Comarka da Terra de Meride -Wikipedia


Comarka da Tala de Meride
Comarca Terra de Melide.png
Location of Comarca da Tala de Meride in Galicia
state Flag of Galicia.svgGalicia
prefecture A Corunya Prefecture
Central autonomy Meride
area 367.25
population 13,294 people (2010)
Population density 36.2 people/km2
Number of local governments 4

Comarka da Tala de Meride Comarca of the Land of Melide ) Is in Komarka, Corunya, Galicia, and is located in the southeast of the prefecture.


Configured by 4 municipalities, Meride, Santiso, Sobrad, and Tokes.

The west from the north faces the Atlantic Ocean. The adjacent Komarca is Komarca de Bethansos in the north, Komarca da Tala Cha, the east in the east, Comarca de Lugo, Comarca da Wojoa (3 Comarka Prefecture), and South in the south. (Pontebedra Prefecture), the west is Komarca de Arsoua.

The area is 367.2km², and the population in 2010 was 13,294 (2009: 13,427, 2007: 13,709). The center of Komarca is the Meride district in the meline parish of local government Meride. The notation in Castilla is COMARCA de Tierra de Mellid.

Comarka da Tala de Meride Configuration local government (2010)
Local government population (people) area (km²) Population density (Person/KMk)
Meride 7,838 101.3 77.4
Santiso 1.930 67.4 28.6
Sochrard 2.139 120.6 17.7
Tokes 1,387 77.9 17.8
count 13,294 367.2 36.2
source: INE (Spanish National Statistics Bureau) IGE (Galician Statistics Bureau)

references [ edit ]

  • Illustrated Geographic Dictionary of Galicia Vol.25 、 P.246-247 、 Geoga Publications 、 2009 、 ISBN 978-84-613-5843-4
