Eastern National theory -Wikipedia


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Eastern state theory (Togoku Komoron, Multiple state theory Tomo is a theory of Japanese medieval state system proposed by historian Shinichi Sato. It is contrasted with the Gonem system theory.

The Kamakura Shogunate was regarded as a separate medieval nation with independent characteristics from the Imperial Court in the eastern country, and the Dynasty State and the Kamakura Shogunate, mainly in western Japan, “have opened their paths with a different rule.” [first] And. Furthermore, the Eastern State is said to have aimed for mutual non -interference and independence from Western Japan since Tokori Hojo welcomed the prince (especially this). Eastern Independent State theory ).

Sato was originally “New Japan History Course Fudoso era” and “Shogunate theory” [2] In (Chuo Kokansha, 1949), the Kamakura Shogunate claimed that Yoritomo Gen was given administrative rights from the Imperial Court in October due to the declaration of Susenaga in October 2nd. Was stipulated as a nation.

However, in 1963, Toshio Kuroda advocated the Gonzon regime theory, emphasizing that the public family and the samurai were organizing a single nation, not two nations, and complementing each other. He was integrated into the Emperor, the monarch as a coordinator.

On the other hand, Susumu Ishii, who stands in the Eastern State theory, has criticized whether a single national organization can be assumed to be a single national organization in medieval Japan, taking into account the argument of Mitsuyuki Takayanagi. [3]

In 1977, Hiroya Yamamoto claims non -interference in the Kamakura Shogunate’s Imperial Court [4] Sato accepted this theory, and in 1983 “Japanese medieval nation”. [first] I’m singing this in.


In recent years, Fumihiko Gomi, who focuses on trade management and epidemic demonstration in the city. Two royal theory [5] [6] There have been some views that pointed out the aggressive relationship of East and West Rights while criticizing the Gonem’s theory. [7] [8]

As a national model through the Middle Ages, the Gonem’s theory and the two kingdom theory are considered to be influential in the academic world, and there is no sign that the superiority is determined. [9]

  1. ^ a b Sutoichi Sato’s “Japanese medieval nation” “” Iwanami modern Bunko, 2007, ISBN 9784006001735, first appearance: Iwanami Shoten, 1983
  2. ^ Suto Sato “Japan Central History Theory” Iwanami Shoten, 1990, ISBN 4000016814
  3. ^ Susumu Ishii “Susumu Ishii Susumu Volume 1 Study of Japanese Medieval State History” Iwanami Shoten, 2004, ISBN 4000926217, first appearance: Iwanami Shoten, 1970
  4. ^ “Historical Magazine 86 No. 8” “Kanto Shuji and the Kamakura Shogunate” Foundation History Society
  5. ^ “King’s Memory -Royal Public and City” New Person traffic, 2007, ISBN 4404034989
  6. ^ Fumihiko Gomi, “Kyo / Kamakura’s Royal Public” Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2003, ISBN 464200808X
  7. ^ Reichi Kondo “Kamakura Shogunate and Public House Government” “New System Japanese History 1 National History”, Yamakawa Publisher, ISBN 4634530104
  8. ^ Kazuto Hongo “New Middle Ages King Gongen -Genealogy of the Championship of Takegon” New Person, 2004, ISBN 4404032285
  9. ^ Masakazu Yamazaki “Muromachi” -See the phase of Yamazaki History -The University of Tokyo
