Elena Kagan – Wikipedia


Elena Kagan (New York, April 28, 1960) is an American jurist and magistrate.
Was the principal of the Faculty of Law of the University of Harvard e Solicitor General of the United States. Since August 2010 he has been associated judge of the United States Supreme Court.

Origins and training [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Elena Kagan was born and raised in New York, second of the three children of Gloria Gittelman Kagan, elementary teacher, and Robert Kagan, lawyer. [first] [2] The family attended Lincoln Square’s synagogue; At 13, Elena, of an independent and decisive nature, had a contrast with the rabbi on the ways of his bat mitzvah . Today it is recognized in conservative Judaism. [3]

Elena Kagan while receiving a degree from Harvard Law School in 1986.

He attended the Hunter College High School, and enrolled at the University of Princeton, where he achieved a bachelor In history in 1981. Among the topics of his studies there was the socialist movement in the city of New York in the first part of the twentieth century. In his thesis To the Final Conflict: Socialism in New York City, 1900–1933 , drawn up under the guidance of the historian Sean Wilentz, Kagan wrote: «Through his internal struggles, therefore, the socialist party consumed his forces until they run out forever … it is a sadly instructive story for those who, after beyond Half a century from the decline of socialism, they still want to change America ». [4] According to Wilentz, Kagan did not intend to defend socialism: “He was interested in the subject. Studying something is not the same as to approve it ». [5] Wilentz described Kagan as “one of the most important legal minds in the country, he is still the witty person, nice and with the feet on the ground that I proudly remember from the time when he was at the university”. [6]

He then obtained his degree in Philosophy at the University of Oxford (Writster College) in 1983 and the degree with praise in Law at the University of Harvard in 1986, where he was among the editors of the Harvard Law Review . The friend Jeffrey Toobin recalls that she “from the beginning has distinguished herself as a person with a formidable mind … then the faculty of jurisprudence was politicized and divided. She oriented herself in the factions with ease, and obtained respect for everyone. ” [7]

Legal and academic career [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In 1987 Kagan was assistant to Abner Mikva, judge of the Court of Appeal for the Columbia district, and the following year of Thurgood Marshall, judge of the Supreme Court. He worked at the Williams & Connolly law firm in Washington, and since 1991 he has taught constitutional and administrative right at the University of Chicago, becoming a full professor in 1995. He published articles on freedom of speech and the first amendment of the Constitution, [8] It is Confirmation Messes, Old and New, A review by a book by Stephen L. Carter on the appointment and confirmation procedures. According to his colleagues, the Kagan students from the beginning showed her appreciation and admiration, and she was promoted to the rank of full professor “despite the reserves of some colleagues who thought he had not published enough”. [5]

Service to the White House [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Between 1995 and 1999, during the presidency of Bill Clinton, Elena Kagan held various consultancy roles: associated legal councilor, deputy assistant for internal policy and deputy director of the Council for internal policy. On June 17, 1999 Clinton appointed him judge of the Court of Appeal for the Columbia district; However, the Senate (then with a republican majority) has never considered the appointment, which therefore remained without effectiveness.

Return to academic activity [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Kagan as Dean of Law in Harvard

After leaving the white house, Kagan returned to university. The Faculty of Law of Chicago did not want to re -establish it, apparently because it is doubtful about its intentions to engage in the academic activity. [9] Elena Kagan instead was taken by the University of Harvard. Here he published in 2001 Presidential Administration , an important article of administrative law on the role of the President of the United States in the direction of the federal administrative apparatus, and on how the president can implement his political program by means of a closer control over the regulatory activity carried out by the federal bodies.


In 2001 Kagan became a full professor and in 2003 he was appointed principal of the faculty of jurisprudence, the first woman to hold this assignment. As a principal, it successfully strive to improve the satisfaction of the students, and implemented a reform of the study program. His direction was based on a style aimed at creating consent, which contributed to mitigating the ideological contrasts present in the teaching staff. [ten] [11] [twelfth] He also convinced some well -known jurists to move to Harvard, such as Cass Sunstein and Lawrence Lessig, and also hired conservative teachers, who were previously not welcome to Harvard.

