Delta Sagittarius – Wikipedia


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δ Archer
Delta shot
Delta Sagittarii

Classification Orange giant
Ghost class K3III
Distance from the sun 306 ± 27 al
Constellation Sagittarius
(All’Epoca J2000)
Retta Ascension 18 h 20 m 59.7 s [first]
Declination −29 ° 49 ′ 41 ″ [first]
Lat. galactic −7,1546 ° [first]
Long. galactic 3,0009 ° [first]
Physical data
Medium range 62 [2] R
4 300  K [2] (media)
Color index (B-V) +1,38 [first]
Observative data
Size app. +2,72
Size Ass. −1,99
Parallax 10.67 ± 0.93 but [first]
Proper AR: – 29,96 Mas/Anno
Dec: -26,38 mas / year [first]
Radial speed −19.9 km/s [first]
Nomenclature alternative

Coordinate: Carta celeste 18 h 20 m 59.7 s , -29 ° 49 ′ 41 ″

Delta shot (δ Sgr / δ Sagittarii) is a stellar system present in the constellation of the Sagittarius.
Its traditional name is Media T -shirt .

Kaus Media has an apparent magnitude +2.72, which makes it the fourth star brighter than the constellation, after ε Sagittarii, σ sagittarii and ζ sagittarii. It is therefore one of the many cases in which Bayer has not assigned the letters to the stars according to their brightness.

It is identified in the western part of the constellation almost on the border with the constellations of the filo and Scorpion. Post almost 30 ° south of the celestial equator, Kaus Media is a star belonging to the southern hemisphere. Its southern declination limits its possibilities of observation in the northern hemisphere, where it is observable only in the regions south of the 60th parallel. However, in the temperate regions of the hemisphere it will appear low on the south horizon and visible for a few hours of the night. The largest are the chances of observing it when approaching the tropical regions. The best time to observe it corresponds to the boreal summer.

Kaus Media is also part of the teaple’s astterism, of which together with ε sagittarii, ister sagittarii and φ sagittarii, shapes the body.

Kaus Media is an orange giant star belonging to the K3 spectral class. It is 306 al from the earth; From its apparent brightness and from the distance you can derive its intrinsic brightness which appears to be first 180  L , once the remarkable amount of infrared radiation has taken into consideration that the star emanates. It is a very high value even for a giant. Its radius is 62 times that of the sun, about three quarters of the orbit of mercury, and its mass 5 M . He is probably currently merging the helium present in his carbon and oxygen nucleus.

The stellar system Delta Sagittarii, in addition to the main described so far, consists of three weak class K or M stars, called respectively:

  • Delta Sagittarius B, 501 14 size, separate Dalla principal di 26 secondi
  • Delta Sagittarius 100, 501 size, separated Dalla main di 40 secondi
  • Delta Sagittario d, di 13 size, separated Dalla principal di 58 secondi

However, it is certainly not if these stars form an effective physical system or if they are simply aligned on the line of view. If they are physically linked to the main, then their distance from the most powerful partner goes from at least 2 400 At by Delta Sagittarius B to Almeno 5 400 make Delta Sagittario d e 1 loro Period Orbital da Almeno 53 000 years by Delta Sagittarius B to Almeno 180 000 years by Delta Sagittarius D.

The name Kaus Media derives from the Arabic قوس (Qaws) = arch and from the Latin media , Meaning what in the middle of . In fact, together with ε Sagittarii (Kaus Australis) and λ Sagittarii (Kaus Borealis) forms the arch challenged by the mythological figure of the archiere who gives the name to the constellation. Kaus Media is located in the center of the arch, while Kaus Australis and Kaus Borealis draw their southern and northern part respectively.

In Hindu astrology the star is called Purvashada nakshatra .

In the system of ancient Chinese constellations it was the fourth of the six stars that make up the Ladle , or southern wagon, part of the black turtle.

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