Destruction (character) – Wikipedia


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Name orig. Destruction
Language orig. English
publisher DC Comics – Vertigo
1st app. November 1991
1st app. in the The Sandman Special n. 1
Imaginary characteristics
Nickname Olethros
Sex Male
Powers Former appearance of destruction and semi -alcoholic/omnipotent seed creation

Destruction ( Destruction ) is one of the eternal, the imaginary characters of the comic series The Sandman In Neil Gaiman [first] .

It is the oldest fourth of the eternal, and is depicted like a big man with a beard and red hair (somehow similar to the actor Brian Blessed; Gaiman said that he would have liked Blessed to play destruction in a hypothetical film on Sandman). It is also known as Olethros. In a appearance set a few centuries earlier, it was depicted wearing a military uniform (resembling that of the mosquettieri, or an armor), even if in more recent times it was shown in more lively clothes without a particular theme. When Delirio and Morpheus met him in the seventh collection of the series Brief Lives , she had to bring her tight hair into a tail, and she had a talking dog, Barnabas. Given that he abandoned his responsibilities there is no longer a seal in the galleries for him, even if he maintains his gallery (where there is a sword, his seal). His reame is not described in the series.

Destruction abandoned the kingdom and responsibilities in some periods around the seventeenth century. The reason for this was the onset of the era of the reason of humans, which finally culminated in the invention of the atomic bomb. Destruction did not want to be responsible for the destruction that he would cause, and therefore left his family. He did not cease to live as the aspect of destruction, he simply stopped directing the affairs he had control over. As he said, the destruction did not stop, only was no longer his fault. This was shown in the Fenrir character of the series Lucifer , which was described as an act of destruction; Even if it was not explicit, it was postulated that this was the manifestation of the kingdom of destruction. Destruction has a role of relevance in Brief Lives in which his brothers delirium and Morpheus decided to go looking for him. When they finally met they did not discuss, but they came to equate themselves; The choice of destruction made Morpheus stunned in a certain sense and in a destruction, while destruction found it difficult to understand his brother’s position and focused on imparting a little wisdom in the need to change and get to know himself. Delirio simply wanted his brother to return; He depended on his brothers for support, in particular his older brothers. In the end, destruction simply left, putting his sword in a bassoon, walking towards the sky and disappearing.

Destruction is obsessed with itself in the positive sense of the term; After abandoning his responsibilities he focused on the attempt to know more about his nature and exercise control over it. This manifested itself in an attempt to subvert its very essential nature and create instead of destroying; It is seen in various times to write indifferent poems, painting indifferent drawings, cooking a food left stamped for those for which it was prepared, and prepared the Turkish coffee that delirium did not drink correctly. Numerous characters referred to him as a horrible artist. It was as if destruction was inspired by the suggestion of death that everyone can know everything. He said to dream in Brief Lives That every eternal is actually a gentleman of the opposite: life and death, dream and reality, destruction and creation, destiny and freedom, etc.

As an aspect of change, destruction also provides for the event of failure and replacement of his brother dream in his interaction. It was a destruction, in fact, that he said to Orpheus that death knew for him a way to visit the afterlife, which he set in motion a chain of events that led to the end of a dream.
Subsequently, for an event not shown, death will remain very angry with him, since destruction has chosen infinite eternity.

Reappeared in the sequel to The Sandman Endless Nights , in history Destruction – On The Peninsula , where you can see it guidance and be a nurse to a delirium after a mental collapse, and assist her in the excavation of a site that could contain the relics of a possible future. When he reappeared later in the comic, it was during the story Destiny – Endless Nights . His statue in the Garden of Destiny is in line with the statue of the other eternal, looking at the opposite direction, as if to represent his aversion to the principles and obligations, and imprisonment from his brothers, and his seal and his portrait ( The fourth in chronological order) in the Destiny Gallery were covered with a drape.

  1. ^ Phil Jimenez, Endless, The , in Alastair Dougall (A Cura di), The DC Comics Encyclopedia ,, News twk, Dot belts, 2008,, p. 115. 213309017 .
