Derby delle Due Sicilie – Wikipedia


Map of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
Naples-Palermo Serie A 1934-1935 championship, left Antonio Vojak of Napoli, in the center the generous referee Dattilo, on the right Antonio Blasevich of Palermo.

Derby of the two Sicilies It is the name by which the football match between the clubs of Napoli and Palermo is identified by the press, the football representative of the historic capital of the two Sicilies. [first] [2] Just the common role of the two cities in the past centuries is the basis of the expression, [3] Entry into journalistic language especially after the return of the challenge to Serie A in the 2007-2008 season. [4] The challenge is also called Sud derby , [5] However, more generic denomination also used for other games.


Despite a notorious episode that occurred in the 1960s, [6] [7] similarly to how the Derby del Sole , the challenge between Naples and Palermo has often characterized itself by the open attestations of sympathy and historical brotherhood between the supporters of the two teams. [8] [9] Nonetheless, the relationships between some fringes of the two fans have recently undergone frictions. [ten] [11]

Coppa Lipton [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Naples. Coppa Lipton 1909

The first meetings between teams of the cities of Naples and Palermo took place between 1909 and 1915, with the Lipton Challenge Cup (or more simply “Lipton Cup”), a competition in which teams of Campania and Sicily took part. Palermo (at the time called Palermo FBC ), which had been founded in 1900. The city of Naples was instead represented by teams such as the Naples FBC and the international Naples, teams that would then be merged to give life to the Internaples in 1922, which has become in turn And Napoli In 1926. Palermo and, alternating, the two Neapolitan teams faced each other in all the finals of the Lipton Cup. With 5 out of 7 editions the rosanero dominated the tournament. On the exact results of the meetings there are no certainties, in some cases in fact there are discordant sources. [twelfth]

Palermo. Lipton Cup 1910
Károly Csapkay, Palermo and Napoli coach in the 1930s

From the 1930s to the post -war period [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The first challenge in Serie A took place in the 1932-1933 season and saw the newly promoted Palermo victorious for 1-0 with goals by Giovanni Chiecchi. Upon returning to Naples, the Neapolitans imposed themselves with a clear 5-0 that protagonist the striker Antonio Vojak, author of a hat-trick. The two teams continued to face themselves in Serie A in the following three seasons, with a balance of 4 Napoli victories, 1 victory of Palermo and a draw. At the end of the 1935-1936 season, Palermo relegated to Serie B. The two teams returned to face themselves in 1945, the year of the end of the Second World War, in the national division championship. At the 0-0 draw in the first leg in Palermo, he followed the 2-0 victory of Napoli on his return.

The fifties [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Luís Vinício

At the end of the 1940s the two teams did not cross. In fact, Napoli relegated from Serie A to Serie B in the 1947-1948 season, while in the same year Palermo made the reverse path, obtaining the promotion to Serie A. The challenge returned after the return of the Neapolitans to the top flight, in the 1950s season 1951. In the first leg to the favorite, Napoli imposed himself with the Albanese Krieziu goal, also in 3-0 of the return to San Paolo. In the following season the rosanero prevailed in the first leg, away in Naples, thanks to the goals of the talented Danish Bronée, discovered by President Raimondo Lanza di Trabia, and Giaroli. Upon returning to Palermo, the two teams equalized 1-1.

In the 1952-1953 season the challenge ended with the result of 0-0 both on the outward and return. The following season instead saw Napoli clearly prevail in the first leg at San Paolo with the goal of Formentin and Pesaola’s brace. Upon returning to Palermo, the two teams equalized 2-2, with the rosanero capable of overturning the situation after the Neapolitan network of Jeppson, but then reached by the draw of Amadei. At the end of the season, Palermo relegated to Serie B.

The challenge re-proposed after the return of the rosanero to Serie A, in the 1956-1957 season. At the 0-0 of the first leg to the favor, he followed the victory of the Azzurri at San Paolo, with a 4-1 signed by the poker of the Brazilian Vinício and the network of the Sicilian flag of the Argentine Vernazza. At the end of the season, the Rosanero ended up in Serie B. On their return to the top flight, in the 1959-1960 season, the Sicilians equalized 0-0 at home in the first leg and were defeated 2-1 in the return to Naples. For Palermo, another relegation followed.


