Football Club Casale – Wikipedia


The Football Club Casale A.S.D. (abbreviated FBC Casale It is better known as Farmhouse ) is an Italian football club based in the city of Casale Monferrato, in the province of Alessandria.


Constituted in 2013 to take over from the bankruptcy Casale Calcio sports association , is the heir in fact of the sporting tradition that began in 1909 with the foundation of Casale Foot Ball Club .

The farmhouse includes in its Palmarès the victory of the Italian championship 1913-1914, therefore resulting one of the three teams expression of a non-provincial capital city to have won a maximum series Italian championship (the other two are the Novese, always in the province of Alessandria, and Pro Vercelli, whose city of origin was part of the province of Novara from 1859 to 1927). It is also one of the four teams (together with Novara, Pro Vercelli and Alessandria) components the so -called Piedmontese quadrilateral , the protagonist of the maximum Italian football level in the first two decades of the twentieth century.

In the 2022-2023 season he plays in Serie D, the fourth division of the Italian championship.

From the Foundation to 1913 [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In October 1909, Professor Raffaele Jaffe, professor at the Leardi Technical Institute of Casale Monferrato, was convinced by some of his students to accompany them to Caresana to attend a football match. Enthusiastic about the experience, he proposed to the students (in particular to the brothers Cavasonza, hen and Varese) to found his own club [first] .

After some preparatory matches, the Foot Ball Club Casale was actually founded on the following 17 December, in an assembly celebrated at the classroom 1 of the Leardi Technical Institute, with the declared objective to contrast with Pro Vercelli, which in those years was The dominant club of Italian football.

The choice of the color of the shirts falls on black, always in contrast with the Pro Vercelli (which dresses the white jacket ); The player and founding partner Luigi Cavasonza also provides to cut out from a five -pointed stars notebook, applying them rudimentally on the chest of the first uniforms. This symbol was chosen as it is deemed propitiatory to the desire to reach the summit of national football [2] .


At that time the North-West Italian was the center of the nascent national football movement: Genoa, Pro Vercelli and the teams of Milan and Turin were at the time the most competitive formations. To this group soon managed to add the farmhouse, which was admitted to the first category (at the time maximum division) in 1911.

Previously the farmhouse had already played for two seasons in the minor championships: in the two -year period 1909-1910 he enrolled in the third category Piedmontese championship, winning and then winning – in October – the Silver cup , beating the Milanese US and Lambro in Caresana. Following this success, the management asked for admission to the first category, but the FIGC rejected it. [3] The farmhouse then enrolled in the second category, at the time also adopted as a championship of the reserve teams of the most famous clubs. In the 1910-1911 season, the nerostellati ranked second in the Piedmontese group, slightly missing the qualification for the final group. After losing measure against Inter (0-1), in March Professor Jaffe, in the meantime he became federal manager, asked the FIGC assembly for the admission of the farmhouse to the top league. The Federal Council reserved the right to evaluate the request on the occasion of a double test-maker planned against Libertas in Milan: the Casalesi equalized 1-1 at home on September 24 and won 1-0 in Milan on September 27, thus obtaining the Benestare for enrollment in the First Category.

The debut season in the national championship was difficult and the team in the first days lost various games: however in the second part of the tournament the performance improved and the farmhouse ended the north-western group with ten teams in sixth place. The following year the Nerostellato club entered fully among the strongest teams of the peninsula, closing the Piedmontese group in second place behind only the Pro Vercelli (after an avid fight with Turin and Piedmont FC), obtaining the first qualification for the group of Final of northern Italy; Here the farmhouse found, in addition to Pro Vercelli, also Milan, Genoa and the Venetian Vicenza and Verona. The Casalesi closed in fourth final place, behind the Pro Vercelli champion, Genoa and Milan.

On May 14, 1913, the Casale became the first Italian team to defeat an English professional team, beating the reading with a score of 2-1. The value of this victory was highlighted by the fact that i Royals , engaged in a tour Italian, all the other friendlies won, defeating Genoa, Milan, Pro Vercelli and the Italian football national team. [4] [5]

The Scudetto of 1914 [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The Italian champion farmhouse in the 1913-1914 season

The nerostellati presented themselves at the start of the 1913-1914 season with a competitive and well strengthened team.

