Correr – Wikipedia


from Wikipedia, L’Encilopedia Libera.


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State Italia Italy
Founder Filippo Running
Foundation date 9th century

I Run (O Corraro ) were a Patrizia family from Venice, between the Casade nine . They distinguished themselves for the numerous prestigious positions in the Republic of Venice.

Originally, it is said, of Torcello, arrived in Venice in the ninth century and entered the greatest advice with the serrata of 1297.

From the house they came in particular church men. Pietro, patriarch of Constantinople are cited; Angelo who in 1406 was elected Pope with the name of Gregory XII; Antonio, nephew of the previous one, cardinal and one of the founders of the regular canons of San Giorgio in Alga.

He died in 1830, Teodoro Correr left the city palace to the city with the very rich collection of art, books and documents that contained: this is what the Correr museum today is [first] .

Giovanni Correr
Antonio Bellucci Ca ‘Rezzonico

This family had four branches.

Filippo Correr – belongs to the Council in 1151, senator of the Republic of Venice in 1205, Avogadoria de Comra
Angelo Run († 07-02-1263) [2] – Prosecutor of the Republic of Venice
Pietro – he had no children
Pietro (1235/40 [3] † 1302) – Church man, patriarch of Constantinople (1286) [4]
Paolo – His descendants were included in the lockout of the Major Council of 1297.
Niccolò – had no children
Pietro – Ambassador to the Emperor in 1354
Niccolò – In 1350 he belonged to the Maggiore Council, from here the second branch starts
Angelo (1335, Recanati 18-10-1417)-Future Pope Gregory XII [5]
CATERINA – Bartolomeo Barbarigo married Bartolomeo
Filippo (1336 [6] – 10-11-1410)- married Chiara Venier. Podestà of Chioggia, prosecutor of San Marco. His first three children Antonio, Andrea, Filippo, did not continue the dynasty
Antonio (15-7-1369 [7] [5] 19-01-1443)-Cardinal
Francesco – Rector of the church of San Vito and Modesto 1435
Niccolò – The eleven children did not give him heirs Correr
Giovanni – Podestà of Cividale and Porec
Gregorio [8] (1411-19-11-1464)-Abbot of San Zeno in Verona since 1443, Patriarch elected from Venice on 19-8-1464
Pietro – he married Francesca Mocenigo
GIOVANNI – He married Adriana Donà
Antonio – He generated the third branch
Francesco (1553 + 1632) – married Maria Trevisan; Patrizio Veneto, of the Magistrate of Pregadi in 1604, Provider of the Biade in 1608, Provider of the Mint, head of the Council of Savoy 1610, State Inquisitor
Lorenzo (11-8-1627-20-8-1709)-married Pellegrina Gussoni. Patrizio Veneto, 1670, Army Provider, 1670, 1680 and 1693 Podestà of Padua.
Giovanni (15-11-1673 – 1717) – He married Elena Lando, Patrizio Veneto, captain of Vicenza in 1699, Podestà of Verona in 1704, senator of the Republic of Venice in 1709, vice -like of Padua in 1711.
Pietro Correr (18-6-1707-4-11-1768)-Venetian ambassador to Vienna and Rome [9]
Francesco Antonio (7-10-1676-17-5-1741)-Patrizio Veneto, Capuchin in Padua, elected patriarch of Venice on 18-11-1734 [ten]
Sunday, Francesco, Margherita, Paolo [5] [11] – They continued this branch until the 16th century
Marco [5]
Bartola or Beziola (1350 ca. + Testament 1386) – married Angelo Condulmer
Luca – Member of the Major Council
Giovanni (? – Post 1370) – Commander of Galea in 1348
Peter; Marco; Daughter
Giacomo; John; Nicolò; Domenico; Christopher [twelfth]
Giovanni, Gregorio, Marco, Francesca, Francesco, Nicolò, Lucrezia, Alvise – After four generations Paolo generates the fourth branch, extinct in the 16th century
Francesca (? – Ante 1346) – On 18 December 1329 he founded the hospital of Sant’Andrea della Zirada.
  • Pietro Correr (1235/40 [3] -1302), church man, patriarch of Constantinople (1286)
  • Gregory XII, born Angelo Correr (1326– 1417), Pope from 1406 to 1415.
  • Antonio Runo (1369 [7] –1445), Venetian cardinal
  • Paolo Correr (1380-1443), politician
  • Gregorio Correr (1411-1464) Abbot of San Zeno in Verona from 1443, elected patriarch of Venice
  • Francesco Antonio Correr (1676-1741), Patrizio Veneto, Capuchin in Padua, elected patriarch of Venice on November 18, 1734
  • Pietro Correr (1707-1768), Venetian ambassador to Vienna and Rome
  • Teodoro Correr (1750-1830), abbot and art collector, founder of the Correr museum
  • Leonardo Correr (1764-1807), Admiral, the last commander of the large army of the Republic of Venice
  1. ^ Giuseppe Tassini, Venetian curiosities , supplementary notes and revision by Marina Crivellari Bizio, Franco Filippi, Andrea Perego, Venice, Filippi Editore, 2009 [1863] , p. 204-205.
  2. ^ Angelo Running Filed On November 13, 2013 on the Internet Archive. (
  3. ^ Giorgio Fedalto, Pietro Running , in Biographical Dictionary of Italians , vol. 29, Rome, Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia, 1983. URL consulted on 10 August 2014 .
  4. ^ Roberto Cessi, RUN , in Italian Encyclopedia , Rome, Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia, 1931. Modifica su Wikidata
  5. ^ a b c d Gherardo Ortalli, Gregory XII, Pope , in Biographical Dictionary of Italians , vol. 59, Rome, Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia, 2003. URL consulted on 10 August 2014 .
  6. ^ Rootsweb Philippo Correr (
  7. ^ a b 1359: The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church (, 1369: François-Charles Uginet, Run, Antonio , in Biographical Dictionary of Italians , vol. 29, Rome, Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia, 1983. URL consulted on 10 August 2014 .
  8. ^ Paolo therefore, Run, Gregorio , in Biographical Dictionary of Italians , vol. 29, Rome, Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia, 1983. URL consulted on 10 August 2014 .
  9. ^ Paolo therefore, Pietro Running , in Biographical Dictionary of Italians , vol. 29, Rome, Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia, 1983. URL consulted on 10 August 2014 .
  10. ^ Claudio Povolo Francesco Antonio Run , in Biographical Dictionary of Italians , vol. 50, Rome, Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia, 1998. URL consulted on 10 August 2014 .
  11. ^ Filippo Running , in ( (archived by URL Original December 3, 2013) .
  12. ^ Pietro Running . are .
  • Pompeo Litta, Corraro of Venice , in Famous Italian families , Milan, Giulio Ferrario, 1834.
