Coastanzana – Wikipedia Wikipedia


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Costanzana – Stemma
Costanzana – Bandiera

Costanzana – Veduta
Costanzana – View

View of the country

State Italia Italy
Region Piedmont
Province Vercelli
Mayor Raffaella Oppezzo (civic list I run for Costanzana) from 25-5-2014
Coordinate 45°14′N 8 ° 22′e / 45.233333 ° N 8.36667 ° e 45.233333; 8.366667( Costanzana)
Altitude 129 m s.l.m.
Surface 20,97 km²
Inhabitants 758 [first] (December 31-2021)
Density 36,15 ab./km2
Fractions Room, Torrione
Neighboring municipalities Asigliano Vercellese, Balzola (AL), Desana, Morano sul Po (AL), Pertengo, Rive, Tricerro, Trino
More information
Code. mail 13033
Prefix 0161
Jet lag UTC+1
Istat code 002047
Cadastral code D113
Targa VC
Cl. seismic Zone 4 (very low seismicity) [2]
Cl. climatic area e, 2 750 gg [3]
Inhabitants name Costanzanese
Patron san Martino
Holiday 11 November
Mappa di localizzazione: Italia



Costanzana – Mappa
Costanzana – Map

Position of the municipality of Costanzana in the province of Vercelli

Institutional site

Constancy ( Costanzan-a in Piedmontese) is an Italian town of 758 inhabitants of the province of Vercelli in Piedmont.

The municipal area is flat and its share varies between 138 m a.s.l. To the south-west, near the border with Trino, and the 118 m a.s.l.m. To the south-east, towards banks. It is crossed in the west-east by Marcova while in the south the Roggia Stura makes a short stroke from the border with Trino; Further north, on the other hand, there are the bloody rio (a tributary of Marcova) and an old derivation of the same that once deflected part of the scope towards the Bona stream.

Symbols [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The coat of arms was granted with Royal Decree of 7 September 1933. [4]

«Blue, at the crenellated tower and windowed red, resting on the natural mountain ground and combined with six green mulberry plants, three on each side and arranged in the band, terraced and natural drums. External ornaments from the Municipality. ”


Gonfalone is a white drape.

Demographic evolution [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In the last hundred years, starting from 1921, the resident population It has been reduced by two thirds .

Inhabitants surveyed [5]

The population is concentrated in the municipal center outside which, in addition to some isolated farmhouses, there are the two old agricultural nuclei of Saletta and Torrione, both located south of the country. [6]

Between 1878 and 1949 Costanzana was served by the Vercelli-Trino tramway.

It is currently served by ATAP with some races of the 60 and 94 suburban lines in the school period and from line 62 all year round.

City Hall
  1. ^ Data Istat – population residing as of 31 December 2021 (provisional data).
  2. ^ Seismic classification ( XLS ), are .
  3. ^ Table of the degrees/day of the Italian municipalities grouped by region and province ( PDF ), in Law August 26, 1993, n. 412 , attached a , National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, 1 March 2011, p. 151. URL consulted on April 25, 2012 (archived by URL Original 1 January 2017) .
  4. ^ Costanzana, Decree 1933-09-07 RD, grant of coat of arms . are Central State Archive .
  5. ^ Statistics I.Stat – state; URL consulted on 28-12-2012 .
  6. ^ Regional technical paper Raster 1: 10,000 (Vers. 3.0) of the Piedmont Region – 2007
  7. ^ Municipality of Costanzana – Lists and results , The Republic, (consulted in October 2014)