The sixties and seventies [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Gaetano Troja

In the 1962-1963 season the two teams returned to face each other in Serie A. In the first leg he prevailed by Napoli at San Paolo 3-1. Upon returning to Palermo, the two teams equalized 1-1. The season ended with both teams relegated to Serie B. In the Cadeta Napoli and Palermo League they faced each other in the following two seasons, with a balance of a victory each and two draws. 1965 was also the year of the first challenge in the Italian Cup, which ended 1-0 in favor of the Azzurri. At the end of this season, Napoli won the promotion in Serie A, while Palermo ended the championship in the middle of the standings.

The two teams returned to cross between the Italian Cup and Serie A in the 1968-1969 season. The first seasonal meeting was that of Coppa Italia, in September 1968, which saw Palermo victorious at San Paolo 1-0 with goals by Gaetano Troja. The first challenge in the championship took place in Naples and ended with the result of 1-0 in favor of the hosts thanks to the Omar Sívori network.

José Altafini

The return game to the favorite remains in the annals as that of the most controversial episode in the history of the Due Sicilie derby. On March 16, 1969, in fact, the crowded stage of the Sicilian capital was the theater of what José Altafini called the “insurrection of Palermo”. [6] In the first half at Barison’s Neapolitan goal, the Palermo Troja replied. In the interval the new blue president Corrado Ferlaino faced the referee Antonio Sbardella, Reo (in the opinion of the patron Campania) to be conditioned by the home audience. [7] This episode marked the situation in the second half. At 5 ‘Troja passed Dino Zoff bringing the rosanero ahead. A few minutes later Sbardella denied a penalty to Palermo for a Bercellino shot rejected with the arm by Juliano. At 15 ‘instead he granted one doubt to the blues. [7] The draw of Altafini arrived from the spot, who, immediately after the transformation of the penalty, exulted with the gesture of the umbrella towards the rosanero fans. At 32 ‘the network of the Neapolitan advantage signed by Micelli provoked the beginning of the fight. At 90 ‘another penalty denied to Palermo closed the challenge. [7] Sbardella then whistled the end of the meeting. A field invasion followed, following which Sbardella took refuge in the changing rooms and was able to leave the favorite only by helicopter. Ferlaino, on the other hand, equipped with a bulletproof vest, [7] He found refuge first in the car of the Rosanero Renzo Barbera manager and then on a car of the carabinieri. [6] The final balance was forty wounded and numerous arrests. A Palermo fan denounced Altafini for offenses. [7] Napoli was assigned the victory at the table 2-0, while Palermo suffered the disqualification of the field for 2 days.

Palermo finalist in the Italian Cup in 1979, after the victory in the semifinal against Napoli at San Paolo.

In the following season the two teams collected two draws 0-0. Palermo concluded the vintage by relegating to Serie B. Azzurri and Rosanero returned to face the Italian Cup 1971-1972. In the meeting, played at San Paolo in September ’71, Napoli imposed himself 1-0 with scoring goals. At the end of the season Palermo regained Serie A.

The 1972-1973 season was that of the last comparison in Serie A before the return of the challenge to the top flight over thirty years later, in 2007. Before the championship meetings, the two teams faced each other in the Italian Cup by drawing 1-1 at the Favorite. In the championship the challenge of the first leg in Palermo ended 1-0 in favor of the Sicilians, while on the return to Campania the two teams equalized 1-1. The season closed with the relegation of the rosanero.

The two teams returned to face themselves in the initial stages of the Italian Cup 1975-1976 and 1977-1978. In both comparisons, played in Palermo, the field premised the Azzurri, victorious 3-0 and 3-2. The Italian Cup 1978-1979 was instead the scenario of the challenge in the semifinal and the Palermo company of Nando Veneranda. The rosanero formation, which in that vintage played a modest Serie B championship, had a surprising journey in the Italian Cup, managing to eliminate teams such as the Turin of Gigi Radice and Lazio and thus presenting itself in the semifinal against the victorious Napoli on Perugia ai quarters. The first leg semifinal was held to the favorite and ended with a 0-0 draw. Upon returning to Naples, the Sicilians imposed themselves 2-1 with a brace by Filippo Citterio, who with his second goal frustrated the momentary Neapolitan draw signed by Beppe Savoldi. So it was that Palermo conquered its second final of the Italian Cup, after that of the 1973-1974 season lost against Bologna. In the final the rosanero met Juventus on the neutral of San Paolo, leaving defeated only to extra time after having also been the lead. [14]