The farmhouse passed the Ligurian-Piedmontese group, qualifying together with Genoa at the final round of northern Italy (and eliminating for one point the Pro Vercelli, which thus lost the title after three successes in a row and six consecutive finals).

In the final group of northern Italy, the farmhouse found itself in front of Genoa, as well as international and Juventus, who had in turn eliminated Milan. However, in the group A six nerostellati managed to overcome Genoa, Inter, Juventus, L.R. Vicenza and Hellas Verona, qualifying for the national final against Lazio, winner of the Championship of Centromeridial Italy. Against the Lazio team the Piedmontese imposed themselves 7-1 in the first leg and 2-0 on the return, thus winning their first and only championship. Casale Monferrato became like this (together with Novi Ligure, where the Novese in 1922 won the FIGC tournament, which however was deserted by many important teams) the smallest city in Italy in terms of the population to express a team capable of winning the national football championship.

In the top flight: from the Great War to 1934 [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

After the historic Scudetto, the farmhouse was unable to repeat itself. In the 1914-1915 season he managed to qualify for the semifinals through the qualifying group, but was eliminated in the semifinal group from Genoa, at the end of the champion. The direct clashes between Genoani and Nerostellati ended in a tie, but a defeat inflicted on Juventus, who allowed Genoa to close the group with only two points ahead of the farmhouse in the head, was fatal. However, the championship was not completed due to the entrance to Italy in Italy and it was only in 1919 that the FIGC decided to assign the title of Campione d’Italia to Genoa.

In 1915-1916, instead of the championship, the Federal Cup was called and the farmhouse managed to win its elimination group, but retired from the finals after losing the first day against Juventus. From then to until 1919 the activity was suspended for war causes, taking up only in 1919-1920. The farmhouse was no longer the excellent team of 1914 and, if in 1919-1920 he managed to qualify for the semifinal groups, in which he did not shine by closing only fourth, in
1920-1921 did not even manage to pass the regional eliminations: having classified himself in third place in group B of the first Piedmontese category, he was forced to the playoffs for admission to the semifinals against the U.S. Torinese, but after a first draw to the bitter end after 145 °, he lost the repetition in Vercelli, being thus being eliminated.

A young Umberto Caligaris in Nerostellata shirt

On July 24, 1921, the Pozzo project was rejected, a reform plan of the championships which provided for the reduction of the teams participating in the maximum tournament in northern Italy to 24 companies against the 64 participants in 1920-1921, the Casale Secesti together with the other 23 major companies, adhering to the C.C.I .. In 1921-1922, therefore, the farmhouse did not play the federal championship, but the CCI. The season ended with a discreet sixth place in group B of the first division of the Italian Civil Code. After the recomposition of the schism, with the Colombo compromise, it was established that the 1922-1923 first division championship would be 36 teams (divided into three groups), However, to be reduced to 24 through the relegation of four teams per group. The farmhouse managed to save himself, in a sixth place in group A. In the following championships, although saving himself, he never managed to fight for the championship victory, reaching third place in Group A in the 1924-1925 season.

In 1926, with the promulgation of the Viareggio Charter, the farmhouse was admitted to the national division, the new maximum series championship finally unifying north and south in the same championship (although for the backwardness of southern football the representatives of the South were only 3 against 17 in the North). At its first year in national division, the farmhouse played a good tournament, touching, with a 4th place in group A, even the qualification for the final round of 6 teams for the assignment of the Scudetto. In the following season, the nerostellati improved their performance, managing to qualify for the final group with eight teams: however, in the finals they had the not very rewarding role of tail light of the group, closing in the 8th and last place, while the Scudetto was won by Turin leaders.

In the summer of 1928, in the meantime, the FIGC, conducted by the fascist hierarch Arpinati, decided to finally make the top flight championship Single group , getting off the national division into one National Division Serie A and in one National Serie B division ; To achieve this goal, the Federal Directory fished out of office numerous first division companies in national division, widening the top flight for the 1928-1929 season to even 32 companies; He then established that the 1928-1929 national division championship would be qualifying: the best eight classified of the two groups would participate in the new single series championship single-group ( National Division Serie A to 16 teams), those between the ninth and the fourteenth position would have formed the championship of National Serie B division , always with a single group, while the last two of each group would be relegated to the new third series championship, the first division. The farmhouse, however, was unable to qualify for Serie A, closing the group A only in 10th place, and the enlargement of the Serie A a eighteen teams earned little, given that he had not concluded the tournament in the ninth place.