Controversy on military recruiters [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Elena Kagan continued to apply a previous decision to exclude military recruiters from the faculty due to the discrimination exercised by the armed forces towards homosexuals (the so -called policy don’t ask, don’t tell ). He supported a law against a law (the “Solomon amendment”) which denied federal funding to universities that excluded military recruiters, but when the appeal was rejected by the Supreme Court, [13] I immediately readmit them to the faculty. However, he showed his opposition to this policy, calling it “a profound wrong, and a first -rate moral injustice”. [14]

Lawyer general [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

On January 5, 2009 Barack Obama, winner of the presidential election held in the previous November, announced his decision to appoint Elena Kagan lawyer general ( Solicitor General ) of the United States. [15] [16] Kagan had a very poor forensic experience, and had never discussed a case in court. [17] The Senate, however, approved the appointment on March 19, 2009 with a vote that ended in favor of Kagan with 61 votes against 31 [18] : then became the first woman to hold this position, and made her debut before the Supreme Court on September 9, 2009, supporting the position of the federal government in case Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission . [19] He personally appeared before the court in five other cases. [20]

Appointment to the Supreme Court [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

President Obama while announcing Kagan’s appointment to the Supreme Court.

Even before Barack Obama’s election, Kagan was considered one of the most likely choices for the Supreme Court if the presidential election of 2008 had been won by a democrat. [21] [22] [23] [24] In fact, he was among the candidates considered by Obama to replace David Souter, who on May 1, 2009 had announced his retreat from the court. [25] It was thought that Kagan could be favored as a lawyer general, but finally Obama preferred to appoint Sonia Sotomayor instead of Souter. Elena Kagan was instead chosen on May 9, 2010 [26] [27] [28] To succeed Judge John Paul Stevens, who announced his next retirement on April 9, 2010. [29]

Elena Kagan has rarely expressed its political or ideological guidelines in public, and the number of his publications is scarce. On the conservative part she criticized it because it was considered too left, [30] [thirty first] [32] [33] [34] While some progressives have declared themselves disappointed by the choice of a jurist who appears too moderate to them. [35] [36] [37] The documentation known and his career suggest that Kagan has a moderately progressive orientation: “He is certainly left, but he is also cautious, pragmatic and politically noticed”. [38]

The appointment of Elena Kagan was supported by the principals of 69 faculties of jurisprudence in an open letter made known at the beginning of June, which praised her ability to build coalitions and her “familiarity with both doctrine and politics” beyond that his writings of legal analysis. [39] It was also supported by eight of his predecessors in the office of lawyer general. [40]

The Senate Justice Commission has held public hearings for examining the appointment starting from June 28th. On July 20, the Commission gave favorable opinion with 13 votes out of 19. On August 5, the Senate definitively approved the appointment with 63 votes in favor and 37 against. [41] All the democrats voted in favor, except one, and the two independent; All the Republicans, except five, voted against. The vote was an example of the “growing political polarization of conflicts on candidates for the court”: most of the republicans criticized the lack of experience of Kagan, accused her of hostility towards the armed forces and argued that her decisions As a judge they will be influenced by his political positions and by those of Obama. The Democrats, on the other hand, have praised him as a brilliant scholar who will increase the variety of experiences and points of view within the court. [42] On August 7, with the oath entitled by the chief judge John Roberts, Kagan came into office. [43] [44]

Elena Kagan is the first member of the Court in almost forty years not to have a previous experience as a judge (to find another one must be traced back to William Rehnquist, who entered the court in January 1972). [45] It is the fourth women’s judge in the history of the court, and the third in the current court; It is also the eighth Jewish judge in the history of the court, and the third in the current court.

Elena Kagan has never married and has no children. He has two brothers, who are both teachers in public schools, as the mother had been.

