Felie Laudadian – Wikipedia


Felice Laudadio

Felice Laudadio (Mola di Bari, April 25, 1944) is a journalist, writer, screenwriter, film producer, Italian artistic and film director.

Cultural operator [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]


He was at the head of the most important institutions of Italian cinema: President of the Centro Cinematography Center Foundation (the CSC, which governs the National Cinema School and the National Cineteca, 2016-2021) [first] , CEO of the Istituto Luce (1994) [2] , president of Cinecittà Holding (1999-2002) [3] , director of the Rome Cinema House (2004-2011) [4] . He was engaged in the creation of a digital cinema and audiovisual pole in Puglia [5] , after led to Cinecittà, starting from 2000, a series of pioneering workshops on digital cinema (the so -called “Tuesday of Cinecittà” [6] ) Together with David Bush [7] .

He directed the Venice Film Festival in the two-year period 1997-1998 [8] , the Taormina Film Fest (1999-2006) [9] , the Golden Golden Prize for Italian Cinema (1990-2001) [ten] , Il RomafictionFest (2007) [11] .

He also founded and directed the Mystfest (1979-1986) [twelfth] , the Europacinema Festival (1984-2009) [13] , the Solinas Prize for the best screenplay (1985-1993) [14] , the Fellini Prize [15] , the Festival for Italian Cinema [16] , the weeks of Italian cinema in Latin America (1983-1989), Italyfilmfest [17] . From 1990 to 1996 coordinated the European section of the Palm Springs International Film Festival in California [18] . In 1999 and founded in 2004 the Rome cinema house in 2004 [19] who directed until January 2011 [20] . He has been part of the Film Festival of the Rome Film Festival since 2006 [21] .

He was vice -president of the Fellini Foundation of Rimini from 2000 to 2002 [22] and artistic director of the Venice Carnival [23] In the 2003 editions – entitled “Felliniana: masking to unmask” – and 2004 on the theme “On the streets of silk: India, Thailand, China, Japan”.

He is the creator and director of the Bif & St-Bari International Film Festival (he founded in Bari in January 2010 [24] After a zero edition held in January 2009 [25] ) for which he has created numerous cinema lessons held by Italian and foreign personalities from 2009.

For the BIF & st he edited the publication of the volume Ettore Scola. A tribute , with the support of Siae, and on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Festival he published a long introduction on his history in the volume An adventure called BIF & St by Angela Bianca Saponari [26] (Mario Adda Editore, 2019). He also made various retrospectives and taxes for Europacinema and for Bif & St, for which he set up in 2020 (Bari, 22-30 August) a tribute to the director Mario Monicelli on the occasion of the 10 years since his death. In 2021 a tribute dedicated to 20 years was created by the Foundation of 01 Distribution, a distribution house of Rai Cinema, with the presentation of 44 films and a series of meetings with the protagonists.

Screenwriter and producer [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

He wrote various screenplays for films directed by Margarethe von Trotta, of which he was also a producer: in particular The long silence [27] , in 1993 winner of three prizes at the Montréal World Film Festival [28] and three gold globes of the foreign press [29] one of which for its script, e The promise ( Das versprechen or the years of the wall ) [30] , which in 1995 inaugurated the Berlin Festival [thirty first] and was nominated by Germany for the Oscar winner [32] . He was the associated producer of the film Beyond the clouds by Michelangelo Antonioni and Wim Wenders [33] And, for the Luce Institute, he co -produced another dozen of films directed among others by Marco Bellocchio, Theo Angelopoulos, Ettore Scola, Luigi Magni, Alessandro D’Alatri, Sergio Citti. He created and produced in 2000-2001 for Cinecittà the first Italian film shot entirely with digital technology, You are as you are , directed by six directors to their debut, presented out of competition at Berlinal 2002 [34] .


