Diocese of Cillio – Wikipedia


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The Diocese of Cillio (in latino: Diocese cillitana ) is a suppressed headquarters and headquarters of the Catholic Church.

Cyllium, corresponding to the city of Kasserine In today’s Tunisia, it is an ancient episcopal seat of the Roman province of Bizacena.

There are four well -known bishops of this ancient episcopal seat. At the Carthage conference of 411, which saw the Catholic bishops and donatists of Africa gathered together, the bishop Terziolo participated for Catholic part, and for the donatist part the bishop Donato. The latter claimed, as an integral part of his diocese, also the territory of Vegetsela, where, despite the private Catholic has done everything to prevent the opening of donatist places of worship, there are a priest and two deacons. Catholic Terziolo is probably to be identified with the homonymous bishop mentioned without indicating the venue to which they belong to the list of a council celebrated in an unknown location of the Byzantine on February 24, 418. [first]

Third well -known bishop is Fortuna, whose name appears to 64th place in the list of bishops of the Byzantine convened in Carthage by the Uneric Vandalo King in 484; Fortunciano, like all the other African Catholic bishops, was condemned to exile. [2]

The archaeological excavations brought to light, among the various artifacts, the remains of a Basilica of the Byzantine era.

Bishop Aurelio also add to this diocese Mesnage and Toulotte A illabi , who participated in the Council of Carthage called on 1 September 256 from San Cipriano to discuss the question relating to the validity of the baptism administered by the heretics, and figure in 81st in the Opinions of bishops . [3] Morcells will absuine aurelso to the dioceses of cild in numitation. [4]

Since 1925 Cillio has been counted among the bishop’s offices of the Catholic Church; From 16 February 2019 the titular Bishop has been Carlos Enrique Samaniego López, auxiliary bishop of Mexico City.


Resident bishops [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Aurelio? † (mentioned in 256)
  • Terziolo † (before 411 – after 418?)
  • Fortunaziano † (mentioned in 484)

Owner bishops [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  1. ^ Mandouze, Prosopography of Christian Africa , p. 1102, Third ; p. 314, Donato 37 .
  2. ^ Mandouze, Prosopography of Christian Africa , p. 488, Fortunatianus 10 .
  3. ^ ( THE ) St. Thasci Caecili Cyprian works , Reviewed and commentary critically instruxit Guilelmus Hartel, Corpus Ecclesiasticorum Latin (CSEL), Volume 3, Part 1 (Preface and Stickers), Vienna, 1868, p. 459.
  4. ^ Mesnage, Christian Africa , p. 91.
  5. ^ Appointed auxiliary bishop of Krakow, he renounces the assignment before the episcopal consecration.
  6. ^ ( PL ) Metropolitan message of Krakow . are DIECEZJA.PL , 12 December 2018.