However, the stay in Serie B lasted only one season: winning the 1929-30 cadet tournament, he returned to Serie A, after just a season of abstinence. The first championship of A A A A Group Single played by the Nerostellati was negative, with a bad 16th place and the return between the cadets avoided for a breath. After a discreet season (12th place in Serie A), the farmhouse once again avoided the relegation to B in the 1932-1933 season, in which it was saved with another bad 16th place. However, the relegation was only postponed by one year: at the end of the 1933-1934 tournament, with a 18th and last place, it was relegated to Serie B since then, the Casalesi no longer managed to return to A.

Salts and descend: from 1934 to 1943 [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Once returned among the cadets, the nerostati could no longer return to A and indeed they met a worrying decline. In the 1934-1935 season, with a disastrous 12th place in Group A of Serie B, they even fell into Serie C and in the following season the relegation to the Piedmontese first division also arrived. Fortunately for the farmhouse, once reached the bottom, the team started up again: with a second place in the Piedmontese first division championship 1936-1937 returned to Serie C after just one season and in the following season, he immediately went up immediately in B, thanks At the victory of group C of Serie C. The stay among the cadets lasted once again only one season: with a 18th place in Serie B, he returned to Serie C again.

In the following championships, the farmhouse could no longer find the right momentum to win the group of C and return to B: the best result in this period was the 3rd place reached in group D of the C series (1939-1940), while the worst It was 7th place in group D of Serie C (1941-1942). After 4th place in group and Serie C in the 1942-1943 season, the war imposed the suspension of the championships starting from the 1943-44 season.

From return to B to relegation to IV series: from 1944 to 1952 [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In the 1943-44 season it was not possible to play a regular football championship due to the German and Anglo-American invasions of the peninsula, so the FIGC called a war championship in place of the regular championship in the upper Italy. The farmhouse was admitted to this championship together with numerous teams of A, B and C, but was eliminated in the Piedmontese zonal elimination with a little exhilarating 8th place. For war causes, it was not possible to organize a war championship in 1944-1945 like that of 1943-1944 won by the Spezia firefighters, so for that season the farmhouse was inactive for war causes.

In 1945, at the end of the war, the farmhouse, as one of the best C companies, was admitted to participate in the Mixed B-C High Italy Championship 1945-1946, in which he ranked 6th in Group A at the end of the season, having decided The FIGC to make the Serie B championship a three-group championship, was officially admitted to Serie B (in 1945-1946 he had participated as Serie C company). The stay between the cadets however lasted once again only one season: with a disastrous 22nd place in group A of Serie B, the nerostellato immediately returned to C.

As if that were not enough, for the following season 1947-1948 a worrying Engine was presented: the FIGC had decided to make the Serie C a 3-group championship starting from the 1948-1949 season and, given that Serie C 1947-1948 was Composed of even 18 groups, this meant that to be admitted to the new C series was forced to win the group, while all the remaining companies would be relegated to the lower categories. The farmhouse, however, managed to win the group B of the Serie C of the Northern League, thus being admitted to the National Serie C and scanning the relegation to interregional promotion. In the three subsequent Serie C championships he obtained placements from 5th to 8th place, saving himself safely. Once again a reform of the FIGC strongly threatened the stay in C of the farmhouse: in fact in 1951 the Football Federation established that, from the 1952-1953 season, the C series, at the time of four groups, would even have been transformed into a group championship Unique, to which only the best three classified of each of the four groups of the C series 1951-52 would have been admitted, plus the two best fourth. The farmhouse then obtained a further 8th place in Group A of Serie C in the 1951-1952 season, but, given that to be admitted to the Serie C in single group, at least fourth had to be used, this was not enough to avoid relegation to the 4th series.

Between C and D: From 1952 to 1973 [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Once they fall into IV series, the farmhouse could not find the right momentum to grasp the promotion in the C series Single group : in this period the best placement was 4th place in group A of the IV Serie (1956-1957), while the worst was made up of 12th in group A of the IV Serie (1954-1955). The farmhouse was, therefore, never in struggle for the promotion: to be promoted in Serie C, at the time, in fact, it was not enough to win the group, but the promotion had to be earned by defeating the winners of the other groups in the two semifinal groups , whose winnings would be disputed the title of IV series.

The situation changed in 1957, when the FIGC decided to abolish the single group in Serie C, transforming the third series championship into a three -group tournament. So, with about forty places free at stake for the new C series, the farmhouse, in the 1957-1958 season, ranking 2nd place in group A of the excellence of the IV series, finally managed to return to C. once returned to C, the farmhouse, however, inserted in group A, never managed to be competitive, with placements between the 10th (1960-61) and 14th place (1958-1959): in 1962-1963, indeed, relegation to Serie D, due to 17th place in Group A.

Returning to D again, the farmhouse was unable to make himself competitive for an immediate ascent in C: if in the first three D championships he obtained placements between the 5th and 8th place, in the three subsequent championships his performance went further worsening, culminating even in 16th place in group A in the 1968-1969 season, which would have entailed the relegation to promotion; Fortunately, for the nerostellati, the farmhouse was readmitted to D to the compilation of the new staff. In the 1969-1970 season, characterized by 10th place in group A of the Serie D, the Nerostellata company received from the F.I.G.C. The golden star of sporting merit. The subsequent championships were mediocre, with the half -ranking club and never in struggle for promotion in C. in 1973, however, the merger with the U.S. Junior of Casale Monferrato (just promoted in Serie D), which involved the change of the name in Juniorcasale football association .

From junarcasal to bankruptcy: from 1973 to 1993 [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

A formation of the newlyified junarcasale, winner of the Serie D 1973-1974 championship

In 1973 the farmhouse merged with the Junior, the second team of Casale Monferrato, and took the name of Junarcasal. Under this denomination, then maintained until the 1979-1980 season, the team reinforced a lot and already at the end of the 1973-1974 championship managed to win the group A of Serie D, returning to Serie C after a decade of abstinence. In the subsequent third-level championships, the Nerostellati slowly improved by improving: from the suffered 14th place in the 1974-1975 season, it went to the 8th place reached in the following season, further improved in the 1976-1977 season with a 5th place. In the 1977-1978 season, the Juniorcasale even touched the return to B after thirty years, with a 2nd place in group A of Serie C behind Udinese. Starting from 1978 the Serie C split in Serie C1 and C2, and the Piedmontese were admitted to C1.

However, the burning second place in the 1977-78 season constituted the swan song for this nerostellato cycle. After having dreamed of the return between the cadets, in fact, the Casalesi had to slowly reduce their ambitions: if in the 1978-1979 season the 7th place in Group A of the C1 series arrived, the following year the relegation to series was already touched the following year C2, with a disappointing 14th place in group A of the C1 series. Redocression that was only postponed by a year: with a disastrous 15th place in group A of the C1 series, the nerostellati relegated to Serie C2. After a mediocre 12th place in group A of the C2 series (1981-1982), the farmhouse seemed to be able to fight for the promotion in Serie C1 in the 1982-1983 season, but in the end only a 4th place in Group A of the C2 series A arrived . Already in the following season, indeed, the tendency to decline resumed inexorably, with the disastrous 17th place in group A of the C2 series and the consequent relegation to the interregional championship.

La Rosa Nerostellata victorious in the 1985-1986 interregional championship

The stay between amateurs, however, lasted only two seasons: after a third place in group A in the 1984-85 season, in the following season, winning group A of interregional, they made quick return to Serie C2. After two fluctuating seasons, in the 1988-89 season the promotion in Serie C1 even arrived, thanks to the victory of group A of the C2 series.

In the two subsequent championships, the Casale managed to save himself, while at the end of the 1991-1992 season he returned to Serie C2 after having lost 0-1 the playoff salvation of 7 June 1992 in Piacenza against the pro sixth. After an eighth place in the 1992-1993 championship, in the summer of 1993 the farmhouse renounced the C2 series for economic problems and was consequently radiated by the F.I.G.C. for financial defaults. The old company (serial number 60667) failed. The Piedmontese wanted to start from the National Amateur Championship, but the lack of places in the top amateur championship forced them to accept the Piedmontese excellence.

From the Rifondazione of 1993 onwards [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The farmhouse, forced to start from Piedmontese excellence, played two seasons of poor level in which he was never in struggle for promotion. However, it arrived at the end of the third season, in the two-year period 1995-1996, thanks to 2nd place in group A of the championship, which admitted the nerostellato to the play-offs: in the first round the oil was exceeded (with the results of 1-0 external and 0 -0 at home) and in the second round the Imperia (1-0 at home and 0-0 external). Promoted in the C.N.D., the farmhouse already touched the return to Serie C2 in the following season, placing itself in 2nd place in group B of the maximum amateur championship.

In the six subsequent championships, the team was unable to fight for promotion in C2, reaching about halfway through the ranking: the lowest point was reached in the seasons 1997-1998, 1998-1999 and 2001-2002 (a twelfth place and two elevenths places, with the last season the rotation between the coaches Stefano Lovisolo and Agostino Alzani, with the latter who took the team in the last position to leave it in the penultimate again after another six days [6] ), while the highest placement was made up of the fifth place reached in the 2002-2003 season. On the other hand, in the 1998-1999 season the farmhouse won the amateur Italian Cup.

The return between the professionals finally came with the 2003-2004 season, thanks to the victory of group A of Serie D. The militancy in Serie C2, however, had short duration: after a first season ended with salvation to the play-outs (won against the Biellese), in the 2005-2006 vintage the farmhouse closed in the 18th and last place in group A, relegated to Serie D.

In the 2006-2007 season, the Nerostellati, after having risked the exclusion from Serie D for bureaucratic problems, closed in third place in their group, thus being admitted to the play-offs, where they then won the final against the bells of the Sibyl El Brazil Cuma 4-3 after the penalty kicks. Since such play-offs are not valid for direct promotion and no repechage has been made necessary in Serie C2, the farmhouse remained in Serie D and received only a cash prize from the FIGC. The 2007-2008 season was less fortunate, where the farmhouse was saved to the play-out against Sanremo (winning the away return 3-1 and drawing the return home 2-2). The 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 championships were more profitable, where the nerostellati were able to express a good game and create various good performances, placing themselves in both cases in third place in their group and qualifying in both cases for the play -Off: in 2009 they lost the final against Spezia (then fished out among the professionals following the renunciation of the Biella), while in 2010 they managed to prevail over Virtus Entella.

At the end of the 2009-2010 season, the repechage in Lega Pro Second Division (new name of the old C2 series) arrived for both the farmhouse and the formation of Chiavari. After a critical beginning, characterized by poor results, the nerostellati played a good return group, saving themselves and ranking in 10th final place. In the following season, the farmhouse qualified for the promotion play-offs, losing the final against Virtus Entella (victorious 3-2 in the first leg and capable of equalizing on the return 2-2 with a goal marked at 96 ‘by the Ligurian goalkeeper Paroni ).

The aforementioned lack of promotion in Lega Pro Prima Division (which prevented from collecting the related cash benefits), combined with the too expensive corporate management, finally led to the exclusion of the farmhouse from the third series championship 2012-2013, decreed on 13 July 2012 . On July 16, the company appealed, which was then accepted on July 19, at the same time as the acquisition of the club control by the consortium headed by the former president of Turin and Nuorese Roberto Goveri, who settled his son Umberto to the presidency.

The farmhouse presented itself at the start of the season with a penalty of 5 points and could not avoid the 17th final place in its group, with subsequent relegation to Serie D. In summer 2013 the administrative problems and irregularities of the previous year reappeared even more Finally, worsening the provision imposed on 31 July by the L.N.D., which radiated the nerostellati from the championship.

On August 14, 2013, in compliance with the resolution of the FIGC Council and Federal President Giancarlo Abete (issued at the request of the mayor of Casale Monferrato Giorgio Demezzi), the Piedmont-Valle d’Aosta Regional Committee of the FIGC accepted the newly established Football Club Casale Amateur Sports Association As a legitimate custodian of the Nerostellata sports tradition, ratifying its registration in the Piedmontese Promotion championship (constituting the lowest football level in which the Casalese formation had ever taken part). S. Casale Calcio S.r.l. (now separated from the sporting tradition) it survived until 10 May 2016, when the Civil Court of Vercelli declared its failure, with subsequent revocation from the fade to the Federation. [7]

The “new farmhouse” closed the 2nd place debut season in group B of the Piedmont-Valle d’Aosta promotion, subsequently losing the play-off final against the Cornelian; The club was subsequently admitted through repechage to excellence for the 2014-2015 season, where he ended in second place in group B, and then loses the promotion play-offs for the Serie D against Castellazzo Bormida. [8]

In the 2015-2016 season, the Nerostellati finally managed to win the group B of the Piedmont-Valle d’Aosta excellence, ensuring the promotion in Serie D: inserted in Group A for the 2016-2017 vintage, the farmhouse stands in the middle of the standings , guaranteeing the permanence in the category with a margin.

