizioni dell’Elefante, 1995. ISBN 88-717-6057-3.
  • Giannetti in the Vatican. The works of Gino Giannetti in the chapel of the saints Martino and Sebastiano degli Swissi in the Vatican , Rome, Poligraphic Institute and State Mint, 2000.
  • Guercino and Emilian painting of the 17th century , Catalog of the Padua exhibition, 7 October 2000-28 January 2001, with Rossella Vadret, Venice, Marsilio, 2000. ISBN 88-317-7672-X.
  • The artist’s profession: from Giotto to Leonardo With a note by Sergio Valzania, Palermo, Sellerio, 2007. ISBN 88-389-2159-8.
  • The artist’s profession: from Raffaello to Caravaggio , with a note by Sergio Valzania, Palermo, Sellerio, 2009. ISBN 88-389-2327-2.
  • The Caravaggeschi. Paths and protagonists , 2 vols., With Alessandro Zuccari, Milan, Skira, 2010. ISBN 978-88-8491-282-4.
  • Raffaello Universal A cura di Alessandro Vezzosi, Reggio Emilia, written to remain, 2010. ISBN 978-88-95847-11-5.
  • Bronze , Rome, Viviani, 2010. ISBN 978-88-793-146-5.
  • The artist’s profession: from Caravaggio to Baciccio , with a note by Sergio Valzania, Palermo, Sellerio, 2011. ISBN 88-389-2539-9.
  • Michelangelo Absolute , Bologna, written to remain, 2012 ISBN 88-958-4716-4. [8]
  • Andrea del Sarto: a San Sebastiano found , Rome, Gangemi, 2013. ISBN 978-88-492-2665-2.
  • The artist’s profession: from the fourteenth century to the seventeenth century , Palermo, Sellerio, 2014. ISBN 88-389-3115-1.
