Cyril Gimar -Wikipedia


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Cyril Gimar (Cyrille Guimard. January 20, 1947-) is a former bicycle athlete from French Roire -Atlantic Bugene.

However, he is a person who is said to have a greater achievement as a team director.

Gimar, who was athlete, finished third in the 1971 and 1972 World Bicycle Championships, and in Tour de France in 1972, he competed between Eddie Merckus and Maille Jonheon (fighting this tournament). Awarded). In the same year, Buerta A Espanya won a point award. As far as these records were seen, they were a player who could be positioned as a top class. However, he retired in 1976 without a big title. The following year, he became the director of the Zidan Campagno Team in 1977. Gimar, on the other hand, has won in the three categories of road racing (1967, amateur), track racing sprint (1970), and Cyclocross (1976) in the France Championship. In other words, it can be described as a versatile player in a bicycle competition, and it can be said that the qualities were used to be the leader.

Bernard Inneau joined the Zitan team in the first year of Gimar’s appointment. Gimar found that Innows had the qualities as a leader, and in 1978, in Buerta A Espanya, and in Tour de France, he was selected as a team leader. The selection is wonderful, and Innows win both races overall.

In 1983, when Innows were unable to participate in the tool due to their knee failure, he decided to participate in Laurent Finyon, who was 22 years old at the time, as an Innovy substitute. When Finyoung took away Maillo Jone on the 17th stage, he then bounced off Mailla’s pressure and won the overall championship.

Gimar also found the talent of American Greg Lemon, who won the individual road race of the Junior World Bicycle Championship in 1979, and joined Renault Gitan (Gitan Campagno’s Body Team Name) in 1981. The subsequent lemon is as good as it is. In addition, Lance Armstrong joined in 1997, when Charlie Mote and Marc Madio, who won the Super Prestige award, and also directed Cofidis, were the players. 。


On the other hand, many players gradually became disgusted with Gimar’s powerful leadership. In particular, Innows brought lemon and others in 1984, forming the La Vi Claire team and finally leaving Gimar. On the other hand, Fin Young, who felt the benefit of Gimar, remained in Reno (by the way, Fin Young lived in Gimar until the Castorama team era), and in the 1984 tool, Finyon VS Inno & (Lemon). It was like the Gimar group’s “proxy war”, but the result was Finyon overwhelming. However, the humiliation Innows won the 1985 tools the following year, and in the 1986 tool, Lemon won the first overall victory as an American.

However, Gimar’s skill, which has won seven overall championships in Tour de France as a team director, must be highly evaluated. In addition, Gimar is actually the first to look at the sports power, the United States, which was even said to be a road racing barren land. It would not be an exaggeration to say that Gimar pioneered the success of American players afterwards.

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