Dario Nardella – Wikipedia


Dario Nardella (Torre del Greco, 20 November 1975) is an Italian politician, mayor of Florence since June 3, 2014 and mayor of the homonymous metropolitan city from 1 January 2015.


He was also deputy in the Chamber for the Democratic Party in the 17th legislature up to the election as mayor.

He was born in Torre del Greco, in the province of Naples, from original parents of San Marco in Lamis (in the province of Foggia). [2] The father, Umberto, was a well-known teacher of Hindi and Urdu language and literature at the University of Naples “L’Or oriental” until 2007, and author of numerous monographs on the cultures and languages ​​of Southeast Asia. [3] He spends the years of childhood in the Campania city and at the age of 14 he moved to Florence where in 1994 he obtained the scientific high school diploma at the “Scientific High School G.B. Morgagni”, and subsequently in 1998 he graduated in violin from the Luigi Cherubini Conservatory of Florence, carrying out the professional musical activity until 2004. [4] [5] [6]

In 2001 he graduated in law from the University of Florence with 110 and honors, subsequently obtaining a PhD in public law and environmental law in the same university [5] [7] [8] . He was also a contract teacher of the legislation of cultural heritage at the same university. [5]

In 2005 he founded with prof. Enzo Cheli, prof. Leonardo Morlino and other university friends and colleagues the “Eunomia” Foundation, which he currently directs. [5]

The beginnings [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In the 2004 administrative elections he was elected to the City Council of Florence, among the files of the left democrats, joining the 5th Culture, Education and Sport Commission, becoming president [5] [6] [8] . Between 2006 and 2008 he was also legal councilor of the Minister for Institutional Reforms and relations with Parliament Vannino Chiti, during the second government chaired by Romano Prodi. [5] [6] [8]

At the subsequent administrative of 2009 he is again elected as a city councilor, joining Matteo Renzi’s city council as deputy mayor [8] [9] , assuming, at different times, delegations to economic development, budget, work, tourism, sport [6] . In 2010 he was appointed president of the promoter of the 2013 road cycling championships, which then took place in Tuscany from 21 to 29 September 2013. [6]


In 2012 he was appointed president of the National Consulta of the National Association of Italian Municipalities (Anci) for production activities [5] [6] . In the same year he supported Matteo Renzi’s motion in the center-left primaries ” Italy. Common good “For the choice of the candidate for the Presidency of the Council, against the motion of the then secretary of the Democratic Party Pier Luigi Bersani. [4]

Election to deputy [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In December 2012 he applied to the primaries ” Parliamentarians “Made by the Democratic Party for the choice of parliamentary candidates in view of the subsequent political elections of 24-25 February, resulting with 9,188 votes the second classified in the province of Florence, being a candidate for the Chamber of Deputies in the Tuscan district; in the 2013 political elections it comes Elected deputy among the lists of the Democratic Party, thus presenting the resignation from deputy mayor and councilor on 28 February 2013, where Stefania Saccardi takes over in his place.

In the XVII Legislature, he was a member of the Board of the Elections, of the 10th Productive Activities Commission, Commerce and Tourism, of the 7th Culture, Sciences and Education Commission and the Policies Commission of the European Union of the Chamber of Deputies [5] . As a deputy, he signed and promoted some legislative initiatives in competence sectors, such as the legal planning bill of public funding to parties ” you choose “, The new discipline of construction and renovation of sports facilities, the safeguarding and promotion of historic stores, incentives for companies in the technological innovation sector, the discipline of times and holidays in the trade sector. [5]

Mayor of Florence [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

First term [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

On February 17, 2014 Matteo Renzi, after receiving from the President of the Republic the task of forming a new government and before resigning as mayor of Florence, appoints Nardella Councilor and deputy mayor again, with the task of leading the administration to the natural elections of the following May 2014 [4] . After voting the trust in the Renzi government, he resigned from the office of deputy and is a candidate for the primary of the Democratic Party for the choice of the candidate for mayor of Florence, winning them on March 23 with 82% of the votes. On March 24, it takes on deputy mayor, the functions of first citizen of Florence up to the imminent administrative elections.

In the administrative elections of 25 May 2014 it is supported by a center-left coalition formed by: Democratic Party, Italy of Values, common left, popular for Florence and civic lists ” Nardella list “,” Support Florence ” It is ” Florence in the center “, where he obtains 59.15% of the votes in the first round, thus becoming officially mayor of Florence, setting up on 3 June. The following June 21 is elected Anci coordinator for the metropolitan cities and on January 1, 2015 he became the mayor of the Metropolitan City of Florence. [5]

Second mandate [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Dario Nardella with the tricolor band of mayor of Florence

In the 2019 administrative elections, Mayor of Florence is reconfirmed in the first round with 57.05% of the votes, supported by the Democratic Party Lists, +Europe, Italian Socialist Party and popular alternative in the electoral list ” Next Florence “, and in addition the civic lists” Nardella Mayor “,” Florence + green ” It is ” Civic left [ten] . For the first time in the history of Florence since the direct election exists, a mayor is elected twice in the first round. [ten]

In November 2018 the most important organization of European mayors born to bring to the attention of the European Union the needs of the cities in the economic, political, social and cultural fields, and then on November 5, 2020, was elected vice -president of Eurocities. [6] In July 2019 he was awarded the title of Officer of the Order of Rio Branco for the commitment shown in strengthening the relations between Florence and Brazil following the institutional mission to Salvador Bahia in November 2017. [11]

It was included by the OECD, the World Organization for Cooperation and Development, in the Champions Mayors where Florence was indicated as an example for inclusion and social innovation policies. From 26 January 2022 he has also been a member of the European Committee of the Regions. [twelfth]

Within the party, as a member of law of the National Directorate Pd, in recent years he has supported greater involvement of local territories and administrators in the party’s decision -making bodies.