Journalist and writer [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

As director from 2017 to 2021 of the historic Black and White Cinema magazine, published by the Experimental Center of Cinematography and distributed by the Sabinae editions, he published powerful monographs dedicated to Andrea Camilleri, Piero Tosi, Alberto Sordi, Bernardo Bertolucci, to the digital platforms in streaming ( Netflix and beyond ), Mario Monicelli and Carlo Lizzani. In December 2020, the expected issue of the magazine dedicated to “Cinema & Covid” was released, while in spring 2021 a monographic number of black and white dedicated to Mariangela Melato was published, edited by Maurizio Porro, followed by a number on ” Cinema and Middle Ages “, edited by Franco Cardini. In September 2021 a special issue dedicated to Ettore Scola, curated by Jean A. Gili, 90 years after the birth of the great director and 5 by his death, was published.

Professional journalist since 1977 (and publicist since 1969) has been a cultural correspondent, head of the pages of the shows and television, cinematographic and theatrical critic of L’Unità from 1974 to 1980, then collaborator art. 2 Until 1983 of the same newspaper, of rebirth and of the village in the evening. He directed the magazines Classe, Script and the ten numbers of the quarterly Cinecittà . Collaborates occasionally with newspapers The Republic It is Corriere della Sera/Corriere del Mezzogiorno . It is part of the SNCCI (National Union of Italian Cinematographic Critics) and is the honorary member of the Fédération Internationale de la Presse Cinématography (Fipresci) [35] , member of the European Film Academy [36] and the Italian Academy of Cinema [37] .

Has published the volume Festival (1996) and the novel The color of the blood (2005). For the types of Laterza he published the generational novel in June 2018 Frames. Before and after the sixty -eight in Bari [38] , with a preface by Luciana Castellina and afterword by Piero di Siena. In July 2020 he published the volume Portraits and self -portraits. Cinema Teatro TV and the battle of ideas , with a preface by Walter Veltroni (Edizioni di Black and White and Rubbettino, pp. 240) [39] .

He is the brother of the director Francesco Laudadio, in memory of which the cultural association “Francesco Laudadio” Foundation was created [40] .

He participated in an episode of the TV series The Circle of Cinema (1997) and documentaries The false liar (2008) by Claudio Costa, dedicated to the screenwriter Luciano Vincenzoni, Otherwise young (2011), dedicated to Giovanna Cau, lawyer of great personalities of post -war Italian cinema, e Four times twenty years (2012), dedicated to Giuliano Montaldo, both directed by Marco Spagnoli, of which he produced the documentary for the BIF & st Unique: Francesco Rosi tells Gian Maria Volonté . In 2013 he created a video interview with Andrea Camilleri dedicated to the figure and work of one of the greatest trainers of actors, Orazio Costa, entitled At the turn of a quibble , and in 2018, always with Camilleri, a video interview on his experience as a teacher of the Experimental Center of Cinematography published in the attached of the Black and White magazine, number 590. He took part in the documentary film by Mimmo Verdesca Alida , selected by the Cannes 2020 Festival, dedicated to the great actress Alida Valli, interpreter of the film The long silence written and produced by Laudadio.

For the “Cinema Routes. Meetings with the Masters” organized at the House of Cinema in Rome by Anac – the historic National Association of Cinematic Authors – has conducted a series of meetings with directors such as Marco Bellocchio, Bernardo Bertolucci, Francesco Rosi, Ettore Scola and Paolo Virzì [41] .

After classical maturity he graduated in Political Science from the University of Bari and obtained a Master in Public Relations at the ISIRP (International Institute for Public Relations) in Rome.