The return of the challenge to Serie B [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In the 1980s, Naples and Palermo lived totally opposite sports and corporate situations. While Maradona’s Napoli reached the leaders of Italian and European football, conquering two badges and a UEFA Cup, Palermo was overwhelmed by corporate problems culminating in the bankruptcy and radiation of 1986. During the nineties the two teams continued to the military in categories Different, with Napoli permanently in Serie A until the 1997-1998 season and Palermo oscillates between Serie B and Serie C. In the three seasons following 1997-1998 Naples and Palermo played respectively in Serie B and Serie C.

Maurizio Zamparini

In 2000 the rosanero team was purchased by Franco Sensi, who set up a team that was immediately able to conquer the promotion to Serie B. The promotion of Palermo to Serie B led to the return of the challenge, after 21 years, in the 2001-2002 season. In the first leg, the Azzurri prevailed at San Paolo 3-2 with the fundamental contribution of Roberto Stellone, author of a brace. On the way back the two teams equalized 1-1. At the end of the season Napoli ranked Quinto and Palermo Decimo.

The summer of 2002 was a harbinger of changes in the Rosanero house, with the decisive change of ownership of the club, which passed to the former president of Venice Maurizio Zamparini. The former patron A team built to aim for Serie A settled in the company, inaugurating a period of corporate stability far from the turbulence of the eighties and nineties. In Naples, on the other hand, the corporate crisis started in the late nineties forgiven despite the transfer of ownership from Giorgio Corbelli to Salvatore Naldi.

In the 2002-2003 season, followed by the corporate changes, Naples and Palermo equalized 0-0 in the first leg at San Paolo, while on the return the Sicilians imposed themselves 2-1. The championship ended with Palermo fifth in the standings, just 3 points from the promoted Ancona, and with Napoli one step away from the relegation to Serie C, Quintultimo, two points from the relegation Catania (subsequently fished out). In the following season Palermo imposed himself with a clear 4-0 in the first leg played at Barbera, thanks to a brace of the future world champion Luca Toni. Upon returning to San Paolo, the two teams equalized 1-1. The season closed with the triumphant return of Palermo to Serie A after 31 years, while Napoli closed the championship in thirteenth place and then failed.

The return of the challenge to Serie A [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Aurelio Laurentia

After the failure of Napoli, which took place in the summer of 2004, the Neapolitan company left from Serie C1 under the presidency of Aurelio De Laurentiis. After two C and one in B championships, Napoli returned to play in Serie A in the 2007-2008 season, finding a Palermo back from three high-level championships, culminating with three consecutive qualifications at the UEFA Cup.

On November 10, 2007, after 34 years of absence, the derby between the two teams returned to dispute in the top flight. The first leg at Barbera closed with the 2-1 comeback victory thanks to the brace of Giovanni Tedesco. Upon returning to Naples, the home team imposed himself 1-0 with goals from Marek Hamšík, destined to become the top scorer of the Due Sicilie in the following years. From that moment the meeting between the two former southern capital has become a highly anticipated appointment, often played as an evening postponement. The last challenge in Serie A dates back to 29 January 2017, when at the San Paolo the two teams-Naples fighting for the Scudetto and Palermo entangled in the mobile sands of the relegation zone-equalized 1-1.

