Edoardo – Wikipedia


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Edoardo It is a proper name of the male Italian person [first] .

  • Male: Eduardo [2] [3] , Odoardo [2] , Adaardo [2]
  • Female: Edoarda, Eduarda

Variants in other languages [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Anglo -Saxon: eadweard [first] , Eádveard [4] , Ēadayeard
  • Armeno: Eduard (: Eduard ) [first] , Edward (: Edvard ) [first]
  • Basco: Edorta [first]
  • Bielorussso: Edward ( Ėduard )
  • Bretone: Edouarzh
  • Bulgaro: Pedoard ( Eduard )
  • Catalano: Eduard [first] [3]
  • Czech: Eduard [first] [3] , Edvard [first]
  • Croatian: Eduard [first]
  • Danese: Edvard [first]
  • Estonian: Eduard [first]
  • Esperanto: Eduardo
  • Finlandese: Eetu [first] [3] , Edvard [first]
  • French: undoud [first] [3]
  • Georgiano: Eduard ( Eduard ) [first]
  • German: Audoard [4] , Odoard [4] , Auguart [4]
  • Greco Moderno: Edward ( Edouardos )
  • Hawaianiano: separate [first]
  • English: Edward [first] [3] [5]
  • Ancient English: Eadweard [3] [5]
  • Irish: Eadbhárd [first] , Edward [3]
  • Islandese: Játvarður
  • Latino: Eduardo [2] , Edvardus
  • Lettone: Eduards [first]
  • Lituan: Eduard
  • Norvegese: Edvard [first] [3]
  • Occitan: Edoard
  • Dutch: Eduard [first] [3]
  • Polish: Edward [first]
  • Portuguese: Duarte [first] [3] , Edward [first] [3]
  • Rumeno: Eduard [first]
  • RUSSO: Edward ( Ėduard ) [first] [3]
    • Alterati: Edik ( Food ), [6] Edichka ( Ėdička ), [6] Edka ( Ėd’ka ) [6]
  • Scozese: Edward [first] , Edward
  • Serbo: Edward ( Edvard )
  • Slovak: Eduard [first]
  • Sloveno: edvard [first]
  • Spanish: Eduardo [first] [3]
  • Svedese: edvard [first] [3]
  • Tedesco: Eduard [first] [3]
  • Ucraino: Edward ( Eduard )
  • Hungarian: Edvárd [first] [3] , Eduard [first]

Derives from the ancient Germanic name of Anglo -Saxon tradition Eadweard , composed of ead (“property/legacy”, “wealth” or “rich”, “blessed”) and became (“guardian”, “custodian”) [first] [3] [4] [5] . It can be interpreted in various ways, including “rich guardian” [first] , “defender of the heritage”.

It was brought by three Anglo -Saxon sovereigns, but after the conquest of the English kingdom by William I fell for about two centuries in disuse at the Norman feudal aristocracy and Plantageneta. Its use at the Alte classes returned in vogue with Henry III who, because of his devotion to Edoardo the confessor, called his firstborn thus [first] . Since then it became one of the most popular names in England and also spread to continental Europe (in the Iberian peninsula because of the popularity of King Edoardo of Portugal, whose mother was the English Filippa of Lancaster, daughter of Giovanni Plantagenet).

Between 1895 and 1930 the English form Edward It was constantly among the ten most used names for new born in the United States [5] .

The Odoardo variant derives from Audance , Odoard , a continental and Scandinavian Germanic name related to Eadward [4]

There are numerous saints and the blessed ones who have brought this name [3] ; Generally, the name day is celebrated on January 5 in memory of Sant’edoardo the confessor, King of England, commemorated by the Catholic Church on January 5, the date of death [7] [8] [9] (locally also on October 13, anniversary of the translation of the relics [ten] ); Among others, with this name they remember, to the following dates:

  • March 18, Sant’Edoardo II, called “the martyr”, king of England and martyr in Wareham [8]
  • March 27, Blessed Luigi Edoardo Cestac, French priest, founder of the ancelle of Mary.
  • May 3, Blessed Edoardo Giuseppe Rosaz, Bishop of Susa [8]
  • June 10, Blessed Edward Poppe, Flemish priest [8]
  • August 24, Blessed Edoardo Kaźmierski and Edoardo Klinik, Martyrs in Dresden [8]
  • October 1, Blessed Edward Campion, martyr in Canterbury [8]
  • December 24, Blessed Odoardo Focherini, just among the nations, martyr in Hersbruck [11]
Edoardo Bennato
  • Edoardo del Portugal, king of Portugal and Algarve
  • Edoardo I of England, King of England and Lord of Ireland
  • Edoardo II of England, King of England and Lord of Ireland
  • Edoardo III of England, King of England and Lord of Ireland
  • Edoardo IV of England, King of England and Lord of Ireland
  • Edoardo Amaldi, Italian physicist
  • Edoardo Bennato, Italian songwriter, guitarist and harmonicist
  • Edoardo Chiossone, Italian engraver
  • Edoardo de Albertis, sculptor, painter, illustrator, engraver and decorator
  • Edoardo Leo, Italian actor, screenwriter and director
  • Edoardo Reja, Italian footballer and football coach
  • Edoardo Sanguineti, Italian poet and writer
  • Edoardo Vianello, Italian singer -songwriter