  1. ^ ( IN ) Paid Notice: Deaths Kagan, Gloria Gittelman . are query.nytimes.com , The New York Times, 13 luglio 2008. URL consulted on May 1st 2019 ( filed March 10, 2016) .
  2. ^ ( IN ) Robert Kagan, 67, Lawyer for Tenants . are nytimes.com , The New York Times, 25 luglio 1994. URL consulted on May 1st 2019 ( filed November 10, 2016) .
  3. ^ ( IN ) Lisa W. Foderaro, Growing Up, Kagan Tested Boundaries of Her Faith . are nytimes.com , The New York Times, 12 maggio 2010. URL consulted on August 9, 2010 ( filed March 25, 2017) .
  4. ^ ( IN ) Brad DeLong, Elena Kagan’s Undergraduate Thesis – Grasping Reality with Both Hands . are delong.typepad.com , May 17, 2010. URL consulted on 1 July 2010 ( filed on June 25, 2010) .
  5. ^ a b ( IN ) Katharine Q. Seelye, Lisa W. Foderaro; Sheryl Gay Stolberg, A Climb Marked by Confidence and Canniness . are nytimes.com , The New York Times, 12 maggio 2010. URL consulted on May 13, 2010 ( filed May 14, 2010) .
  6. ^ Cass Cliatt, Princeton alumna Kagan nominated to Supreme Court . are Princeton.edu , Princeton University, 10 May 2010. URL consulted on May 5, 2010 ( filed May 27, 2010) .
  7. ^ Jeffrey tobin, Elena Kagan’s Nomination . are Newyorker.com , The New Yorker, 10 maggio 2010. URL consulted on May 15, 2010 ( filed May 13, 2010) .
  8. ^ Regulation of Hate Speech and Pornography After R.A.V., on the regulation of the unodiment to hatred, e Private Speech, Public Purpose: The Role of Governmental Motive in First Amendment Doctrine, on the reasons according to which the state regulates the exercise of freedom of speech.
  9. ^ ( IN ) Kagan’s Chicago ties . are Suntimes.com , Chicago Sun-Times, 11 May 2010. URL consulted on August 9, 2010 (archived by URL Original May 14, 2010) .
  10. ^ ( IN ) At Harvard, dean eased faculty strife . are Boston.com , The Boston Globe, 15 aprile 2010. URL consulted on May 1st 2019 ( filed March 6, 2016) .
  11. ^ ( IN ) Kagan, possible Obama pick, thawed Harvard Law . are Boston.com , The Boston Globe, 4 January 2009. URL consulted on May 1st 2019 ( filed April 4, 2015) .
  12. ^ ( IN ) Kevin K. Washburn, Elena Kagan and the Miracle at Harvard . are papers.ssrn.com , Social Science Research Network, 2 luglio 2010. URL consulted on August 9, 2010 ( filed on July 8, 2010) .
  13. ^ ( IN ) Rumsfeld v. Forum for Academic and Institutional Rights (FAIR), 547 U.S. 47 (2006) . are oyez.org , The Oyez Project. URL consulted on August 9, 2010 ( filed July 24, 2010) .
  14. ^ ( IN ) Amy Goldstein, Foes may target Kagan’s stance on military recruitment at Harvard . are washingtonpost.com , The Washington Post, 17 aprile 2010. URL consulted on May 1, 2010 ( filed 1 December 2010) .
  15. ^ ( IN ) CNN.com: More Obama Justice Dept Picks Announced . are politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com , January 5, 2009. URL consulted on August 9, 2010 ( filed April 8, 2009) .
  16. ^ ( IN ) Obama names Jewish woman as solicitor general . are jta.org , January 6, 2009. URL consulted on August 9, 2010 ( filed May 7, 2009) .
  17. ^ ( IN ) NINA TOTENBERG, Seen As Rising Star, Kagan Has Limited Paper Trail . are npr.org , NPR, 9 May 2010. URL consulted on August 5, 2010 ( filed on 23 October 2010) .
  18. ^ ( IN ) On the Nomination (Confirmation Elena Kagan, of Massachusetts, to be Solicitor General) . are Senate.gov , United States Senate, 19 marzo 2009. URL consulted on August 9, 2010 ( filed March 22, 2009) .
  19. ^ ( IN ) Tony Mauro, Supreme Court Majority Critical of Campaign Law Precedents . are Legaltimes.typepad.com , The Blog of Legaltimes, 9 September 2009. URL consulted on November 28, 2009 ( filed December 13, 2009) .
  20. ^ ( IN ) Elena Kagan’s Oral Arguments Before the Supreme Court ( PDF ), are scotusblog.com , Scotusblog, June 29, 2010. URL consulted on August 8, 2010 ( filed on July 2, 2010) .
  21. ^ ( IN ) As Harvard Seeks a President, Dean Kagan’s Star Is Rising . are nysun.com , ‘The New York Sun, 10 March URL consulted on May 8, 2009 ( filed on 11 December 2007) .
  22. ^ ( IN ) Campaign 2004: Election likely to alter make-up of Supreme Court . are Post-gazette.com , 9 August 2004. URL consulted on May 8, 2009 ( filed December 10, 2008) .