Data Season Match Result Markers Naples Markers Palermo
first 29 genes. 1933 Serie A 1932-1933 Palermo – Naples ten 87 ‘Chiecchi
2 18 Giu. 1933 Naples – Palermo 5 – 0 25 ‘, 53’, 71 ‘Vojak, 35’, 42 ‘gravis
3 5 nov. 1933 Serie A 1933-1934 Naples – Palermo 3 – 0 38 ‘Innocenti, 75’ Vojak, 86 ‘Rossetti
4 11 mar. 1934 Palermo – Naples twelfth 34 ‘, 70’ soldier 25′ Borel
5 2 dic. 1934 Serie A 1934-1935 Naples – Palermo 6 – 0 26 ‘, 38′ Sallustro, 46 ​​’, 63′ Ferraris II, 60 ‘Vojak, 86’ revolt
6 14 apr. 1935 Palermo – Naples 2 – 0 43 ‘of Manzano, 55’ Palumbo
7 29 dic. 1935 Serie A 1935-1936 Naples – Palermo 3 – 0 13 ‘Busoni, 80’, 87 ‘Rossetti
8 26 apr. 1936 Palermo – Naples 2 – 2 18 ‘, 88’ BUSONI 52 ‘Ziroli, 78’ Carnevali
9 5 dic. 1937 Italian Cup 1937-1938 Naples – Palermo 2 – 0 13 ‘Riccardi, 60’ Prato
ten 30 dic. 1945 National Division 1945-1946 Palermo – Naples 0 – 0
11 31 mar. 1946 Naples – Palermo 2 – 0 15 ‘, 76’ Lushta
twelfth 31 dic. 1950 Serie A 1950-1951 Palermo – Naples 0 – 1 75 ‘Kriezia
13 27 mag. 1951 Naples – Palermo 3 – 0 27 ‘Formentin, 44’ Astori, 72 ‘Kriezie
14 2 dic. 1951 Serie A 1951-1952 Naples – Palermo twelfth 48 ‘Todeschini 20 best is, 56 ‘Giaroli
15 20 apr. 1952 Palermo – Naples 1 – 1 15′ Mike 28 ‘Big Brothers
16 9 nov. 1952 Serie A 1952-1953 Naples – Palermo 0 – 0
17 15 mar. 1953 Palermo – Naples 0 – 0
18 13 set. 1953 Serie A 1953-1954 Naples – Palermo 3 – 0 5 ‘Formentin, 13’, 50 ‘Pesaola
19 31 genes. 1954 Palermo – Naples 2 – 2 10′ Jeppson, 83′ Amadei 19 years Prideces, 46 ‘Quonecuti
20 21 genes. 1957 Serie A 1956-1957 Palermo – Naples 0 – 0
21 9 Giu. 1957 Naples – Palermo 4 – 1 29 ‘, 38’, 57 ‘, 73’ Vinício 87 ‘Vernazza
22 22 Giu. 1958 Italian Cup 1958 Naples Palermo 4 – 2 4 ’Novelli, 41’ Comaschi, 56 ’BULLGULA, 81’ Novelli 69 ’Benedetti (P), 74 ‘Sandri
23 13 lug. 1958 Palermo Naples 5 – 1 15 ‘Gasparini 17 ’Azzali, 47’ Gómez, 57 ‘Malavasi, 61’ Biagini, 80 ‘Lonardi
24 25 there. 1959 Serie A 1959-1960 Palermo – Naples 0 – 0
25 20 mar. 1960 Naples – Palermo 2 – 1 8 ‘by Giacomo, 14’ Del Vecchio 3 ‘Sandri
26 16 dic. 1962 Serie A 1962-1963 Naples – Palermo thirty first 23 ‘Gatti, 26’ Mariani, 45 ‘Fanello 42 ‘Deast
27 21 apr. 1963 Palermo – Naples 1 – 1 75 ‘FRASCHINI 59′ Borjesson
28 15 dic. 1963 Serie B 1963-1964 Palermo – Naples 4 – 0 51 ‘, 55’ Postiglione, 74 ‘, 85’ Masters
29 10 mag. 1964 Naples – Palermo 0 – 0
30 27 dic. 1964 Serie B 1964-1965 Naples – Palermo 2 – 1 18 ‘Cané, 21’ Corelli 34 ‘Troja
thirty first 4 apr. 1965 Italian Cup 1964-1965 Naples – Palermo ten 40 ‘cané
32 23 mag. 1965 Serie B 1964-1965 Palermo – Naples 0 – 0
33 22 set. 1968 Italian Cup 1968-1969 Naples – Palermo 0 – 1 55 ‘Troja
34 17 nov. 1968 Serie A 1968-1969 Naples – Palermo ten 13 ‘Sívori