In February 2020 Nardella encouraged the Italians to “embrace a Chinese” to fight what he called “psychological terrorism” in the wake of Covid-19 pandemics. [13] [14]

In July 2022 he aroused controversy an investigation of Le Iene on his hiring by the General Beverage company of Pontremoli, which took place shortly before his candidacy for mayor. The opposition forces accuse Nardella, who would have been hired to be able to benefit from the figurative contributions, of conflict of interest with the President of the Company, appointed by the Mayor on the Board of Directors of the Fiesole Music School. [15]

On March 17, 2023 he intervenes in first person – together with two municipal police officers – to block activists who, for an environmental protest, with two fire extinguishers are spraying an orange tint on the wall of Palazzo Vecchio, smearing it [16] . Nardella, who was already not far away for an inspection of some restorations, intervenes immediately after, together with all the restorers who were with him with: scaffolding, brushes, sponges and hydrants, wetting and immediately cleaning the facade [17] .

Administration of the city [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

During his administration he carried on the departure of the two lines of Tramvia 2 and 3 that connect the airport and the Careggi hospital to the center of Florence (work partly opposed by its predecessor) [18] , cleared the ” right to security “, trying to fight the nightlife” wild “In the center and adopting the urban daspo for those who delinque [ten] . In addition, his junta has invested in public green, economic development and public works, such as the expansion of the Florence airport and the Foster station that should allow high -speed trains not to cross the city and circular underground. [ten]

During his mandate Nardella made himself the protagonist of some original solutions, such as the one aimed at avoiding the bivouacs of tourists, watering the churches of the churches with water to discourage them from sedving over [19] , as well as the stairways and areas in front of the monuments. [20] [21]

Foreign honors [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  1. ^ Deputy mayor of acting from 24 March to 3 June 2014.
  2. ^ Awarded in his country of origin, the deputy mayor greets Firenzetoday , FlorenceDay, April 22, 2011.
  3. ^ Author: Nardella, Umberto – Opar the Oriental Open Archive . are Opar.unior.it . URL consulted on December 18, 2021 .
  4. ^ a b c Dario Nardella – Latest news about Dario Nardella – topics of the Sole 24 Ore . are Topics topics of the sun 24 hours . URL consulted on 11 August 2021 .
  5. ^ a b c d It is f g h i j Mayor Dario Nardella . are City of Florence . URL consulted on 10 August 2021 .
  6. ^ a b c d It is f g Who I am . are Dario Nardella . URL consulted on 10 August 2021 .
  7. ^ University of Florence – SIAF – Consultation of the Degree Thesis titles Catalog . are sol.unifi.it . URL consulted on November 18, 2015 .
  8. ^ a b c d Dario Nardella . are deputatipd.it , Pd Group Chamber of Deputies. URL consulted on March 23, 2014 (archived by URL Original March 24, 2014) .
  9. ^ The magnificent five Renzians in Rome: the mayor chooses Palazzo Vecchio , The nation, January 4, 2013. URL consulted on March 17, 2013 .
  10. ^ a b c d Florence Elections 2019, he turns Nardella: with great works and security he obscured the center -right (and a weak challenger) . are Daily fact , May 27, 2019. URL consulted on 11 August 2021 .
  11. ^ Mayor Nardella is an official of the Order of Rio Branco . are comune.fi.it .
  12. ^ [ https://www.lanazione.it/firenze/cronaca/il-sindaco-tella-entra-nel-comitato-europeo-regioni-1.7293280 Posted on January 27, 2022
    Mayor Nardella enters the European Committee Regions]
  13. ^ Dario Nardella, #coronavirus: we follow the indications of the health authorities and use caution, but no psychological terrorism and above all enough with the usual jackals that could not wait to use this excuse to hate and insult. United in this common battle! #Embraces … https://t.co/jlx3kuxplj . are Twitter , February 15, 2022 (archived by URL Original on February 15, 2022) .
  14. ^ ( IN ) Italy launched “hug a Chinese” campaign to fight coronavirus induced racism . are in.news.yahoo.com , 5 August 2021. URL consulted on October 13, 2022 (archived by URL Original on August 5, 2021) .
  15. ^ Dario Nardella, Le Iene make the case burst on the figurative contributions of the mayor of Florence . are www.iltempo.it . URL consulted on April 3, 2023 .
  16. ^ Source: Repubblica.it, 17.03.2023, “Florence, environmentalist blitz at Palazzo Vecchio, stopped by the mayor”
  17. ^ Source: Repubblica.it, 17.03.2023, “Florence, Nardella cleanes Palazzo Vecchio smeared by activists: ‘They are barbarians'”
  18. ^ Guide to the municipal elections of Florence . are The post , 20 May 2019. URL consulted on February 7, 2022 .
  19. ^ Florence, Nardella: ‘The sagurati of the churches are not restaurants for this we will wet them’ . are Repubblica TV – Repubblica , 31 May 2017. URL consulted on February 7, 2022 .
  20. ^ The mayor of Florence had a very clever idea to avoid the “bivouacs” in front of the churches . are The post , 31 May 2017. URL consulted on February 7, 2022 .
  21. ^ Florence, hydrant in the churchyard against the bivouacs of tourists. Mayor Nardella: “Made of common sense” . are Daily fact , 31 May 2017. URL consulted on February 7, 2022 .
  22. ^ [first]
  23. ^ The honors of Zelensky: among the winners the correspondent Rai Stefania Battistini , in Rainews , November 15, 2022. URL consulted on November 16, 2022 .
