Die (Electronics) – Wikipedia


The finished, ready to be mounted in package

The the [first] It is the subtle plate of semiconductor material on which the electronic circuit of the integrated circuit was made, in turn made through a lithographic procedure.


The the sealed in its container, called with the English term package (literally “pack”, “package”), forms an electronic component (the integrated circuit). Between the (size of a few millimeters) and the accessible terminals of the integrated circuit (called with the Italian term “feet” or with the English term the battery ) the electrical connection is made by means of very thin wires.

The realization of the the From the first transistors to modern microprocessors, it contains most of the history of semiconductor electronic technology.

The of the Microcontroller 8742 Intel, mounted in his package ceramic

The production process takes place on a monochristalline silicon substrate with very low number of impurities and crystallographic defects. [2]

These substrates are made up of wafer of diameter silicon between 10 and 12 inches (between 25.40 and 30.48 cm) and of a thickness less than the millimeter. Of this substrate only the upper part will be interested in processing, as all the devices will be made practically on the surface of the wafer , in a thickness of the order of 10 ÷ 20 microns. The lower part is called bulk . For this reason, when we refer to the technology of the integrated circuits we talk about silicon planar technology .
The processes necessary to obtain the wafer For the manufacture of the integrated circuits they are very complex but can be so simplified:

  1. It starts from quartzite [3] as raw material and it is subjected to complex refining processes to ensure that it becomes polycrystalline silicon, defined as an electronic degree (EGS), [4] that is silicon with less than one impulity every billion atoms (very pure).
  2. EGS type polysilenic is subjected to crystalline growth to obtain an ultra -part monochristalline ingot. To this end, there are two techniques: the Czochralski (Cz) by Float Zone (FZ).
  3. Each ingot is sawn, in order to obtain the wafer juicy and lapped to avoid that on the surface of the wafer There are irregularities that have a heavy in a heavy way on the proper functioning of the integrated circuit. Because of irregularities, in fact, there could be changes in the thickness of the conductive slopes, with consequent variations, in some point, of the electrical conductivity of the same.

Protection and isolation [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

And the 3 x 3 mm with the wires for connections to the terminals of the package [5]

Once the wafer It is necessary to protect it from corrosive processes, inevitably triggered by any water particles in the air, and by mechanical stresses to which it can be subjected. To this end, a deposition of insulating material is usually carried out also having the function of preventing any short circuits between the conductive slopes arranged on layer [6] different.

The silicon oxide, Sio 2 , is the most widespread insulating employed in the production of integrated circuits. There are several techniques that allow you to have an oxide growth on the surface of the silicon slice, but the most used one is thermal oxidation. This procedure consists in exposing silicon to oxidizing agents, such as water or oxygen, at high temperatures and allows you to have good control over the thickness of the oxidized layer and on the chemical properties of the Sio layer 2 increased. The silicon oxide, left free to act without any external control, would tend to form quartz, and it is for this reason that it is necessary to work at temperatures of the order of 1000 ° C.

By forcing the oxide to have a thermal growth on the slice of silicon, in fact, it is made so that it deforms no longer constituting a crystalline but amorphous structure. Furthermore, an oxidation at room temperature would cause the passivation of silicon and thus block the continuation of oxidation.
Depending on whether it is used as oxygen oxidant agent (or 2 ) or water (h 2 O), we speak respectively of dry oxidation and of wet oxidation .
The chemical reactions that take place in these oxidations are respectively:
