Finland Independence Declaration -Wikipedia


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Finnish independence declaration (Finland Dokurizengen) is an independent declaration adopted in Finland on December 6, 1917. He declared the independence from the Russian Empire as a constitutional state in Finnish and complete autonomy.

Russian Revolution [ edit ]

In 1917, the February revolution occurred in the Russian Empire, and the October revolution of Lenin’s October Bolchevik, which led by the October revolution, caused independent desire in the Grand Duchy of Finland. From the point of view of Helsinki, Russia and Finland lost their legal foundations when Nikolai II left on March 15, 1917.

As a result, on November 5, the parliament was based on Article 38 of the 1772 Sweden Constitution, which was enacted in Congress after the Bloodless Revolution of the Finnish III. He declared that he was the owner of power.

On November 15, 1917, Bolshevik declared general self -determination as the “Russian Rights Declaration”, including the right to separate the right separation. On the same day, the Finnish government has sparkly declared that Finnish, the Finnish monarch, has autonomy.


However, the old Swedish constitution was no longer considered appropriate. The main organizations believed that it would be old to hold the monarchy and genetic royalism for a long time, and supported Finnish Republic.

Congress, which was newly established in November, returned to Congress on December 4 to propose a new republic constitution. The parliament plans to approve the proposal of an independence declaration in the form of the preface in the form of the preface.

The Bolshevik Government’s Finnish Independent Approval

On December 18, the Russian government recognized Finland’s independence and issued laws, and on December 22, independence of Finland was approved by the Russian Soviet Union Executive Committee (VTSIK).

Declaration of Independence [ edit ]

Declaration of independence declaration on November 15th

Finnish people won this step with their own hands. This one step is legitimate for the status quo and is required by the current situation. The Finnish people feel deeply that they have their own nations and cannot fulfill their international obligations without autonomy. With a desire for freedom, we have finally been able to fulfill our wishes. The Finnish people walk with other countries in the world as a free nation.


How to recognize that the people of Finnish recognize that other countries in the world will win their own places among civilized people in their independence and freedom, and do their best to satisfy their goals. I dare to wait with confidence.

I am.

The general public suffered a poverty, and these results encouraged the general public to have a great deal of conflict. And Finland rushes into the civil war. The independence declaration actually states this problem.

The government negotiates with foreign countries to seek the perception of political independence. The urgent challenge is that the government will immediately contact foreign countries with all the confession, famine, and unemployment from the current external isolation. The urgent task is to support the necessary substances for life and industry, which is our only assistance that can be used for the imminent famine and industrial suspension.

On December 6, Congress adopted an independent declaration. This day is still a Finnish independent anniversary and a public holiday.

Independent approval date of each country [ edit ]

Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in the Baltic countries have declared independence from the Russian Empire almost at the same time. However, the independence of the Baltic countries was a bit delayed, and problems occurred between the Germany and the Russian Soviet Republic, causing independence of Estonia, Ratvia Independent War, and Lithuania’s Independence War. These three countries were occupied and annexed by the Soviet Union in later generations.

Meanwhile, Finland, on the other hand, fell into a war with the Soviet Union, two times in the Winter War and continuation war, and was deprived of some of the Soviet Union, but maintained independence.

In 2007, on the 90th anniversary of the Finnish Independence Declaration, a 5 -euros coin, which has been selected as a main motif as a high -value commemorative coin, was mitigated. On the back is a rock sculpture art, and on the surface is a boat with nine oars and nine oars as a symbol of Finnish, which is a characteristic of Finland. 100 euros gold coins were also manufactured. The notes are noticeable here, and Finnish Zitherin Strings is written on the coin.

Related item [ edit ]

External link [ edit ]
