Elves (comics) – Wikipedia


Elves ( Elves ) is a fantasy comic series created by Jean-Luc Istin and Nicolas Jarry and published by Soleil since February 2013. Due to the popularity of the series in the fantasy field, three spin-offs have been produced always set in the fantastic world of Arran, known as Pretty, Orcs and Goblin It is Magicians, above all talk about the other two peoples, as well as the relationships between magic and the political world. In all the stories, however, there are references and continuity between the various series and the main series, which due in the narrative also to the almost immortality of the breed of the elves, propagate in different eras and centuries.

Italian cover of volume 1.

While the elves have been separated in different peoples for centuries, they seem to have little more to share with each other, each of which lives their own destiny separately. Yet a war is unleashing himself linked to the magic of long -standing elves. From the North, an army aims to change the face of the Lands of Arran.

Land of Arran [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Arran’s geographical paper was born from a first draft of Olivier Peru and completed by Gaelle Merlini. This world is particularly marked by the culture of the elves, above all because its name is a direct reference to the god of the elves, Arran.

Other places [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In the East there is the so -called Mid –ary city , refuge for thieves and a vast half-legal population such as means-nicks, semi-elves, etc., often used as mercenaries, killers or as fighters in the local arenas.

Elves [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Blue elfi : they are elves of the sea, whose name is due to their link with water and the sea, as to the color of their skin. Born from their separation from the white elves, they are divided into two distinct clans: in the north, they live in the archipelago Polanis , whose capital is Elsmur , isolated from the sea by magic and governed by a king; while in the south, they live mainly on their ships and consider Port-Vogue , a floating city in the middle of the sea, like their home. Due to their position, the blue elves of Elsmur They have made friends with their neighbors Yrlanian.
  • Elfi silvani : They live in the Duhann forests, Daëndenn and Celiandes. Linked to the earth, they practice Druidic magic. They are frightening fighters, born from the white elves of which, however, they have lost high magic and knowledge of ancient times, living in a simple way. The three kingdoms of the Silvani, sometimes called green elves, are led by an advice of elderly, who is chaired by a queen and a “hunting lord”, the head of the armed forces of the kingdom, the title of Lord of hunting is hereditary Elsewhere and is transmitted from father to son, while the queen does not inevitably descend from the previous queen.
  • White elves : also called celestial elves or original elves, because it is the first people who populated the land of Arran. Their islands are inaccessible and allow its inhabitants to preserve all the traces of the oldest magic in the world. Dragons are particularly taking care, as well as other species in the street, caused by the expansion of human cities, such as griffins. They are limited and continue to decrease. Their islands are actively sought by pirate fleets that wander for the seas.
  • Semi-elves : come from relationships between men and elves. Refused by both lineups, they live on the margins of men, often exploited, despised, imprisoned or simply killed. They have magical skills such as vision and physical strength. Trein er’madenn is their capital. In addition to having slightly pointed ears like their elves relatives, they can have other distinctive features, such as horns on the head.
  • Black elves : they are violent from birth, an effect of the “black gene” that each elf brings itself. Adult black elves are in charge of finding children with this particular gene to bring them to Sluce, their citadel and the school hidden in the Massif de l’Epine. Trained to kill, also master Negromancy. During their training, their skin is shrupting, regardless of the original color, until they have black skin and also receive a jewel that allows them to imprison souls to evoke them when necessary. Their code of honor is very severe, does not admit the slightest weakness and requires total loyalty. Only the other elves know their true nature, but prefer to deny it to humans for shame to confess that in them they have a form of corruption, even if the latter hire them as killers. To maintain their coverage among humans, black elves pretend to be a separate enclave of elves dedicates to art and study, even if in different stories it is clear that in addition to elves, other ancient breeds such as dwarfs are also The orcs know the true nature of the black elves, as probably many human reign who prefer to maintain the secret to use their innate skills as mercenary killers.
  • Red elves or elves of volcanoes : they are practically fire elves, whose name is due to their symbiotic relationship with magma and fire, from which they take the color of the skin, however unlike the other types of elves, red elves are not treated in depth in the series , as their breed is actually practically extinct, exterminated by the black elves, with the help of an order of corrupt magicians, when their king officially refused to deliver his daughter to the black elves (who had expressed the “gene Black “), even if it will be discovered later that there were evident more political reasons behind their extermination. Only a few red elves managed to escape the extermination, but not in sufficient numbers to reconstruct their breed and only the intervention, centuries later, of the blue elves who managed to break the curse of the “black gene” on the last surviving red elves, It allowed the breed to re -establish themselves under the protection of the blue elves. It is therefore not known much about their characteristics, although it seems that among the various elves they were renowned for their warrior and marcial skills that made them deadly fighters also for their standards and that usually resided in large cities near volcanic areas, from which they probably drew to make use of their magic.