35 16 mar. 1969 Palermo – Naples 0 – 2 [15] 13 Jolo: the 18 “Highspers (n), 77 ‘Mixelli 30 ‘, 50’ Troy
36 28 dic. 1969 Serie A 1969-1970 Palermo – Naples 0 – 0
37 19 apr. 1970 Naples – Palermo 0 – 0
38 19 set. 1971 Italian Cup 1971-1972 Naples – Palermo ten 28 ‘Improta
39 6 set. 1972 Italian Cup 1972-1973 Palermo – Naples 1 – 1 65 ‘Rimbano 14′ Vallongo
40 26 nov. 1972 Serie A 1972-1973 Palermo – Naples ten 11 ‘Ballabio
41 25 mar. 1973 Naples – Palermo 1 – 1 35′ Esposito 64 ‘Favalli
42 21 set. 1975 Italian Cup 1975-1976 Palermo – Naples 0 – 3 19 ‘, 49’ Top, 61 ‘Juliano
43 28 ago. 1978 Italian Cup 1977-1978 Palermo – Naples 2 – 3 15 ‘Savoldi, 84’ Mocellin, 87 ‘Massa 13 ‘, 58’ chimenti
44 23 mag. 1979 Italian Cup 1978-1979 Palermo – Naples 0 – 0
45 6 Giu. 1979 Naples – Palermo twelfth 43 ‘Savoldi 10 ‘, 61’ Citterio
forty six 3 dic. 2001 Serie B 2001-2002 Naples – Palermo 3 – 2 9 ‘Vidigal, 46’, 70 ‘Stellone 4 ‘Guidoni, 57’ Amerini
47 5 mag. 2002 Palermo – Naples 1 – 1 37′ Jankulovski 70 ‘Guidoni
48 29 nov. 2002 Serie B 2002-2003 Naples – Palermo 0 – 0
49 2 mag. 2003 Palermo – Naples 2 – 1 68 ‘Stellone 1 ‘way, 17’ asta
50 16 nov. 2003 Serie B 2003-2004 Palermo – Naples 4 – 0 27 ‘Ferri, 37’, 60 ‘Toni, 48’ Zauli
51 10 apr. 2004 Naples – Palermo 1 – 1 28 ‘Dionigi 40 ‘A. Filipino
52 10 nov. 2007 Serie A 2007-2008 Palermo – Naples 2 – 1 54 ‘Bogliacino 57 ‘, 66’ German Gio.
53 30 mar. 2008 Naples – Palermo ten 90+2 ‘Hamšík
54 24 set. 2008 Serie A 2008-2009 Naples – Palermo 2 – 1 14 ‘Hamšík, 76’ zalayeta 83 ‘Micles
55 8 feb. 2009 Palermo – Naples 2 – 1 43 ‘Hamšík 2 ‘Migliaccio, 14’ Simplício
56 23 ago. 2009 Serie A 2009-2010 Palermo – Naples 2 – 1 73 ‘Hamšík 44 ‘St. Mary11s, 75:2ouse
57 17 genes. 2010 Naples – Palermo 0 – 0
58 6 dic. 2010 Serie A 2010-2011 Naples – Palermo ten 90+5 ‘May
59 23 apr. 2011 Palermo – Naples 2 – 1 2 ‘Cavani 38 ‘Balzaretti, 45+1’ Bovo
60 8 genes. 2011 Serie A 2011-2012 Palermo – Naples 1 – 3 35 ‘Pandev, 54’ Cavani, 60 ‘Hamšík 89 ‘Micles
sixty one 23 apr. 2011 Naples – Palermo 2 – 0 16 ‘Cavani, 35’ Hamšík
62 26 ago. 2012 Serie A 2012-2013 Palermo – Naples 0 – 3 45+3 ‘Hamšík, 79’ Maggio, 88 ‘Cavani
63 13 genes. two thousand and thirteen Naples – Palermo 3 – 0 30 ‘May, 34’ Inler, 72 ‘Insigne
sixty four 24 set. 2014 Serie A 2014-2015 Naples – Palermo 3 – 3 2′ Koulbaly, 11′ Zapata, 45+1′ p.t. Callejón 18 ‘, 61’ Belotti, 24 ‘Vázquez
65 14 feb. 2015 Palermo – Naples thirty first 14 ‘Lazaar, 36’ Vázquez, 65 ‘Rigoni 82 ‘gabbiadini
66 28 there. 2015 Serie A 2015-2016 Naples – Palermo 2 – 0 39 ‘Higuaín, 80’ Mertens
sixty seven 13 mar. 2016 Palermo – Naples 0 – 1 22 ‘Higuaín
68 10 set. 2016 Serie A 2016-2017 Palermo – Naples 0 – 3 47 ‘Hamšík, 51’, 65 ‘Callejon
69 29 genes. 2017 Naples – Palermo 1 – 1 67′ Mertens 6 ‘Nestorovski

