Epipactis microphylla – Wikipedia


L’ the minor ellebolina ( Epipactis microphylla (Ehrh.) Sw., 1800 ) is a small perennial herbaceous plant with delicate flowers, belonging to the orchidaceous family. [2]


l termine Epipactis It is found for the first time in the writings of Dioscoride Pedanio (Anazarbe in Cilicia, about 40 – about 90) who was a doctor, an ancient Greek botanist and pharmacist who exercised in Rome at the time of Emperor Nero. The origin of this term is certainly Greek, but the exact etymology remains dark (some text translates it with “growing above”). However, it seems that it was originally used for some kind species Helleborus [3] . In modern times the name of the genre was created by the Germanic botanist and anatomist Johann Gottfried Zinn (1727 – 1759), a member, among other things, of the Academy of Sciences of Berlin, in a specific publication on the genre Epipactis In 1757.
The specific epithet ( microphylla ) literally means “small leaves”.
The scientific binomial of this plant was initially Serapias microphylla , proposed by the Swiss botanist Jakob Friedrich Ehrhart (1742 -1795) in a publication of 1785, later modified in the one currently accepted Epipactis microphylla Proposed by the Swedish Botanical, Naturalist, and Tassonomist Olof Peter Swartz (1760-1816) in a publication of 1800.
In German this plant is called Small -leafed swamp root ; in French it is called Small leaves epipactis ; In English it is called Small leaved Helleborine .

The bearing

It is a perennial herbaceous plant from 15 to 50 cm high. The biological form of this orchid is a rhizomatosa geophyte ( G rizh ), that is, it is a plants with an particular underground stem, called Rizoma, which every year regenerates with new roots and adventitious stems. These plants, contrary to other orchid genres, are not “epifite”, that is, they do not live at the expense of other plants of greater proportions (that is, they have their own rhizome).

Roots [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The roots are numerous and secondary from Rizoma.

Stem [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Hypogea part: the underground part consists of a rhizome.
  • Epigea part: the aerial part is not very leafy, erect, simple, gracile and finely pubescent. The coloring of the stem is green but also grayish.

Leaves [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The leaves, few (from 3 to 6) available spiral along the stem, are whole with a narrow-slide-elastic shape with a sharp peak; They are sessiles, just amplexiculi and slightly fairing. The lamina is crossed by different longitudinal ribs. The upper leaves are progressively more restricted and shorter; In all cases, even the largest have a lesser length of the corresponding interior. The color is green-gray. Leaf size: width 0.8 cm; length 3 cm.

Inflorescence [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The inflorescence

The inflorescence is a terminal racem, linear with spicken flowers (maximum 20 per inflorescence), pendulum and pedicled; The arrangement is slightly unilateral. At the base of the pedicel there are lanceolate -shaped herbaceous bracts. These bracts are of the fogacious type no longer large than the ovary, while the upper ones are progressively smaller; All are pending as the flowers. The flowers are respined, rotated upside down through the twist of the pedicel (and not of the ovary as in the genre Cephalanthera ).

Flower [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The flower

The flowers are hermaphrodite and irregularly zigomorphic, pentaciclici (perigonium with 2 verticelli of tepali, 2 stratications of stamens, 1 top of the stylus). The flowers outside are normally colorful of green, while inside they are whitish with violet shades. The flowers are weakly smelling of vanilla and don’t even open in full sun. Flower size: 6 – 10 mm.

  • Fiorale formula: the following florist formula is indicated for these plants:
P 3+3, [a 1, g (3)]] [4]
  • Perigonio: Perigonio is made up of 2 leaders with 3 tepali each (3 interiors and 3 exteriors) of lanceolate, free and licenses; The first leader (external) has 3 sepaloid tepals (similar to the sepals of a glass); they have acute peak and are greenish and red on the edges; In the second leader (internal) the central tepal (called “Labello”) is significantly different than the other two lateral ones who appear more obtuse and larger than the three external tepals.
  • Labello: the label is divided into two sections; The rear portion of the label (basal, called hypochilo) is concave and narrow, while the front one (apical, called Empichilo) is more enlarged and curved downwards with pointed peak and wavy edges. The coloring of the label is clear (whitish in the central area – greenish at the apex with violet shades). In the middle between hypochilo and the Epichilo there is a stream that connects the two sides. The label is also evident of obvious callos (there are ripples at the base of the epichilo) and it is not rammed as in other genres and the hypochilo is a Nattariferous.
Description of the GimnosnosoMio
  • Ginostemio: Stame with the respective two -room apart Ginostemio [5] . The color of this organ is fundamentally yellowish. The ovary is inferred, pyriform-grabous and is made up of three melted carpels together, supported by a curved peduncle. The pollen is more or less inconsistent and is conquered in two cerful bilobe -pulinical masses (one for each niche of the front); These masses are free of “caudicole” (filament of attachment to the front).
  • Flowering: from June to August.

Fruits [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The fruit is an Obovoid capsule with the most coastal containing many, seed minutes. Even the capsules, like flowers, are horizontal or pendulum.

These plants reproduce through pollination; They are clear plants, so we have an entomophile pollination (wasps, bees and dictators – insects must not be very large given the smallness of the flower). However, they are plants that also use self -Games (see the “variability” paragraph).

