Cyano constance – Wikipedia


Costanzo Ciano , Count of Cortellazzo and Buccari (Livorno, 30 August 1876 – Ponte a Moriano, June 26, 1939), was an Italian military and politician, father of Galeazzo Ciano and therefore Consultiero di Benito Mussolini.

The military career [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Son of Raimondo, of Neapolitan origin, and of Argia Puppo, of Genoese origin, [first] He entered the Naval Academy at the age of 15 (1891), achieving the appointment in Guardiamarina on July 16, 1896.

In 1898 he was promoted second lieutenant of vessel and in 1901 he obtained the rank of lieutenant of vessel. He participated in the Italian-Turkish conflict of 1911-12 and in 1913 he received a solemn commendation for having made special colonial police missions under the command of the steamer Syracuse , requirement during war actions.

In 1915, at the outbreak of the First World War, he was placed at the direction of the Venice Silurificio della Regia Marina and in 1916 he replaced his brother Arturo under the command of the destroyer Zeffiro .

Promoted frigate captain from August 1917 under the command of surface torpedo units (Mas and torpedoes), he completed numerous and risky companies: in front of Cortellozzo he inserted himself in the block of the offensive of the Austrian battleships SMS Vienna E SMS Budapest , obtaining the fourth silver medal for military valor.
In February 1918 he took part with D’Annunzio and Luigi Rizzo at the operation of the Buffa of Buccari , for which he was awarded the gold medal for military valor.

After the promotion to captain of vessel for war merits of 1 April 1918, at the end of the war he was placed at his request in the Auxiliary to direct the navigation company The sea , owned by the industrialist Giovanni Agnelli.

The events of Livorno [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In the summer of 1922 Livorno was occupied by teams armed with fascists from all over Tuscany who were implicated in the killing of some city councilors and devastated shops linked to personalities from the political world, left -wing parties, workers’ clubs and the Chamber of work. On August 3 a large squadron of fascists, with Costanzo Ciano and Dino Perrone companions at the head, headed to the town hall: the socialist administration, led by the mayor Uberto Mondolfi, was forced to resign under the threat of further serious retaliation. [2]


The political career [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Previously adherent to the Italian nationalist association, in 1921 he was elected deputy for the fighting bundles (of whose National Council he was a member) in the list of national blocks [3] , halving himself from the navigation company he directed.

On October 31, 1922 he took the position of Undersecretary of State for the Royal Navy of the Mussolini government and commissioner for the merchant Navy; On November 9, 1923 he was promoted to recipient in the naval reserve.
In 1924 he was re -elected to the Chamber of Deputies of the Kingdom and confirmed in 1929, in 1934 and 1939 in the Chamber of Fasci and Corporations.

In 1928 the king stumbled him from the noble title of Count of Cortellazzo .

On February 5, 1924 he was appointed Minister of Post and Telegraphs, which communications were added; Under his ministry, radio was made as a debut in Italy with the transmission of a speech by Mussolini, held in Rome on March 25 of that year. [4]
In those years as Minister he rearranged the railway administration and enhanced the railway network: on 1 July 1931 he inaugurated the central station of Milan [5] And in 1933 the Palazzo delle Poste della Spezia. In 1928 he constituted the Italian Authority radio auditions. There is dissent between scholars about a possible admission of Ciano to Freemasonry: given for certain by Rosario F. Esposito [6] , according to other sources, has never verified, having pretended to be a high degree since the initiation [7] .

He presided over the Ministry until 1934, when he was elected president of the Chamber of Deputies of the Kingdom of Italy, then Chamber of Fasci and Corporations for a few months, until his death in June 1939 [3] .

The family dynasty [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

He was the brother of two minor hierarchs of the fascist era, Alessandro and Arturo, and father of Galeazzo. He was also the father of Giuseppa Cristiani, born on June 27, 1937 to an extramarital relationship with his domestic Geneva Cristiani, who worked on his addictions until his death; The girl was not recognized and was given at the mercy to the Sgherri family in Crespina.

The hunting casino set up for his son on the Via Appia Nuova, at the gates of Rome, was – with the frontal circle of the Golf of Acquasona – the headquarters of the dynasty in the capital [8] . Upon Costanzo’s death, the country area was partly registered in the Caroni factor [9] .

