Dragon crisis one shot ’97 –Wikipedia


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Dragon crisis one shot ’97 ] Legend of War Wolf , British question: THE NEW BIG BOSS/LEGEND OF THE WOLF ) Is a Hong Kong action movie starring Donnie Yen production, director, action director, and starring Donnie Yen. The catch phrase is “” A new dragon legend dedicated to Bruce Lee [first]

It has nothing to do with the “Dragon Crisis One” (1971) starring Bruce Lee, and there is also a Japanese title “New Dragon Crisis” (1998) starring Donnie Yen. It has nothing to do with Bruce Lee’s work or this work.

Donnie Yen advanced to film production due to the hit of the starring TV drama “Seibu Gomon” broadcast in 1995 in Asia. This work is the first director’s work taken with his own company “Children’s Production Production Production”.

The original title in Hong Kong is “Wolf Den”, but at first, the title outside of Hong Kong is “Shin -Karayama Daig brother” and “The New Boss Boss”, the original title of “Karayama Daisen” of Bruce Lee’s “Dragon Crisis”. Because it was a new or new to the English title “The Big Boss”, Jun Edo, who was in charge of producing a label distributed in Japan at the time and advertising this work, Donnie the second blues Lee. When it was a chance to sell it as, I gave this Japanese title [2]

On May 30, 2015, the HD remastered version was revived as the end of the closing of Tokyo Cinemart Roppongi, which was screened mainly in Asian films. [3]
This is the first time in 18 years since the single building in Tokyo Ikebukuro Cinema Rosa, which was released with Hong Kong in 1997, was released at the same time as Hong Kong.


Debut [ edit ]

Fan Manhin/Donnie Yen (dubbed: Yoshitada Otsuka)
A mysterious fighter with amnesia.
Way E/Carmen Lee (Lee Wakazu) (Dubbed: Maya Okamoto)
heroine. A lover with a childhood friend of Man Hin. He lived hidden near the Seven St. Temple.
Wai/Won Gee Wa (Kaneka) (Dubbed: Suki Dan)
A young man in a chat and a good -looking village. Bright and friendly personality. He was an orphan because his parents were killed by Japanese soldiers in the war, but was raised by other villagers. He guides the manhin, but falls in love with its strength.
Chain man
The chain is wrapped over several chains on his right arm. Fight by hitting with his arms or manipulating the chain.
Eyepatch man
Rotating pistols and throwing knives are weapons.
Hood man
Ax is a weapon.
Iron claw man/Mc Waichun
Iron claws are weapons. There is a tattoo on the left arm.
Big Wolf/Ben Lamb (Dubbing: Masahiko Tanaka)
The boss of the bandit group “seven wolf”. Aim for manhin to revenge the previous boss. The signal of the withdrawal is characteristic.
Ben/Edmond Long (dubbing: Keiji Fujiwara)
An ambitious young man. Kill the manhin and try to be the top.
He is a young girl in the village, and Wai is a bad kid.

Synopsis [ edit ]

Past part
A man appeared in a village while fighting with evil kid friends, and one man appeared. The man was well -dressed, carrying a bag and lowering the nata to his waist and had a lot of money. He asks Wai, “Where is the Seven St. Temple?” They head to it, but on the way, many bandits (nearby villagers) are attacked. However, Manhin repelled them alone and dyed the river in blood. The Seven St. Mausoleum was originally a cathedral of the gold, but was ruined by war and thief. Manhin had no memory and remembered only the promise of reuniting with a lover, and I came here. Wai asks, “Please tell me how to use nata as soon as possible.” Manhin says, “Nata is a tool for cracking firewood. It’s not a murder tool. There is no simple martial arts. Weapons kill people. Rather, people’s hearts kill people. Identify the truth from the phantom. ” Wai could not break the firewood. After that, Manhin was attacked by a chain man and lost his consciousness. We recovered and reunited by the hard nursing of Way E, who had lived nearby. It turns out that manhin was in military service. The thief group “seven wolves” appear in the village and demand “manhin” and rampage in the village. The truth was that manhin was one of the seven wolves. When the old boss tried to attack a woman, Manhin killed the old boss and tried to help, but he ran away by his subordinates. The Big Wolf is revealed in front of Way E, but Way Ei says, “I believe that manhin is.” Way E is beheaded by the Big Wolf. Manhin and Big Wolf are fighting, and Big Wolf, cornered, provokes me, “Kill me.” Big Wolf was crushed and left behind in the sea.
Current part
Youth Ben approached the legendary man Hin as a request to kill him. He is guided by the old man Wai in the aide, saying, “If you get older, the winning or losing is meaningless. Even if you become a winner, the price is great.” Ben meets Manhin and hears the old tale. Ben insists, “Strong things win. Manhin looks lonely and says, “I lost a lot. I don’t want you to do so. I don’t have any superiority to people. Winning or losing is superficial. In the past, there were no airports or bridges, but people are happy. He said. It’s a convenient era, but few people are happy. Everything gets older. ” Ben’s lover brought there, and Ben was upset for a moment, but pierced his handgun on his manhin. The moment he tried to trigger, Wai’s Nata beat Ben’s gun. Ben and his lover hugged each other. Manhin and Wai left quietly.

software [ edit ]

The VHS version was released in 1998 and the DVD was released in 2000. The DVD had a temporary premium price, but with the 2015 HD remastered revival, a new Blu -ray and DVD were released on October 2, 2015 by Access A. As a bonus for Blu -ray, Kenji Tanigaki, who participated in this work as a stuntman, and Yuji Shimomura, who has been involved in many works by Donnie Yen, is included.

  1. ^ From the back of the DVD “Dragon Crisis One shot ’97 HD remastered version” jacket.
  2. ^ Jun Edogi “The World Bruce Lee Declaration-Ryukyo Scripture- (Collection 42 movie treasure 42)” Yoizumi, 2010, pp. 90-94. ISBN 978-4862485816.
  3. ^ Cinemart Roppongi “Dragon Crisis One shot ’97” official website “Cinemart.co.jp. As of June 5, 2015 original More archive. June 5, 2015 Browsing.

External link [ edit ]
