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Chianche – Stemma
Chianche – Bandiera

Chianche – Veduta
Chianche – View

Panoramic glimpse of the village

State Italia Italy
Region Campania
Province Avellino
Mayor Grillo Carlo (Union civic list for Chianche) from 11-6-2017
Coordinate 41°02′50″N 14 ° 47′24 ″ and / 41.047222 ° n 14.79 ° e 41.047222; 14.79( Chianche)
Altitude 356 m s.l.m.
Surface 6,61 km²
Inhabitants 474 [first] (31-3-2022)
Density 71,71 ab./km2
Fractions Chianche Scalo, Chianchetelle, San Pietro Irpino
Neighboring municipalities Altavilla Irpina, Ceppaloni (BN), Petruro Irpino, San Nicola Manfredi (BN), Sant’Angelo a Cupolo (BN), Torrioni
More information
Code. mail 83010
Prefix 0825
Jet lag UTC+1
Istat code 064027
Cadastral code C606
Targa OF
Cl. seismic zone 1 (high seismicity) [2]
Cl. climatic zone d, 1 834 gg [3]
Inhabitants name hoof
Patron San Felice di Nola
Holiday January 14th
Mappa di localizzazione: Italia



Chianche – Mappa
Chianche – Map

The municipality of Chianche within the province of Avellino

Institutional site

Chianche It is an Italian town of 474 inhabitants of the province of Avellino in Campania.

The municipal area is located on the hilly side in the Valle del Fiume Saturday with a height of S.L.M. which oscillates between 350 and 400 meters.
The Municipality of Chianche consists of three inhabited nuclei: Chianche, Chianchetelle (which until the nineteenth century was an autonomous municipality) and San Pietro in delicate.

The cultivated areas (generally with awarded arable land) are reduced. The presence of vineyards for the production of the famous D.O.C.G., Greek of Tufo is significant. The oak and chestnut woods dominate. There is an important source of water in Greek locations.

Chianche or Chianca as it was called in the Middle Ages derives from the Latin Planca with probable reference to Plancae (polygonal stones with which the Romans paved the roads) [4] .
Of Chianche there has been documentary trace at least from the thirteenth century. In the Middle Ages it was a farmhouse dependent on Montefusco.


The castle that dominates the village goes back to the Norman period (11th century) even if it is mentioned for the first time only in a document of the early 14th century [5] .

Chianche was feudal possession before the De Planca from the fifteenth century to 1545, when he passed to the Crispano until 1552, then to the Albertino (1552-1556, to the Pisanello (1556, to the Sanseverino (1558), to the Filomarino (1568), to the Capece, Ai Bernalda, Caracciolo (1585), Manso (1599-1607) and De Guevara. The Zunica bought the fiefdom from Beatrice De Guevara in 1608 and held it up to 1778 when it was sold to the Marquis Perelli in whose hands it remained at the end at the end of feudalism in 1806 [6] .

Cliffs , on the other hand, he was infeuded to the De Tocco (XIV-XV century) until 1585 when he passed to Antonio Lanario. The Gambacorta held it from 1667 to 1695; Then he passed to the Di Capua, counts of Altavilla. The Ripa had it from 1714 to 1743, when the Salerno took over, last feudal lords [7] .

In 1460-1461 during the war between Angevins and Aragonese in the territories of Chianche and Chianchetelle the camps of the Aragonese Royal Troops were allocated to the command of the captain of Ventura Alessandro Sforza [8] .

Symbols [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The coat of arms of the municipality of Chianche consists of an eagle bicefala loaded with a silver shield inside which there are three bundles narrow by a ring, three flowers in the central part, a band of red and a flower on the tip of the shield. [9]

  • Chianche Castle. Cited for the first time in 1301 [ten] of probable Norman origin.
  • The Torrione. High quadrangular neo -Gothic -style tower located on a rocky spur in Chianchetelle and dominant the narrow underlying beard.
  • Church of San Felice. Dedicated to the patron saint of Chianche, it is in a baroque style with Romanesque elements. Retains a fresco that depicts St. James Apostle while receiving baptism from Jesus and various paintings of the 17th century and ‘700, depicting: S. Antonio , S. Domenico , Santa Caterina and the Immaculate Conception . Among the works stands out the picture of the Madonna “cause of our letitiate” of the 17th century.
  • Church of Santa Margherita. Located in the central square of Chianchetelle. The small church already parish headquarters [11] .
  • Church of the Madonna delle Grazie. It is a small building located along the main road that leads to Chianche.
  • Church of San Pietro Apostolo. Located in the small hamlet of San Pietro Indelicato, which later became San Pietro Irpino.
  • Chapel of the “Madonna della Pietà (16th century). Sita in the Chianchetelle hamlet along the highway 88 of the two principalities in the Strait of Barba. It was renovated in the early 21st century.

Demographic evolution [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Inhabitants surveyed [twelfth]

The Municipality is served by the Chianche Scalo station – Ceppaloni delle FS (Benevento -Avellino Railway), located in the municipality of Chianche.

  1. ^ Monthly demographic budget year 2022 (temporary data) . are , State.
  2. ^ Seismic classification ( XLS ), are .
  3. ^ Table of the degrees/day of the Italian municipalities grouped by region and province ( PDF ), in Law August 26, 1993, n. 412 , attached a , National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, 1 March 2011, p. 151. URL consulted on April 25, 2012 (archived by URL Original 1 January 2017) .
  4. ^ N. Russo .
  5. ^ Francesco Scandone, documents for the history of the municipalities of Irpinia: Montefusco and his mountain, Avellino, 1964.
  6. ^ Erasmo rich, p. 321 .
  7. ^ Erasmo rich, p. 368 .
  8. ^ Alfredo Rossi, Ceppaloni. History and society of a country of the Kingdom of Naples , Ceppali, 2011, p. 136, ISBN 978-88-906209-0-4
  9. ^ Municipality of Chianche, Statute ( PDF ), Art. 4 Gonfalone, coat of arms and seal .
  10. ^ They pay the Adoa for the Planca Castle, in the appurtenances of Montefuscolo, Guglielmo de Planca “In De Lellis, notem. V. IV Fol. 265 – ex Reg. Ang. A. 1301 b Fol.17; quoted by: Francesco Scandone, Documents for the history of the municipalities of Irpinia: Montefusco and its mountain , Avellino, 1964.
  11. ^ On the side of the church there is a dedicatory plaque: Passagers you are in via – look at Mary’s pain – with his son Jesus with the dead – never offend her again – makes a hellish hellish – And you are in the company Jesus always with Mary – Divotion of Antonio De Stefano, 1887 .
  12. ^ Statistics I.Stat – state; URL consulted on 28-12-2012 .
  • Ricco Erasmus, The nobility of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies , v. I, Parte I, Napoli, 1859.
  • Russian Natalino, Planca Chianca Chianche. Historical news , 1960.