Pretty [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The dwarfs live mainly in the West Terre of Arran, they are mainly divided into the city each were with their own king, but inside them they are still divided by five social groups of “open” castes that can almost be identified in “lodge”: that of the warriors , blacksmiths, merchants/bankers, that of priests/scholars and that of craftsmen/engineers. This social division is due to the conclusion of the golden age of the dwarves, when their people were gathered under a single kingdom, whose last king due to his draconian policies, generated a frightening civil war, which culminated with the detrion of the Sovereign, by hand precisely of the representatives of the main lodges of the dwarves, the only ones who had managed to organize themselves efficiently against the tyrant. After the conclusion of the civil war, the Nani decided to “institutionalize” the loggias with a social division and to divide their influence in the city independent state, but linked together by fraternal bonds and the loggias, so as to avoid the concentration of power in the hands of a single individual. In any case, physically the dwarfs do not stand out from the classic fantasy standards, they are small, but incredibly robust individuals, who compensate for their small stature with their physical strength and artisan skill, with a strong sense of honor and burden towards their sovereign, their lodge and their family, they are capable of living even 200 years, but some who have inherited the blood of the “ancient” (the ancestral ancestors of the dwarfs) are known to live even longer. The dwarves are also known for their greed and for their interest in gold, which although it does not mean that the dwarves prefer to live underground and continuously dig in search of precious minerals, has generated the formation of the Banca della Pietra, the Banca dei Dwarfs who practically have the monopoly on financial activities and which often has more power and influence of the individual cities been combined. In addition to the five social groups of the dwarves listed before, there are actually two other “lodges” to consider: that of the exiles and that of the black loggia. The first consists substantially in all those dwarves who for one reason or another broke their oath or betrayed one of their lodges or sovereign, therefore these are punished, being exiled, precisely outside the state cities and playing the role of “servitude of the Gleba “, playing the role of farmers and breeders. Their conditions depend from area to area, but generally they are treated quite cruelly on other dwarfs, they do not have the right to enter the other lodges (which instead the other dwarfs are free to decide in which to enter, even if they usually enter into The original belonging), they cannot treat in gold and handle iron weapons and all their descendants will be considered exiled to them too. The black loggia is instead an order of assassins of dwarfs, who using a series of cruel training, train their chosen ones in the arts of the assassination, they, depending on the historical moments, exert an equal or subordinate influence to the Banca della Pietra, from which they have a relationship both symbiotic and rivalry.

Men [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Men live in all the lands of Arran. From Borderia in the Nodrën, in the North to the southern peninsula: Jarascon city-state, Lehon’s kingdom, Lombardy Kingdom and Yrlanie’s clan. To the south, the Assanide Empire and the Dumn Empire are separated from the mountains of the Earth of the Ogri. There are also nomadic tribes that live in the land of the winds, also called ourann.

Orcs and Goblin [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The orcs and goblins live mainly east, the desolate lands of Birkanie and beyond the ourann. And they are divided into different clans, from goblin to mountain orcs. Although hostile to humans, elves and dwarfs, some orcs like those of Birkanie used to eat the meat of these breeds, it is common for young orcs to be hired as mercenaries, especially by humans. The orcs and Goblin, who frequently face the dwarves, are indicated with the word “cul vet” by the latter.


Other breeds [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Other races populate Arran, such as Troll, Centauri and many other characteristic creatures of the Fantasy universes. Furthermore, the orcs and trolls live on the borders of the known world: imposing mountains south of the Assanide Empire and an equally impressive mountain range on the eastern border of the Arran lands, natural border to the territories occupied by these two peoples.