  • Geoelemento: the corological type (area of ​​origin) is European – Caucasico but also European south .
  • Diffusion: this plant is located throughout the Italian territory; In some areas it is common, in others it is rare (especially in the South). In the Alps (Italian area) is located in the following provinces; To Bg TN BZ BL UD; Beyond the border (always on the Alps) is found in the French Alps, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia but with a discontinuous diffusion. On the European findings it is present everywhere (excluding the dinaric Alps and Vosges).
  • Habitat: the typical habitat of this plant are the Maceretes, the arid meadows and the Boscaglie (poplars, burials, ash and sub-sub-mediterranean oaks). The favorite substrate is limestone with basic pH and low nutritional values ​​of the soil which must be dry.
  • Altitude diffusion: on the reliefs these plants can be found up to 1200 m s.l.m.; They therefore attend the following vegetation plans: hilly and mountains.

Phytosociology [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

From a phytosociological point of view the species Epipactis microphylla belongs to the following plant community [6] :

Training : of the forest communities

Class : Carpino-Fagetea Sylvaticae

Orchidaceae is one of the largest families of the taxonomic division of the angiospermes; It includes 788 genres and more than 18500 species [7] . The genre Epipactis It includes about 70 species spread in Europe, Asia and America, of which about ten are spontaneous of the Italian flora.
The Cronquist system assigns the Orchidaceae family to the Order Orchidales while the modern APG classification places it in the new Asparagales order. Also on the basis of the APG classification, the upper levels have also changed (see initial table).
The genre Epipactis , together with the genre Cephalanthera , belongs (according to the most used subdivision between the botanists) to the subfamille of the Epidendroideae characterized by having the Stame (the only fertile) folded over the Ginoscemio and the label made up of two distinct pieces: Ipochilo and Epichilo [8] [9] ; and at the lower level of the tribe of Neottieae , one of the four tribes in which it is used to divide the orchids (in relation to the spontaneous species of the Italian territory) [3] .
This orchid is part of the group Epipactis atrerubens separated for ecological isolation [ten] .
The chromosomal number of E. Microphyla is: 2n = 40 [11] [twelfth] .

Variability [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In this species the variability is manifested in the length of the label. Observations made in some areas of the Bavaria have made it possible to identify two types: with small label (5.5 mm) probably on autogamous plants (with pulpons pulverulent – with not working rostello); with longer label (7 mm) probably on crossed fertilization plants (gelatinous pollen – and therefore with efficient rostello) [13]

Hybrid [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The following list indicates some interspecific hybrids:

Synonyms [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The species Epipactis microphylla over time has had several nomenclature. The following list indicates some of the most frequent synonyms:

  • Serapias microphylla EHRH. (1789) (Basionimo)
  • Epipactis latifolia was. microphylla (Ehrh.) DC. in J.B.A.M.de Lamarck & A.P.de Candolle (1815)
  • Limodorum microphyllum (EHRH.) Knotze (1891)
  • Epipactis latifolia subsp. microphylla (Ehrh.) Bonnier & Layens (1894)
  • MICROPHYLLA Amanence (Ehrh.) A.Nelson & J.F.Macbr. (1913)
  • Elleborine microphylla (Ehrh) Schinz & Deep. (1908)

Similar species [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Generally all Epipactis They are quite similar in the form of the flower. Here we remember some species (leaving out the various subspecies) such as:

The IUCN Red list ranking Epipactis microphylla as a species close to the threat of extinction ( Near Threathened ). [first]

Like all orchids, it is a protected species and therefore collection and trade is prohibited in accordance with the international trade convention of threatened species of extinction (Cites). [14]

  1. ^ a b ( IN ) Rankou, H. 2011, Epipactis microphylla . are IUCN Red List of Threatened Species , Version 2020.2, IUCN, 2020. URL consulted on February 7, 2021 .
  2. ^ ( IN ) Epipactis microphylla . are Plants of the World Online , Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  3. ^ a b Motta, Vol. 2 – Pag. 111 .
  4. ^ Systematic botanical tables . are dipbot.unict.it . URL consulted on October 28, 2009 (archived by URL Original December 28, 2010) .
  5. ^ Minarra, pag. 628 .
  6. ^ Flora Alpina, Vol. 2 – pag. 1104 .
  7. ^ Strasburger, vol. 2 – pag. 807 .
  8. ^ Strasburger, vol. 2 – pag. 809 .
  9. ^ Pignatti, vol. 3 – Pag. 700 .
  10. ^ Italian group for research on spontaneous orchid database . are giros.it . URL consulted on October 28, 2009 .
  11. ^ Tropicos Database [ interrupted connection ] . are tropicos.org . URL consulted on October 28, 2009 .
  12. ^ Synonymic index of the Flora de France . are www2.dijon.inra.fr .
  13. ^ Pignatti, vol. 3 – Pag. 731 .
  14. ^ CITES – International trade of animals and dangerous plants . are esteri.it , 7 February 2019. URL consulted on February 7, 2021 (archived by URL Original January 27, 2021) .
  • Giacomo Nicolini, Motta botanical encyclopedia. Second volume , Milan, Federico Motta Editore, 1960, p. 111.
  • Sandro Pignatti, Flora of Italy. Third volume , Bologna, Edagricole, 1982, p. 731, ISBN 88-506-2449-2.
  • Aa.VV., Flora Alpina. Volume 2 , Bologna, Zanichelli, 2004, p. 1104.
  • 1996 Alfio Mustarra, Botany dictionary , Bologna, Edagricole.
  • Eduard Strasburger, Treaty of botany. Volume 2 , Rome, Antonio Delfino Editore, 2007, p. 807, ISBN 88-7287-344-4.
  • Turns, Orchids of Italy. Spontaneous orchid guide , Cornaredo (MI), Il Castello, 2009, ISBN 978-88-8039-891-2.
