Erythrura Cyaneovirens – Wikipedia


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The Samoa diamond ( Erythrura cyaneovirens In addition, in 1848 ) is a sparrow bird of the Estrildid family [2] .

In the past, numerous subspecies were acrypted, including the peal diamond (currently considered a species in its own right), in addition to others (underbalances efatensis It is serena ) currently ascribed with the same rank to the congenerate royal diamond, which in turn was once ascribed to this species with the rank of subspecies ( Erythrura cyaneovirens regia ). Therefore two subspecies are recognized [2] :

  • Erythrura cyaneovirens cyaneovirens , the nominal subspecies, widespread on the island of Upol;
  • Erythrura cyaneovirens gaughrani , widespread on the island of Savai’i;

The scientific name of the species derives from the union of the Greek word blue ( kyanos , with the meaning of “blue”) with the Latin one hinge , “green”, with reference to the livery of these birds.

This bird is endemic of the Samoa islands, where the areas of rainforest has lived infraped by more or less extensive clearings and with the presence of permanent fresh water sources.

Size [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

It measures about 11 cm long, including the tail.

I wait [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The appearance is massive, with large black conical beak. The plumage is mainly green in color, with a red hood on the head which is edged with a green-blue-blue penne on the back, shoulders and chest, while around the beak and on the throat there is a black beat: the Codion is red, the legs are Carnicino in color. In the female the blue coloring is less evident and the colors are generally more off.


These are birds that move mainly in the afternoon and sunset, with mainly solitary habits but which can also be found in couples, which move carefully between the high grass in search of food.

Diet [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The Samoa diamond is a granivorous bird, which breaks and shells small seeds with a strong beak, however not disdaining to integrate their diet with fruit, sprouts and from time to time even with small insects, especially during the reproductive season.

Reproduction [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The reproductive season of these birds begins around September and generally includes two broods.

Both the sexes collaborate in the construction of the nest (although it seems above all the female who has in charge of it), who has a globular form, measures about 15 cm of circumference and consists of a central hatching chamber that can be reached through a short tubular corridor. The nest is mainly made up of intertwined dry grass wires, to which are added laughes, pens and small sprigs: it is generally located in the thick of the vegetation and used for a single hatching.
Inside the nest 3-4 eggs are laid whose hatching is prerogative above all of the female, with the male who remains nearby to supervise the nest and then enter to rest during the night. The incubation of the eggs lasts about two weeks, at the end of which they hatch bull Blind and implumes that are cared for by both parents: the little ones are able to get involved around 3 weeks of life, but tend to remain with the parents (who in the meantime can carry on a new hatch elderly) for at least another week.