Ranked in 16th place for the 2017-2018 season, at the Casale he touched the play-off-the-out with the 17th of the group, Varese. After 90 ‘to the inviolates, it passed to the extra time, at the end of which, by virtue of the score of 1-1 and the regulation that rewards the host team (the best placed of the Regular Season), the farmhouse guaranteed the field of stay in the field in the field Serie D.

Colors [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Since the foundation, the farmhouse adopts as a social color, black, chosen as exactly opposite to the white of the jackets of Pro Vercelli (dominant club in Italian football of the early 1900s, to which the Casalesi intended to contrast).

From 1973 to 1979 the junralcasale wore the nerostellata shirt with rossoblu bordini; The latter were the colors of the junior, the fellow citizen company with which the farmhouse had merged.

Traditionally, the housewife uniform is made up of a black solid color suit, with small details and white finishes, while for the away matches a inverted color jacket is adopted, with the dominant white on black.

The shirts in use in the 2016-2017 season, made by the technical sponsor Joma, respect this convention: the first uniform is in fact made up of a black blind (knitting, shorts and socks) with numbering and white writings. The second uniform presents the same style, but inverted colors. The star, a social symbol, is affixed to the heart (in white on the first shirt, in black on the second) and surmounts the writing FBC CASALE , the stamped characters in uniform tint.

Official symbols [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Coat of arms [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Evolution of the coat of arms

Club logo until the 2013 failure.
Celebratory brand of the centenary of the Scudetto, adopted in 2014.
The logo in use from 2017 to 2019.
The logo from 2013 to 2017 and again since 2019.

Historically, the official coat of arms of the company has covered relative importance, since its application on gaming jackets is not foreseen: the only symbol sewn on them is in fact the five -pointed white star (which can decline in black color on external shirts), conceived in 1909 by the footballer and founding partner Luigi Cavasonza as a propitiatory emblem for the fortunes of the Casalese association.

However, the company has endowed itself in the course of its existence of various other institutional emblems, in which other elements are recalled in addition to the symbol of the star evoking the history and successes of the club (in particular the Scudetto of 1913-1914, the golden star of the merits Sports granted in 1969-1970 and the Italian amateur Italian Cup of 1998-1999). Among the most long -lived and used symbols (in its variants) there is the black and white party shield, with a black band at half height containing the social name (written in white letters) and bearing in the upper right corner the aforementioned Bianca Stella, at the top left the tricolor Scudetto connoting the team teams of Italy, at the bottom left of the golden star at the Sports Merit of the Coni and at the bottom right of the tricolor cockade of the Italian amateur cup (added since 1999 ).

The emblem adopted following the failure and the subsequent re -foundation in 2013 consists of a black circle of the golden edge, containing a large letter C capital that embraces the wording inside fbc 1909 . Such letters have a typographic character related to the Fraktur. To the right of this monogram, the social symbol of the white star, the tricolor of the Italian champions, the golden star of the sporting merit and the tricolor cooked of the Italian Cup, are uncolonated (from top to bottom). An alternative version of this symbol does not provide for the references to the trophies: in the latere of the polygrama there is the only white star, enlarged in size.

Inno [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The hymn of the farmhouse is A star on the heart , composed of Enrico Pesce. [11] [twelfth]

Corporate organization chart [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

As of November 26, 2021, the company organization chart of the club is so composed [13] :

Staff of the administrative area

[ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Below is the chronology of technical suppliers and official sponsors.

Chronology of the technical sponsors

Official sponsor chronology

  • 1981-1989 Credit anonymous bank
  • 1990-1991 Osama
  • 1991-1994 not present
  • 1994-1995 Buzzi cements
  • 1995-1996 not present
  • 1996-2001 IAR Siltal
  • 2001-2002 Borgia
  • 2002-2004 not present
  • 2004-2008 …
  • 2008-09 Clothing Outlet Meeting
  • 2010-2013 Foppies
  • 2013-2014 not present
  • 2014-2017 AspFer
  • 2017-2018 Gaffeo
  • 2018-2020 Energic
  • 2020- Console and Partners

The story of the Scudetto won by the Casale in 1914 was told in 2020 by the podcast “La Stella di Cardone”, curated by Gianfelice Facchetti, Giovanni Cerino Badone, Gipo Gurrado and Marco Boarino and published on the newspaper website The Republic [18] .

Below is the chronology of coaches and presidents [19] :

National competitions [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]


Interregional competitions [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

1937-1938 (Girl c), 1947-1948 (Girona D)
1988-1989 (group A)
1973-1974 (group A), 2003-2004 (group A)
1985-1986 (group A)

Regional competitions [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]


Other placements [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Second place: 1977-1978 (group A)
Second place: 1996-1997 (group B)
Second place: 1995-1996, 2014-2015
Second place: 2013-2014
Finalist: 1927
Finalist: 1993-1994, 2015-2016

Honors [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Participations in the National Championships [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The farmhouse has played overall 96 sports seasons at national level. They are considered professional for the purpose of determining the city sports tradition useful to authorize the rebirth of a failed club in accordance with the internal organizational rules of the FIGC, the forty six Vinces spent in Serie A, Serie B or Serie C, C1 and C2.

Participations in the regional championships [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Level Category Participations Debut Last season Total
I First regional division first 1936-1937 6
Excellence 5 1993-1994 2015-2016
II Promotion first 2013-2014 first

Archaic Championships

History [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The first group of cheering organized in tow of the nerostellati was the Commando Ultras , established in 1973, to which the collective was joined in 1979 Boys Casale . Until 1984, radical fans proved to be active and vital, constantly presenting with at least 100 spectators to most games (with peaks of 350/400 supporters to crowd the stands on the occasion of the derby against historical opponents such as Alessandria and Novara). The relegation of the farmhouse in the interregional, which occurred in the last year, however caused a drastic reduction of organized cheering activities, which resumed vigor in 1988 after i Boys they reorganized under the new name Boys ’88 and thanks to the resaling of the nerostellati in Serie C1 at the end of the 1988-89 season [48] .

The new relegation of the farmhouse in amateur alloys at the end of the 1992-93 season, which occurred due to the company defaults by the company, marked a further weakening of the Casalese organized cheering, which finally resumed to grow in the 2003-2004 season (which ended with the Return to Serie C2): on the occasion of the decisive match against Voghera 2000 Nerostellati fans crowded the stands of the municipal stadium. On the wave of enthusiasm to Boys ’88 (organized cheering guide group) also joined other groups such as Sbamballati , Old guard It is Good fellas [48] .

Twinning and rivalry [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The Nerostellata fans does not contemplate official twinning: however, it entertains friendly and/or respectful relationships against the supporters of L.R. Vicenza, Spezia, Lucchese, Arezzo, Mantua and Modena [48] .

Rivalry relationships instead intercorise with the other teams of the Piedmontese quadrilateral , namely Alessandria, Novara, Pro Vercelli, as well as towards Piacenza and Varese [48] .

  1. ^ The great farmhouse: the origins, the first triumphs, the Scudetto
  2. ^ Farmhouse ,, 20 set 2012.
  3. ^ The print . are .
  4. ^ Il Tour del Reading, .
  5. ^ Giancarlo Ramezzana, A lesson to English football , “Il Monferrato”, 16 May 2017, p. 22.
  6. ^ The experience of coach Alzani for the farmhouse: “Have trust we will go back to the ranking” , in The print , November 21, 2001, p. 53.
  7. ^ Official press release n. 377/a ( PDF ), are FIGC.IT , 10 May 2016. URL consulted on January 20, 2017 .
  8. ^ L.N.D. Piedmont-Valle d’Aosta Filed December 26, 2013 on the Internet Archive.
  9. ^ He asks for admission to the first category but the FIGC denies it, considering instead on the basis of the successful success to insert it in the second category.
  10. ^ Pursuant to article 52 paragraph 10 of the internal organizational rules of the FIGC (Noif).
  11. ^ The football feast for the centenary of the Scudetto del Casale. The photos and videos of the event . are , , April 16, 2015. URL consulted on January 15, 2017 .
  12. ^ The magic of being part of the wonderful Balbo Lanza choir . are , April 17, 2015. URL consulted on January 15, 2017 .
  13. ^ Organization chart , consulted on 26 Nov 2021
  14. ^ Casale shirts . are . URL consulted on January 15, 2017 (archived by URL Original January 16, 2017) .
  15. ^ In 500 for the farmhouse , , 19 set 2013.
  16. ^ Cheraschese-Casale Fbc 0-1: highlights Filed On 12 October 2016 on the Internet Archive. – , 7 there 2014.
  17. ^ Serie D, farmhouse – Varese 0-0/The film of the match – Ranking The print , 10 set 2016.
  18. ^ “The cardboard star”, a podcast to tell the legendary Scudetto del Casale – Calcio . are , the Republic.
  19. ^ Illustrated Almanac of football , various editions.
  20. ^ The coach Ellena left the farmhouse , in Evening print , January 30, 1951, p. 5.
  21. ^ Alessandria and Vigevano chase the Sanremo , in Evening print , 8 December 1952, p. 5.
  22. ^ The new technical guide revived the farmhouse , in Evening print , February 2, 1954, p. 4.
  23. ^ The farmhouse against Lavogherese finds the Via della Vittoria: 2-0 , in Evening print , 19 December 1955, p. 6.
  24. ^ The farmhouse changes coach , in Evening print , March 25, 1958, p. 5.
  25. ^ Between Casale and Varese on the game and the right draw: 1-1 , in Evening print , December 26, 1958, p. 5.
  26. ^ Lannerossi-Padova (with Orlandini Referee) , in Evening print , January 14, 1959, p. 5.
  27. ^ The players of the farmhouse at work to overcome the moment of crisis , in Evening print , 20 November 1959, p. 8.
  28. ^ The Casale (with Pedroni new coach) determined to bar of the step at the Biellese , in Evening print , January 14, 1961, p. 6.
  29. ^ Fierce fired , in Evening print , February 13, 1970, p. 11.
  30. ^ Ferretti trains the farmhouse , in Evening print , 19 October 1971, p. 9.
  31. ^ Vatta resigned , in Evening print , February 4, 1975, p. 12.
  32. ^ Here is the new coach of the farmhouse: it is Angeleri , in Evening print , November 21, 1979, p. 32.
  33. ^ So Tagliavini was “torpedoed” , in Evening print , 3 December 1980, p. 26.
  34. ^ Seghedoni Nuovo trainer del casale , in The print , March 8, 1988, p. 34.
  35. ^ Casale, Vincenzi returns and alongside Mr. Lesca , in The print , 7 October 1993, p. 45.
  36. ^ Fait “divorce” from the farmhouse , in The print , 1 December 1994, p. 47.
  37. ^ The Novese daydream , in The print , March 14, 1995, p. 45.
  38. ^ Della Bianchina is the coach of the farmhouse , in The print , 14 July 1999, p. 40.
  39. ^ Lovisolo Nuovo Mister del Casale , in The print , 28 October 1999, p. 45.
  40. ^ a b Casale relies on a Carneade , in The print , 13 May 2005, p. 50.
  41. ^ All big names cheer for the Valenzana , in The print , 30 October 2005, p. 45.
  42. ^ a b C2, group A: The farmhouse still changes coach, Ussia instead of Patrizio Sala ,, 1 March 2006.
  43. ^ Hot benches, on the same day the coaches of Savona, Derthona and Casale jump ,, 17 October 2007.
  44. ^ Ciulli finds a bench: it will train the farmhouse ,, 31 December 2009.
  45. ^ Giancarlo Ramezzana, Oreste Simonotti The “Sire” of Villabella , Monferrato, 4 July 2014, p. 35.
  46. ^ History Filed On 8 May 2016 on the Internet Archive. – .
  47. ^ Championship of the National Alta Italia League dealt with with a Serie C sports title pursuant to the official regulation.
  48. ^ a b c d Farmhouse … curiosity and fans Blog 1912 , 12 Ott 2012.