Gunners [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

* Two goals scored in Palermo-Napoli of March 16, 1969, ended on the score of 2-3, but with victory assigned to the table at Napoli 0-2.

Poker [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Triplet [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Doubles [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

December 1, 1929.
Networks: root 15 ‘and 26’.

19 November 1930.
Reti: Mihalic, Sallustro 2, vojak.

29 March 1931.
Reti: Sallustress (n), Mihalic (n), Sallustro (n), Ricci (P).

August 28, 1949.
Networks: 40 ‘pt and 8 ’st de Santis (P), 1’ st Vycpalek (P), 35’ st Ragona (n).

November 27, 1955.
Networks: Beltrandi (N), Vitali (N), Griffith (P), Vinicio, Vinicio (N).

March 19, 1958.
Networks: 47 ‘Sandri.

August 20, 1961.
Networks: 27 ‘pt heels (n), 13’ and 22 ‘st Fantini (P), 26’ and 41 st Tomeazzi (N).

August 18, 1992.
Networks: 24 ‘De Sensi (P), 55’ Zola (N).

August 12, 2000.
Networks: 10 ‘pt cappioli (penalty); 22 ‘st Magoni; 42 st Bellucci (N).

August 3, 2005.
Networks: 12 ‘PT Santana, 20’ PT Fontana, 29 ‘PT Makinwa, 34’ PT Brienza, 4 ‘st Pepe, 31’ st Makinwa, 34 ‘st Grosso, 37’ st Pepe.

August 2, 2006.
Networks: 5 ’PT by Michele, 12 ‘st Bucchi, 25’ st Sosa, 31’ st Corini, 28 ‘and 40’ st Caracciolo.

12 August 2010.
Networks: 25 ‘pt maccarone

August 27, 2011.
Networks: 19 ‘PT Hamsik, 29’ Pt Maggio, 43 ‘Pt Migliaccio, 21’ st May

  • In 1928, after the sudden death of the former Rosanero captain Giuseppe Pirandello (passed to Napoli in 1926), the Palermo newspaper Time He walked the ” Pirandello Cup “Following a subscription aimed at fundraising. Palermo and Naples were played the trophy at the Ranchible Stadium, with the partners who came out victorious from the meeting.
  1. ^ Naples-Palermo, the Derby of the Two Sicilies. Football at 20:45 at the “San Paolo” – Official website of the US. City of Palermo, September 24, 2014.
  2. ^ Palermo -Napoli, from B to A Il Derby delle Due Sicilie – , 13 Marzo 2016. Filed On June 23, 2018 in the Internet Archive. Filed On June 23, 2018 in the Internet Archive.
  3. ^ Naples -Palermo, the Derby of the two Sicilies is worth the Champions League – , 6 December 2010.
  4. ^ Fabio Mandarini, Palermo-Napoli, what a derby! . are , November 10, 2007.
  5. ^ At Palermo the South derby – Raisport, February 14, 2015.
  6. ^ a b c Amarcord Palermo-Napoli. Altafini makes a gesture and the public puts the referee on the run and Ferlaino – , February 13, 2015. Filed On June 23, 2018 in the Internet Archive. Filed On June 23, 2018 in the Internet Archive.
  7. ^ a b c d It is f And the referee escaped by helicopter – , 12 Marzo 2016.
  8. ^ Palermo -Napoli, Bourbon banner to Barbera: “From one capital to another …” – , 13 Marzo 2016.
  9. ^ Photo. Palermo -Napoli: Bourbon flags between the stands of Barbera – , 10 September 2016.
  10. ^ Naples: Wednesday curves divided between twinning with Catania and Palermo – , November 3, 2015.
  11. ^ Twinning Naples-Palermo? Recruption and cross friendships .
  12. ^ ( IN ) Roberto Fourthorone, Lipton Challenge Cup . are , RSSSF, 15 May 2005. URL consulted on July 2, 2011 .
  13. ^ This is the result reported by La Gazzetta dello Sport of the day following the dispute of the match. Some sites instead report the 2-1 victory of the Naples.
  14. ^ Salvatore Geraci, The Palermo of Veneranda and the Italian Cup final once more cursed time , in the Republic , 7 July 2013, p. 16.
  15. ^ Game ended on the score of 2-3; The table win at the table 0-2 is assigned to Napoli due to the accidents.