Davide Barilli – Wikipedia


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Davide Barilli

Davide Barilli (Parma, November 27, 1959) is an Italian writer and journalist.

He lives between Parma, Liguria and Cuba: he worked, dealing with culture, to Gazzetta di Parma , of which he was editor from 1990 to 2021. He is a director of the story magazine Four published by New Berti publishing


2009 – The waxes of Baracoa, Mursia ISBN 9788842540243
2001 – Music for the Tsar, Guanda ISBN 8882464210
1989 – The Turkish band, Casanova


2021 – alchimia (Ars Moriendi), Diabasis,ISBN 9788881039418 :2019 – Cuba.Altrana, Giulio Perrone Editore :2017- el Castilo paper, La Habana, ISBN
2014 – The birth of Che, Aragno ISBN 9788884196606
2013 – The rooster by bicycle, Fedelo’s ISBN 9788896268285
2012 – Alamar’s girl, Fedelo’s ISBN 9788896268216
2010 – Carte the Avaa, Fedelo’s ISBN 97888966268131
2008 – The silent mirror, Fedelo’s ISBN 9788896268001
2003 – Lead and silver, MUP, Parmigiana Library of the twentieth century ISBN 978888710259
1998 – The house on the stream, Guanda ISBN 8882461319
1998 – Armchair for water, Diabasis ISBN 8881030500

He wrote some voices of the Encyclopedia of Parma, published by Franco Maria Ricci in 1998. He edited (and written the preface) of the volumes: the ship of lost dreams, of Ubaldo Bertoli, Guanda; Lovers of the second floor, by Marcial Gala, Alberto Guerra, Emerio Medina, New Berti publishing

1991 – Winner, with Gabriele Romagnoli, of the Prize Egisto Corradi as a young author of reportage
2001 – selected for the prize Pen club with the novel Music for the Tsar
2010 – In the finalist triad (with Mauro Covacich and Antonio Franchini) of the literary prize City of Fabriano with the novel Baracoa waxes
2011 – Absolute winner of the narrative section at the review of Micro -edit 2011 in Chiari, with Avana card
2014 – In the finalist triad (with Gianni Celati and Giulio these) of the literary prize Piero Chiara with the book of short stories The birth of which
2016 – finalist of the literary prize The strain : 2019 – finalist of the literary prize City of Fabriano with the book Cuba.Altravana
  • Armchair for water and other stories by Davide Barilli , by Lisa Oppici, in Malacoda (nº 77, March-April 1998)
  • The syndrome in the labyrinth , in “Without Network: conversations on the new Italian fiction” by Fulvio Panzeri (Pequod ’99)
  • Border figures by Paolo Lagazzi, in “Inside the thought of the world, places of contemporary writing” (The Notebooks of the Boat Ebbro – The Albatro Edizioni, 2000)
  • The space of memory in Davide Barilli’s work of Marina appears, University of Leicester, in The form of the past, identity issues in Italian literary or film works starting from the eighties (Edizioni Lang, London 2007)
  • The torrent of the horrors , in “The word to waste” by Guido Viale – Edicom Edizioni (Milan 2007)
  • Parma between geographical and literary identity (“Emilia-Romagna, a region of writers” by Elisa Scacchetti, in “Atlas of cultural movements” (Clueb ed. 2010)
  • Narrators of the end of the century by Giovanni Ronchini, in History of Parma (Vol. IX Le Lettere, MUP 2012)
  • Latitudes narrative by Alfredo Nicolas Lorenzo, in Spring in Cuba (Spring Digital, Cuban independent periodical, Edicion Semanal number 266, 4 April 2013, year 6)
  • Dizziness of a traveler by Giovanni Tesio, Preface, p. V-XIV, in The birth of which (See, 2014)
  • The tropical-podane stories of Barilli by Arnaldo Colasanti, p. 51-52, in The terrace Literature and research magazine (nº 8, March 2016)
  • The other Cuba , interview by Laura Oliva to Davide Barilli, page 301-313, Medieval and modern studies , XVIII, 1/2, 2014 (Loffredo Editore)
  • Davide Barilli and the orality between the Po and Cuba by Alessandro Mosco, in the Gallery of the Millennium “by Alessandro Moscè, Raffaelli Editore, 2016.
  • The island of the trails that bifurcan , Ahmel Echevarria Scrive The paper castle, in the bearded caiman , 5 Marzo 2018. * Barilli. Cuba. Othervana. In the heart of a lost city , Maria Panetta on diacritic, year V, fasc. 1 (25), 25 February 2019
