Francesco Cantu cellvetri – Wikipedia


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Francesco Cantuti Castelvetri , Count of Ligonchio, Ospitaletto, Canova and Pradelli (Verona, 11 February 1904 – Rome, 25 January 1979), was an Italian military and economist, the last commander of the Palatine guard of honor of His Holiness.

Born in Verona on 11 February 1904, Count Francesco Cantuti Castelvetri – homonymous of his literate Avo Francesco Cantuti Castelvetri (1726-1777), defined by the Tiraboschi “one of the most cultured and more graceful Poets Modena” of his time – descended from A noble Modenese family of Lombard origin, who had in fiefdom the county of Ligonchio and was made illustrious by some literati of which the best known was Ludovico Castelvetro. Son of Nestore, general of the carabinieri commander the guard from the quirinal stationed – who was the author of a “scientific police compendium” published in 1913 by the National Publishing Typography and had a bronze medal for military valor and the cross for the Merit of War – And of Aurelia Messori Roncaglia, he graduated first in Law and then in economic and commercial sciences and then became a university professor at the chair of economic policy of the La Sapienza University of Rome. Enrolled in 1924 on the Register of Accountants and then, in 1926, to that of journalists, he collaborated with various newspapers and became editor of the chief de Italian finance .

On May 22, 1926 he was admitted in the body of the papal noble guard with the degree of second lieutenant in which he will be jubilated with the degree of general brigadier. In 1930 he married -first marriage to be celebrated after the arrangement between Italy and the Holy See -, in the Chapel of the Guard in the Vatican, with Adriana Prampolini (1907-1995), grandson of the Count Senator Natale Prampolini, from whom he will have eight children. On December 2, 1935 he was sent on a mission to Paris to the apostolic nuncio of that location, Luigi Maglione. On November 4, 1937, upon the death of his predecessor, he was appointed commander of the Palatine Guard of honor by Pope Pius XI and officially entered service on June 20, 1938. On 1 June 1961 he was appointed Colonel and continued his mandate as commander who was He will conclude after 33 years, with the dissolution of the body by Pope Paul VI on 14 September 1970.

Paul VI appointed him a gentleman, a life consultor of the Vatican City State and in 1970 he called him to hold the position of Governor General of the equestrian order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem, of which he will later become a general lieutenant.

In 1935 he had been appointed general manager of the National Wood Federation. Later he will become general manager of the National Federation of Public Exercises and, for fifteen years, he will hold the position of General Manager of the Confederation of Commerce. Since 1944, for twenty -three years, he had the position of general manager of the National Authority for the distribution of rescue in Italy (Endsi). He was also an economist at the FAO, expert at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers for Economic issues, and Mayor, Councilor and Auditor of Credit and Company Institutes (among these: the Italian Fondiaine Credit Institute, the National Credit Institute For Italian work abroad, the Generali Venice Insurance, the Roman Institute of Stable assets, the commercial and industrial credit, the company G.E.N.S. of navigation). From Pope Pius XII he was appointed economic consultant and president of the Board of Auditors of the Grand Magisterium of the Order of Malta. In Brazil he was the founder of the local Catholic International Commission for emigration.

Invalid of the war 1940-1945, had a solemn commendation of the military and civil command of the city of Rome.

In the years 1944-45 and 1945-46 he was a voluntary assistant of economic and financial policy, together with Federico Caffè and Guido Carli, at the institute of economic sciences of the La Sapienza University of Rome.


He died in Rome on January 25, 1979.

  • Goca D. V., Cantuti Castelvetri F., “On the need to establish the free teaching and commercial teaching in the Rr. Cart. C. Gargantini, 1924
  • Cardano G., Of the way of keeping the books , original translation from the Latin by Francesco Cantuti Castelvetri and Daniele Vittorio Gorga, Città di Castello, Unione Arti Grafiche, 1924
  • The Plata line and Italian emigration , Rome, 1924 and in Review of economic and commercial sciences , year IV, fasc. 12, Città di Castello, 1925;
  • The evolution of our emigration currents , Rome, 1925;
  • Naval buildings in 1925 and the position of Italy , Rome, 1926;
  • The Italian economy in 1927 , Rome, Lazio Polygraphic Workshop, 1927;
  • The foreign trade in Italy from the pre -war period to date , Rome, 1928;
  • The Italian Merchant Navy in 1927 , Rome, 1928;
  • “The world mercantile navy in 1927 with special regard to Italy”, Rome, Lazio Polygraphic workshop, 1928
  • The Italian economy in 1928 , Lazio polygraphic workshop, Rome, 1929;
  • The organization of foreign trade in Italy , Brescia, F. Apollonio, 1931;
  • Commerce with foreign countries in corporate economy , Rome, Lazio Polygraphic Workshop, 1933;
  • Type contracts and prices to examine corporations , Rome, Castaldi typographical company, 1935;
  • “Geography in the context of economic studies: communication”, Rome, soc. Tip. Castaldi, [1936?]
  • Wood, production, exchange, world traffic currents , Rome, Castaldi typographical company, 1938;
  • The Italian economy in 1947 , Rome, Lazio Polygraphic Workshop, s.d.;
  • E.N.D.S.I., The activity of the National Authority for the distribution of rescue in Italy from 1944 to 1954/Organization and Activity 1944-1954 , Rome, graphic crafts, 1955
  • Russian fountain L., Economic policy lessons compiled by dr. Francesco Cantuti Castelvetri, year 1928-1929 , Rome, Sampaules, 1929

Pontifical honors [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Foreign honors [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Weather L., Francesco Cantuti Castelvetri , Edizioni Rari Nantes, Rome, 1984.
  • Paglialunga A., Rome open city and the Vatican (’43 -’44) , in Strenna of the Romanists , Editrice Roma Amor 1980, Rome, 1994.
  • Antoniazzi G., Rome open city. The citadel on the Janiculum , Rome, editions of History and Literature, 1983.
  • One hundred years of loyalty , Angelo Belardetti Editore, Rome, 1950.
  • Who’s who in Italy 1957-1958 , Milano, Intercontinental Book and Publishing, 1958.
  • Who is in Italian finance , Nuova Mercurio publishing house, Milan, 1957.
  • Who is he , Turin publishing, Turin.
  • Annuario of the Italian press , Aldo Garzanti Editore, Milan, 1960.
  • Pontifical Annuario , Vatican City, 1950.
  • ( IN ) The Royalty, Peerage and Nobility of the World , 91 vol., London, Directory of France.
  • Golden book of the Italian nobility , vol. XXIX, 2010-2014, Heraldic College, Rome.
  • Italian illustration , 17 July 1938, LXV year, number 29.
  • One hundred years of economists , La Sapienza University, Rome.
