Francescantonio Nol – Wikipedia


Francescantonio Nolè (Potenza, June 9, 1948 – Rome, September 15, 2022) was an Italian Catholic archbishop.


He was born in Giuliano, a hamlet of Potenza, the provincial capital city and archbishop’s seat, on June 9, 1948. He was the first of five children. [first]

Training and priestly ministry [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

On September 20, 1959 he entered the order of the conventual friars of Ravello, where his human, spiritual, religious and cultural formation began, which then continued in Nocera Inferiore, Portici, Sant’Anastasia and Rome.

At the theological faculty Seraphic of Rome carried out philosophical and theological studies, at the section San Luigi Of the pontifical theological faculty of the southern Italy of Naples, the license in moral theology and at the State University of Cassino obtained a degree in Pedagogy.

On October 4, 1965 he issued the temporary profession, in Montella, and on 1 November 1971 the perpetual profession, in Nocera Inferiore.

On September 2, 1973, a presbyter, in Potenza, was ordered by Bishop Vittorio Maria Costantini.

After the ordination he was destined for Nocera Inferiore, in the convent of Sant’Antonio, first as deputy director and then as a rector of the children of middle school aspiring to religious life. In 1976 he was transferred to Benevento, as director of the postulants of the gymnasium-liceo, until 1982. In the same year, during the provincial chapter, he was appointed provincial vicar and guardian-parish of Sant’Antonio in Portici. In 1991 he was sent again to Benevento as a guardian and director of postulants.


In June 1992 he was called to Rome to direct the national missionary center until April 28, 1994. In the same year, during the provincial chapter held in Nocera, he was elected provincial minister of the province of Naples , which includes Campania and Basilicata. On April 30, 1997, provincial minister was confirmed for another four years.

Episcopal ministry [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Bishop of Tursi-Lagonegro [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Msgr. Nolè on 4 July 2015.
Msgr. Nolè to the procession in honor of the Madonna of Anglona.

On November 4, 2000 Pope John Paul II appointed him bishop of Tursi-Lagonegro; [2] It happened to Rocco Talucci, previously appointed Archbishop of Brindisi-Ostuni. On the following 10 December he received the episcopal ordination, in the sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin of the Rosary of Pompeii, by the Archbishop Giovanni Battista Re (later Cardinal), co-conclusive the bishop Gioacchino Illiano and the archbishop Ennio Appignanesi. On January 7, 2001 he took possession of the diocese.

He was a member of the episcopal commission for the clergy and the consecrated life and a member of the mixed bishop-religious-religious commission of the secular institutes of the Italian Episcopal Conference.

Metropolitan archbishop of Cosenza-Bisignano [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

On May 15, 2015 Pope Francis appointed him metropolitan archbishop of Cosenza-Bisignano; [3] Spell to Salvatore Nunnari, halved by reached age limits. On June 29, he received the pallium, in the Basilica of San Pietro in the Vatican, from Pope Francis. On July 4, he took possession of the Archdiocese, in the Cathedral of Cosenza.

He remained apostolic administrator of the diocese of Tursi-Lagonegro until 4 October of the same year.

On February 14, 2016, the apostolic nuncio in Italy Adriano Bernardini imposed on him the pallium [4] In the Cathedral of Cosenza, in the presence of the archbishop Emeritus Salvatore Nunnari, of the Bishop of San Marco Argentano-Scalea Leonardo Bonanno and the general vicars of Cassano all’Agonio and Rossano-Cariati.

On January 30, 2022 he opened the Holy Door of the Cathedral of Cosenza to start the 800 years celebrations from his consecration.

He was a member of the Episcopal Commission for the CEI liturgy.

He died on September 15, 2022 at the Agostino Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome, where he was hospitalized since August 30th, he was 74 years old. [5] [6]

The funeral were celebrated, after two days of ardent chamber, on September 19, 2022 in the Cathedral of Cosenza. [7] The rite was chaired by the archbishop of Reggio Calabria-Bova Fortunato Morrone and concelebrated by Giuseppe Piemontese, Apostolic administrator, by Salvatore Nunnari, Archbishop emeritus of Cosenza-Bisignano, by other bishops and by the priests of the Archdiocese. [8] After a second funeral function, he was buried in the crypt of the Cathedral of San Gerardo in Potenza. [9]

Episcopal genealogy is:

Coat of arms Description
The coat of arms depicts the same “symbol” of the Franciscanism, the
  1. ^ The bishop of Tursi -Lagonegro confesses – Monsignor Francescantonio Nolè and the feast of Giuliano: history of an indissoluble bond . are , Contradiction, 19 May 2012. URL consulted on March 2, 2022 .
  2. ^ Renunciations and appointments. Appointment of the Bishop of Tursi-Lagonegro (Italy) . are , November 4, 2000. URL consulted on November 19, 2020 .
  3. ^ Renunciations and appointments. Renunciation of the metropolitan archbishop of Cosenza-Bisignano (Italy) and appointment of the successor . are , May 15, 2015. URL consulted on November 19, 2020 .
  4. ^ Delivered the pallium to Archbishop Francesco Nolè . are , February 14, 2016. URL consulted on November 19, 2020 .
  5. ^ Dead archbishop of Cosenza, Msgr. Francesco Nolè . are , September 15, 2022. URL consulted on September 16, 2022 .
  6. ^ Diocese: Cosenza, Archbishop Francescoantonio Nolè died . are , September 15, 2022. URL consulted on September 15, 2022 .
  7. ^ Sky TG24, Cosenza close to his bishop, celebrated funeral nolè . are . URL consulted on September 19, 2022 .
  8. ^ Cosenza, the funeral of Mons. Nolè celebrated: Mass officiated by the Archbishop of Reggio, Morrone . are StrettoWeb , September 19, 2022. URL consulted on September 19, 2022 .
  9. ^ Bishop Nolè buried in the crypt of the Cathedral of San Gerardo in Potenza . are , 20 September 2022. URL consulted on 23 September 2022 .
  10. ^ The coat of arms-Archdiocese of Cosenza-Bisignano . are . URL consulted on September 16, 2022 .