  1. ^ Laudadio president of the experimental center . are Ansa.it .
  2. ^ GRASSI GIOVANNA, Alarm cry of Italian cinema, but the light institute shows its axes , in Corriere della Sera , 7 May 1994.
  3. ^ Valerio hats, “My cinecittà” , in Corriere della Sera , 17 December 1999.
  4. ^ House of Cinema | Casa del Cinema . are Casadelcinema.it . URL consulted on March 8, 2021 .
  5. ^ By Giacomo Antonio, And the digital pole is born in Mola , in The Republic , June 4, 2007.
  6. ^ The Tuesdays of Cinecittà. Closing of the first year . are kinematrix.net .
  7. ^ David Bush’s Biography . are davidbush.eu . URL consulted on December 3, 2016 (archived by URL Original December 20, 2016) .
  8. ^ Encyclopedia Treccani, Venice, Film Festival , in https://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/mostra-del-cinema-di-venezia_%28enciclopedia-del-cinema%29/ , 2004.
  9. ^ Taormina, Festival of . are treccani.it .
  10. ^ Editorial board, With a new review, the golden grollas return , in The Republic , 8 August 1990.
  11. ^ Montini Franco, Fiction Festival. Laudadio is the director , in The Republic , January 9, 2007.
  12. ^ Kezich Tullio, Secret bases and glaciers the yellow comes from the cold , in The Republic , 5.07.1985.
  13. ^ Kezich Tullio, Europacinema in its first edition. Art and box office perhaps closer , in The Republic , 25 September 1984.
  14. ^ Fusco Maria Pia, To remember Solinas on Saturday the prize in La Maddalena , in The Republic , May 27, 1986.
  15. ^ From Fellini to Bergman: a prize for two masters . are trovacinema.repubblica.it .
  16. ^ Taorminafilmfest: Italian cinema and not only gathered at the Greek Theater . are Corriere.it .
  17. ^ The Italianfilmfest prizes delivered to Taormina . are cinemadelsilenzio.it .
  18. ^ Europacinema away at the Palm Springs Festival . are AGI , January 7, 1991. URL consulted on February 20, 2022 (archived by URL Original December 14, 2016) .
  19. ^ Laudadio happy, In two years this dream will be reality , in The Republic , 6 October 2001.
  20. ^ Bellocchio Marco, The House of Cinema needs Laudadio , in The Republic , May 17, 2010.
  21. ^ Felice Laudadio . are dictionnaire.sensagent.leeparisien.fr .
  22. ^ Who is Who . are Key4biz.it .
  23. ^ Venice Carnival 2003 . are portaledivatezia.it .
  24. ^ By Giacomo Antonio, The Festival del Cinema event, all ready in Bari. International cult names , in The Republic , September 5, 2009.
  25. ^ Valerio hats, Felice Laudadio Director. Another Film Festival was born in Bari , in Corriere della Sera , 18 December 2008.
  26. ^ BIF & St is 10 years old . are blog.libero.it .
  27. ^ GRASSI GIOVANNA, A wife on the front of the anti-mafia struggle , in Corriere della Sera , November 28, 1992.
  28. ^ Serenellini Mario, Carla Gravina Vince Montréal , in The Republic , September 8, 1993.
  29. ^ Montini Franco, von trotta, prizes and controversies , in The Republic , 10 July 1993.
  30. ^ Died Anna Maria, Berlin foreign homeland , in The Republic , February 9, 1994.
  31. ^ Film data sheet . are Berlinale.de .
  32. ^ Margarethe von Trotta . are taorminafilmfest.it .
  33. ^ Manin Giuseppina, Antonioni Wenders: and Portofino leaves the curious out , in Corriere della Sera , 1 November 1994.
  34. ^ You are as you are at the Berlin Film Festival 2002 . are mymovies.it .
  35. ^ Fipresci.org , http://www.fipresci.org/festival-reports 2015/bari .
  36. ^ Already members . are Europeanfilmacademy.org .
  37. ^ Jurors/academicians . are daviddidonatello.it .
  38. ^ That ’68 made us capable of dreaming . are ricerma.repubblica.it .
  39. ^ fondazionucsc.it , https://www.fondazionucsc.it/prodotto/ritratti-e-autoritratti-cinema-teatro-va-e-la-lattaglia-delle-idee/. .
  40. ^ Puglia region . are por.regione.puglia.it . URL consulted on 27 August 2017 (archived by URL Original May 15, 2019) .
  41. ^ Meetings with the masters . are anac-Autori.it .