Eduardo variant [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Eduardo de Filippo
  • Eduardo Alves da Silva, Croatian naturalized Brazilian footballer
  • Eduardo Caianiello, Italian physicist
  • Eduardo Dos Reis Carvalho, Portuguese footballer
  • Eduardo De Crescenzo, Italian singer and musician
  • Eduardo De Filippo, playwright, actor, director, Italian poet and senator
  • Eduardo Galeano, Uruguayan journalist, writer and essayist
  • Eduardo Palomo, Mexican actor and singer
  • Eduardo Vargas, Chilean footballer

Variant Eduard [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Eduard Bernstein

Variante Ėduard [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Ėduard Ivanovich totlelen

Variant Édouard [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Decouard mats
  • Endouard Balladur, French Polirt
  • Édouard Boubat, French photographer and journalist
  • Endouard Daladier, French Politico
  • Édouard Glissant, French writer, poet and essayist
  • Sedarard Manet, french fater
  • Édouard mortier, general French
  • Édouard Schuré, writer, literary critic, French poet, historian and philosopher

Edward variant [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Edward Elgar
  • Edward Abbey, an American writer
  • Edward Bok Lewis, American geneticist
  • Edward Adelbert Doisy, US biochemist
  • Edward Dmytryk, American director
  • Edward Elgar, British composer
  • Edward Furlong, American actor
  • Edward Gibson, Astronaut and American engineer
  • Edward Hopper, American painter
  • Edward Norton, American actor, producer and director
  • Edward Snowden, US IT
  • Edward Teach, a real name of Barbanera, British pirate

Variant Edvard [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Edvard Munch
  • Edvard Beneš, Czechoslovakian politician
  • Edvard Brandes, Danish writer
  • Edvard Eriksen, Icelandic naturalized Danish sculptor
  • Edvard Grieg, Norwegian composer and pianist
  • Edvard Kardelj, Slovenian politician and publicist
  • Edvard Kocbek, Poeta Slovene
  • Edvard Munch, Norwegian painter
  • Edvard Ravnikar, Architetto Sloveno
  • Edvard Storm, Norwegian Pedagogist and Danish Norwegian Pedagogist
  • Edvard Westermarck, Finnish anthropologist and philosopher

Odoardo variant [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Odoardo Beccari
  • Odoardo Baldi, Italian jockey and driver
  • Odoardo Beccari, Italian naturalist and botanist
  • Odoardo Borrani, Italian painter
  • Odoardo Corsini, religious, mathematician and Italian philosopher
  • Odoardo Fantacchiotti, Italian sculptor
  • Odoardo Farnese, Italian cardinal
  • Odoardo I Farnese, Duke of Parma and Piacenza and Duke of Castro
  • Odoardo II Farnese, son of Ranuccio II Farnese, Duke of Parma and Piacenza
  • Odoardo Fialetti, Italian painter and engraver
  • Odoardo Focherini, Italian company and intellectual manager
  • Odoardo Giansanti, Italian poet
  • Odoardo Jalla, Italian publisher
  • Odoardo Spadaro, Italian songwriter and actor
  • Odoardo Tabacchi, Italian sculptor
  • Odoardo Vecchiarelli, Cardinal and Italian Catholic Bishop
  • Odoardo Vicinelli, Italian painter
  • Odoardo Voccoli, Italian politician and anti -fascist
  1. ^ a b c d It is f g h i j k l m n O p q r s t in in In x and With aa ab and ad But of at like Who to and al am an to the ap aq With as at At of W ax Ay ( IN ) Edward . are Behind the Name . URL consulted on February 18, 2014 .
  2. ^ a b c d Accademia della Crusca, p. 631.
  3. ^ a b c d It is f g h i j k l m n O p q r s t in in In Sheard, p. 189.
  4. ^ a b c d It is f First man, coll. 178, 1263 .
  5. ^ a b c d ( IN ) Edward . are Online Etymology Dictionary . URL consulted on February 18, 2014 .
  6. ^ a b c Vladimir Kovala, The Kovalev Russian-Italian dictionary, Italian-Russian , Fourth edition, Zanichelli Editore, page 1346
  7. ^ Sant’edoardo III, the confessor . are Italian Catholic Church . URL consulted on 10 December 2014 .
  8. ^ a b c d It is f Saints and blessed named Edoardo . are Saints, blessed and witnesses . URL consulted on February 18, 2014 .
  9. ^ Farmer, D.
  10. ^ Farmer, H., p. 95.
  11. ^ Blessed Odoardo Focherini . are Saints, blessed and witnesses . URL consulted on February 18, 2014 .