  23. ^ ( IN ) The Democratic (Not So) Short List . are scotusblog.com , Scotusblog, 12 July 2007. URL consulted on May 8, 2009 ( filed December 12, 2007) .
  24. ^ ( IN ) Mike Allen, Dems sketch Obama staff, Cabinet . are Politico.com , October 31, 2009. URL consulted on August 8, 2010 ( filed April 18, 2009) .
  25. ^ ( IN ) Bill Mears, Sources: High court selection process down to finalists . are edition.cnn.com , Cnnpolitics.com, 13 May 2009. URL consulted on August 8, 2010 ( filed November 17, 2010) .
  26. ^ ( IN ) President Obama Nominates Elena Kagan for Supreme Court . are youtube.com , YouTube White House Channel, 10 maggio 2010. URL consulted on August 8, 2010 ( filed on 23 July 2010) .
  27. ^ ( IN ) Peter Baker, Jeff Zeleny, Obama Picks Kagan as Justice Nominee . are nytimes.com , The New York Times, 9 maggio 2010. URL consulted on August 8, 2010 ( filed May 13, 2010) .
  28. ^ ( IN ) Obama picks Kagan for Supreme Court . are msnbc.msn.com , MSNBC, 11 May 2010. URL consulted on 11 May 2010 ( filed on 11 May 2010) .
  29. ^ ( IN ) Justice Stevens Says He Is Retiring This Summer . are nytimes.com , The New York Times, 9 aprile 2010. URL consulted on 11 April 2010 .
  30. ^ ( IN ) Gary Marx, Conservative Legal Experts React . are judicialnetwork.com , Judicial Crisis Network, 10 maggio 2010. URL consulted on August 8, 2010 (archived by URL Original August 12, 2010) .
  31. ^ ( IN ) Ed Whelan, The Left vs. Elena Kagan? . are Nationalreview.com , The Corner, 18 May 2009. URL consulted on August 8, 2010 .
  32. ^ ( IN ) Paper trail or not, with Elena Kagan what you see is what you get . are PowerSoblog.com , Powerline Blog, 13 May 2010. URL consulted on August 8, 2010 ( filed May 17, 2010) .
  33. ^ ( IN ) John will, Closing Arguments: Kagan at home with typical liberal thinking [ interrupted connection ] . are Philly.com , The Philadelphia Inquirer, 16 maggio 2010. URL consulted on August 8, 2010 .
  34. ^ ( IN ) John Yoo (The Philadelphia Inquirer), Kagan at Home with Typical Liberal Thinking . are Berkeley School of Law , May 16, 2010. URL consulted on 10 July 2020 ( filed September 21, 2015) .
  35. ^ ( IN ) Glenn Greenwald, The case against Elena Kagan . are salon.com , April 13, 2010. URL consulted on August 8, 2010 ( filed August 30, 2011) .
  36. ^ ( IN ) Stuart Taylor, Kagan May Mean a More Conservative Court . are theaterlantic.com , The Atlantic, 10 maggio 2010. URL consulted on August 8, 2010 ( filed on August 6, 2010) .
  37. ^ ( IN ) Scott Lemieux, The Case for a Real Liberal on the Court . are prospect.org , American Prospect, 12 aprile 2010. URL consulted on August 8, 2010 (archived by URL Original June 12, 2010) .
  38. ^ ( IN ) SCOTUSblog Briefing Paper. Elena Kagan – Ideology ( PDF ), are scotusblog.com , Scotusblog, June 28, 2010. URL consulted on August 8, 2010 ( filed July 14, 2010) .
  39. ^ ( IN ) 69 law school deans endorse Kagan in letter to Senate . are washingtonpost.com , Washington Post, June 15, 2010. URL consulted on 1 July 2010 ( filed 1 December 2010) .
  40. ^ ( IN ) Endorsement letter to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary ( PDF ), are scotusblog.com , The Wall Street Journal, 22 giugno 2010. URL consulted on August 8, 2010 ( filed July 14, 2010) .
  41. ^ ( IN ) On the Nomination (Confirmation Elena Kagan of Massachusetts, to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the U.S.) . are Senate.gov , United States Senate, 5 agosto 2010. URL consulted on August 9, 2010 ( filed on 10 August 2010) .
  42. ^ ( IN ) Carl Hulse, Senate Confirms Kagan in Partisan Vote . are nytimes.com , The New York Times, 5 August URL consulted on August 8, 2010 ( filed 1 November 2011) .
  43. ^ ( IN ) Associate Justice Elena Kagan Swearing-in Ceremony . are supremecourt.gov , United States Supreme Court. URL consulted on August 14, 2010 ( filed August 16, 2010) .
  44. ^ ( IN ) Peter Baker, Kagan Sworn In to Supreme Court . are nytimes.com , The New York Times, 7 August URL consulted on August 9, 2010 ( filed August 7, 2010) .
  45. ^ ( IN ) Supreme Court: Justices Without Prior Judicial Experience . are supreme.lp.findlaw.com , Findlaw.com. URL consulted on 11 May 2010 ( filed May 14, 2010) .
