Ferruccio Marzari – Wikipedia


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Ferruccio Marzari (Brendola, 26 July 1894 – Malpensa, 11 August 1921) was an Italian military and aviator, who was decorated three times with the silver medals for military valor during the course of the First World War. After the end of the war he participated in Raid Roma-Tokyo, strongly desired by Gabriele D’Annunzio.

FERRUCCIO FERRO Fortunato Marzari [2] He was born in Brendola, from Girolamo Marzari and Sara Decia Biasin [2] , in a house still existing in the street that bears its name, on July 26, 1894. [3] On December 31, 1913 he volunteered as a soldier in the Royal Army, [4] In the 2nd Bersaglieri Regiment as an official student registered in the category of the 1893 class. Three months later he was promoted to the corporal, and on August 1, 1914 he became a sergeant, always in service in the bersaglieri. [4]

At the age of 21 he enlisted in the Royal Army [N 1] After the beginning of the Great War he fought in the targets of the bersaglieri, and passionate about the world of aviation, on April 30, 1916 he was intended as a second lieutenant of the genius of the genius in the service in the aeronautical body as a airplane pilot and assigned to the school battalion aviatori. [4] He attended Capua aviation school, obtaining the military pilot patent, less than a year later he completed the action that earned him the concession of the first silver medal for military valor, for a reconnaissance up on Adelsberg and a bombing in a Enemy camp between 23 September and 14 November 1916. [first]

Birthplace of the multidecto aviator, in via Ferruccio Marzari, Brendola

Since May 1917 he served together with Giuseppe Gabbin under the 25th “Voisin” squadron, while from January 1918 he moved to the 86th Squadron with a nine base [5] . This new squadron was divided into sections and the third was entrusted to its command, while being promoted to lieutenant. At that time, until June 1918, he made himself the protagonist of other important actions, such as the contempt for the danger in making himself in enemy territory to obtain exceptional photographs, which earned him the concession of a second silver medal for military valor [first] . In August he was moved to the first section of the 57th Aeroplani Squadron, based on the Aviation field of Villafranca, where he remained until the age of 1918, when he passed into service 87th “Serenissima” Squadron. [6] . On the 31st of the same month he distinguished himself during an action on the fortress, and was then decorated with a third silver medal for military valor for having, despite an unsettled convalescence, wanted to return to pilot and have contributed to the second battle of Mount Grappa , preparing and following the monitoring operations of the enemies between the Dolomites and release the latest bombs [first] .

In 1920 he was chosen by Gabriele D’Annunzio to be part of the crews of the Raid Roma-Tokyo. He was assigned a Biplano Ansaldo Sva 9, and as a motorist Giuseppe Da Monte. [7] He returned home alive but his adventure was full of obstacles: on March 26, 1920 on the Adalia aviation field, due to a signaling error, collided with the biplane of Ferruccio Rando, managing to land with serious damage to planes. [8] They managed to repair one of the two aircraft with the pieces of the other, and the plane was assigned to Ranza, who left with the motorist Brigidi. [8]

Returning to Italy, he died of an unfortunate flight accident on the skies above the Malpensa farmhouse on 11 August 1921. [3] The body was subsequently buried in the Brendola cemetery. [4]

Commemorative plaque affixed to Villa Piovene
Medaglia d'argento al valor militare - nastrino per uniforme ordinaria Silver medal for military valor
Excellent carelessly driver of the opposing fire that numerous times hit the appliance, he made an audacious and important photographic reconnaissance on Adelsberg (23 September 1916) and effectively bombed in the middle of the night, an enemy airfield (November 14, 1916). Having a broken bullet the helm of direction, with daring maneuvers he managed to land in our lines. In fights with enemy aircraft, called rare example of calm and audacity. Heaven of the Karst, March 1916-Marzo 1917 . [first] »
– February 15, 1918
Medaglia d'argento al valor militare - nastrino per uniforme ordinaria Silver medal for military valor
Airplane pilot, of rare expertise, in numerous bright strategic reconnaissance, went into enemy territory for hundreds of kilometers, always reporting information and photographic series of the highest interest; Mirabile for daring, activity and enthusiasm often lowered a few meters from the ground to better offend with bombs and strokes of machine guns troops and enemy boats on the Piave, during the opponent’s offensive of June 1918. War area, February-June 1918 . [first] »
– December 9, 1919
Medaglia d'argento al valor militare - nastrino per uniforme ordinaria Silver medal for military valor
Airplane explorer pilot of rare and daring skill, as soon as the last great battle began, however convalescent and weak for recent disease, he wanted to participate and cooperate in the victory of our weapons as he already had in many flights participated and cooperated in the patient preparation. While the enemy still tenaciously resisted on the grappa, he first reported his folding and therefore stubbornly chased him, until in the most distant rear, from Longarone to Bolzano; And everywhere he noted and document the disordered movements of the losers, and launched the latest bombs on them, proceeding, with his unchanged tricolor wing the movement of liberation and redemption of Italian troops. Heaven of the grappa-Piave-Tagliamento-Belluno- and Bolzano, August-November 1918 [first] »
– 23 July 1920

Annotations [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  1. ^ In addition to him, military service in the First World War another 734 fellow villagers.

Note [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  1. ^ a b c d It is f g ( PDF ) Francesco Cecchin, The Great War in Brendola . are comune.brendola.vi.it , Cora, 2008.
  2. ^ a b Vicenza State Archive, Brendola – Civil status, year 1894
  3. ^ a b 1936, p. 429 .
  4. ^ a b c d The Giornale di Vicenza .
  5. ^ Renato Callegari and Stefano Gambarotto, Pilots . are ilfrontedelcielo.it . URL consulted on July 26, 2015 (archived by URL Original March 4, 2016) .
  6. ^ Roberto Gentilli and Paolo Variale, 87 Serenissima Squadron . are Quellidel72.it . URL consulted on July 26, 2015 .
  7. ^ Ludovico 1970, p. 70 .
  8. ^ a b Ludovico 1970, p. 71 .
  • Alessandras, The first organization of the Air Force in Italy 1884-1925 , Rome, Air Force Historical Office, 1986.
  • Roberto Gentilli and Paolo Varriale, The Italian aviation departments in the Great War , Rome, Air Force Historical Office, 1999.
  • Domenico Ludovico, Italian aviators from Rome to Tokyo in 1920 , Milan, Etas Kompass editions, 1970.
  • Luigi Manc Mancini (Street of), Great Air Force Encyclopedia , Milan, Edizioni Aeronautica, 1936.
  • Manlio Molfese, The Italian reconnaissance aviation during the Great European War (May 1915-Novembre-1918) , Rome, General Provveditorato dello Stato, 1925.