The subsequent urbanization of the statuary district of Rome, the work of the same engineer Italo Caroni, was the subject in the IV legislature of parliamentary questions nos. 11021 of Senator Giardina and 16707 of the deputy Bavetta, regarding the violation of the building limits envisaged in the 1941 Convention with the Municipality of Rome for the construction of the “Borgata Caroni”; Still in 1973 there were building artifacts for which leased canons were paid to that property [ten] partly to the Gerini family [11] , saving himself from the confiscations of the family heritage [twelfth] Following on 8 September 1943.

Death [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Costanzo Ciano died on June 26, 1939 during a dinner with friends. The city of Livorno later decided the construction of the Mausoleum of Ciano, a monumental building in Monteburrone, near Montenero, who was supposed to host the burial of the hierarch and his family. At the fall of the fascist regime, the construction remained unfinished.

In the granite quarries of Villamarina of the island Santo Stefano, in the archipelago of La Maddalena, some carved parts are still abandoned and visited, including the bust of Ciano, foreseen for the decoration of the mausoleum. To date, divided into three sections, it is a colossal sculpture that portrays it in a maritime seal and that should have been 13 meters high; Commissioned in 1941 to the sculptor Arturo Dazzi, the work remained unfinished after the fall of the regime [13] .

Costanzo Ciano was also portrayed in a valuable bronze commissioned to the sculptor Francesco Messina in 1940; Exposed in front of the town hall of La Spezia, at the fall of fascism the work was removed, but was saved from the merger thanks to its artistic value. Today it is located in the gardens of the Spezia Naval Technical Museum.

In 1939 in Piacenza he was named after Costanzo Ciano, recently deceased, a new popular neighborhood that is still known as the “Ciano district”.

Cero Ciano was officially registered the sea colony then known as Cologne Varese , in Milano Marittima [14] .

There were several names dedicated to Ciano in his native Livorno: from 1927 to 1939 the Ciano Cup car competition was held, running on the Montenero circuit, in the Tuscan city. Ciano managed to have several public works on life still in life, without however making any contribution to their realization: the terrace on the Livorno promenade and the city hospital [15] . For his pronounced jaw, his fame as a great eaten and his business appetite, the Livorno people informed him informally the nickname of Jaw . [16] [17]

From 1939 to 1943 Piazza di Monte Cirio in Rome was renamed “Piazza Costanzo Ciano”.

In addition, several municipalities dedicated him to the streets, such as Carpineto Romano, Formia, Santa Caterina Villarmosa, Chiaramonte Gulfi. In hatred to his son Galeazzo, signatory of the agenda Grandi on July 25, 1943, the widespread name of Costanzo Ciano would have been totally removed by the Odonomastic of the Italian Social Republic ” [18] .

In 1939, the year of death, the public dormitory of Forlì was named after him, the “night asylum Costanzo Ciano [19] .

Decorations and awards thanks to war:

Medaglia d'oro al valor militare - nastrino per uniforme ordinaria Gold medal for military valor
«At the command of a squadron of Mas he traveled ninety miles within enemy seas, pushing himself for disturbing sinuous channels, overtaking barrier and defenses from artillery, achieving the purpose of launching the six torpedoes of his three units against the refugee ships in the deepest part of An opponent anchoring. He then renovated the same journey exposing himself to the reaction of the enemy, who by sea on the ground, in the air, was very easy, natural, safe on the way back. Buccari, 10-11 February 1918. ”
– October 31, 1923 [20]
  • Promotion to captain of vessel (Buccari, 1918);
  • Distinctive for wounded war.
  1. ^ Emilio Gentile and Emilia Campochiaro (edited by), Biographical repertoire of the senators of fascist Italy , C-D, Napoli, BiblioPolis, 2004, p. 635, ISBN 88-7088-452-X (archived by URL Original June 21, 2008) .
  2. ^ Ugo Canessa, Livorno 1900-1936: Chronicle and images of a city , presentation by Gianfranco Lamberti, Livorno, Endegil Editoriale, 1997, pp. 105-117, SBN ITSHICLE 239052 .
  3. ^ a b Costanzo Ciano: XXVI legislature of the Kingdom of Italy . are Chamber of Deputies – Historic Portal .
  4. ^ Costanzo Ciano , in Biographical Dictionary of Italians , Rome, Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia.
  5. ^ Maurilio lovatti, Giacinto Tredici: Bishop of Brescia in difficult years , Introduction by Monsignor Luciano Monari, Brescia, Civiltà Bresciana Foundation, 2009, pp. 28-29, ISBN 978-88-559-0015-7.
  6. ^ Rosario F. Esposito, Freemasonry and Italy: from 1800 to our days , 5th ed., Rome, Edizioni Paoline, 1979, p. 362, SBN ITICCUSBL322920 .
  7. ^ Aldo A. Mola, History of Italian Freemasonry from origins to our day , 2nd ed., Milan, Bompiani, 1992, p. 564 , ISBN 88-452-1929-1.
  8. ^ GIANA LUBBI, Italy 1940, The doubts of the Duce and the ‘strange peace’ , in the Republic , May 4, 1990. URL consulted on November 29, 2022 .
  9. ^ Ugo ricelli, The enclave of the Villa dei Quintili , in the Republic , March 29, 2006, p. 9. URL consulted on November 29, 2022 .
    “It was he who built the first houses and then, just before the war, obtained the authorization, it seems thanks to the friendship with Galeazzo Ciano, to erect a real village made of low and popular houses inhabited by workers and stonemasons”

  10. ^ An experience in the happy aqueduct ( PDF ), are Outstanding , p. 3.
  11. ^ Lorenzo Quilici and Stefania Quilici Gigli (edited by), Roads and settlements in ancient Italy , Roma, L’Ha di Bretschneider, 2004, p. 191, ISBN 88-8265-308-0.
  12. ^ Daniela Ferrari and Mario Vaini (edited by), Ivanoe Bonomi cards: Inventory , Mantua, Gianluigi Arcari, 2002, p. 168. The letter of August 2, 1943 by Italo Caroni, engineer, to Pietro Badoglio, Marshal, head of the government.
  13. ^ A. Cherchi, That granite giant forgotten on a beach in Sardinia , in The sun 24 hours , 22 July 2018. URL consulted on February 27, 2023 .
  14. ^ Alessandro distance and Marta Ricci, The Cologne Varese , in Beetle , n. 0, 2011. URL consulted on March 10, 2016 (archived by URL Original March 10, 2016) .
  15. ^ Dario Matteoni And Francesca Cagianelli, Livorno, the construction of an image: tradition and modernity in the twentieth century , photographs by Carlo Cantini, Cinisello Balsamo, Silvana Editoriale, 2003, p. 35, ISBN 88-8215-696-6.
  16. ^ Aldo Santini, Costanzo Ciano: Ganasha of Fascism , Milano, Camunia, 1993, p. 7, ISBN 88-7767-155-6
  17. ^ Fascist Italy ( PDF ), in Contemporary Italy , vol. 203, National Institute for the History of the Liberation Movement, 1996, p. 409. URL consulted on November 29, 2022 .
  18. ^ Cliently cammarucons, In the name of the Littorio: the name day of the “city of foundation” of the farm Pontine (1932-1945) , in Memory and Research: Contemporary History magazine , vol. 28, Milan, FrancoAngeli, 2008, p. 120. URL consulted on November 29, 2022 .

    “Note that the name of Costanzo Ciano was imposed at the village created by this municipality. Considered the opportunity to replace this name that is no longer welcome to the populations that live it for the feelings that today animate the Italian people. Considering that to replace with full adhesion of citizenship, what the village originally preserved and that is Borgo Mezzomonte. Deliberates to replace the name of the Borgo Costanzo Ciano in that of Borgo Mezzomonte ”

    Note 56 relating to a fraction of Sabaudia (ASCS, RD 1943, Resolution no. 84, 12 August 1943).

  19. ^ When the public dormitory Costanzo Ciano opened in 1939 . are ForlìToday .
  20. ^ a b Ciano Costanzo . are The honors of the Italian Republic .
  • Matteo Mazzoni, Costanzo Ciano and Family, the great rich of the regime , in Paolo Giovannini and Marco Palla (edited by), Fascism with dirty hands: dictatorship, corruption, affarism , Bari-roma, Laterza, 2019, Pp. 49-70, isbn 978-88-581-3409-2