Francesco Fontana (sports) – Wikipedia


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Francesco Fontana , at the registry office Francesco Girolamo Learco Fontana , known by everyone as Checco (Bassano del Grappa, 19 December 1943), is a sports manager and former coach and hockey player on the Italian track, considered among the strongest Italian goalkeepers of hockey on the track ever [first] [2] [3] [4] .

Checco with the national team shirt.

Fontana played six championships in Serie A with the Bassano shirt. Subsequently he played in the following companies: Iris Modena (1969-1970-1971), Hockey Novara (1972-1973-1974), Gorizian gymnastics union (1975-1976-1977), Pordenone (1978). In 1979 he returned to Novara and Gorizia for the 1979-80 championship. Later from 80 to 85 he played in Contrary , In the Vercelli [5] , as well as a Monza . On March 30, 1985 he closes his career in Roller Monza [6] . He was present in the Italian Hockey national team on track from 1963 to 1983.

Francesco Fontana thus made a contribution to the city of Bassano del Grappa as regards the hockey on the track during the eighties and nineties, also releasing numerous interviews for The Giornale di Vicenza , for the Gazette [7] and also for Rai Sport, participating in Sports Sunday . For almost all 2009, Francesco Fontana held the office of president for the hockey sports club, Roller Bassano [8] [9] . He was also the goalkeeper coach, as well as tennis instructor. During his life he also taught physical education, at some institutes of Bassano del Grappa. Although he is still interested in hockey, and despite the age, as a hobby he trains for cycling races.

Occasionally he collaborates with Bassano News, a free magazine distributed throughout the Bassanese territory, where he takes care of the sports page with some current inspiration. His son, Giovanni Fontana, has been goalkeeper for years for Bassano 54, in Serie B and A2 and then landed in Serie A1 as deputy by Massimo Cunegatti; Subsequently he moved to Castiglione [ten] , in Seregno, then to Follonica [first] and in 2010-2011 again for Seregno [11] ; In the 2011-2012 season he played for Sarzana [twelfth] .

There are several texts that recall the sporting activity of this sample. In Timeless moments The deeds of ten internationally renowned Venetian athletes are illustrated in the sports specialty, including Francesco Fontana [13] . Fontana, we find it again in the book Hockey Bassano 54. Fifty Favola years [14] .

Fontana wrote then, a book: With reason and with the heart [15] . Descriptive-narrative gender, this book is a series of collections of letters, where the main theme is a weave of passion for sport, history, as well as facts that really happened, in fact Francesco, as explained on Bassano News, has a rather vision ” humanistic “of life. Since, the various letters are addressed to various people (with different objectives), taken from Bassano News, there are often some topical traits, of daily life.

It was published in March 2008 by Artistic Editrice Bassano (with collaboration of “Sport in the Bassanese”). Thus, between one letter and another there are some photos, not only of hockey (for example, the team of the Italian national team, with Francesco goalkeeper), but also football photos and other sports (such as, the inverted of Sergio Campana with The Lannerossi Vicenza shirt).


In the meantime, Fontana dedicates a lot to reading, and cycling. The environment of the various letters addressed for each age, presents various shades of Bassano, such as the Brenta, or various locations such as Santa Croce and Angarano or sometimes the Maragonsei (locations of paths and woods are mentioned, with some typical farmhouses).

Finally, we find it in a DVD sponsored by the Bassanese municipality to the golden years of local sport.

Club [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

During his sports career (1972-1985) Fontana won:

Italian national [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Checco Fontana was also a goalkeeper for the Italian track hockey national team:

  • Champion of the Italian Hockey national team;
  • Silver cup to the whole Italian national team.
  1. ^ a b Maurizio Ceccarelli, Fontana Francesco and Giovanni interviewed , in Follonica News , 04 February 2010. URL consulted on December 25, 2010 (archived by URL Original April 27, 2010) .
  2. ^ Characters who have made history in Hockey Filed On October 15, 2013 on the Internet Archive.
  3. ^ Hockey history ( With Fontana ) Filed On 1 May 2012 on the Internet Archive.
  4. ^ “The sixties were dominated by Francesco Fontana, elected best goalkeeper in two editions of the World Cup”
  5. ^ Piedmont is the kingdom of Italian hockey ( PDF ), are , p. 1. URL consulted on May 25, 2014 (archived by URL Original May 25, 2014) .

    “Vercelli acquires, in extremis, the great Checco Fontana”

  6. ^ Official Hockey Breganze Group – History – 1985 [ interrupted connection ]
  7. ^ Sports page. Today, we will ask Francesco Fontana, former hockey goalkeeper on the track. First of all, what does his hockey experience come from? ” A good hockey player (but also of other sports) has to face not only technical training with the ball, but also an athletic and physical preparation and must be prepared psychologically ». Who, in your opinion, makes the difference on the field? ” The good player, who scares you, is the one who uses his head in addition to his feet, the one who has a technical and physical preparation and who has games of game. Now with the new rules, the referees also make the difference », By Giovanni Bertizzolo, the Gazzettino, 15 February 2010.
  8. ^ He is usually a coach who leaves the team, in this team, however, was the president . », The newspaper of Vicenza, by Vincenzo Paintureri, January 3, 2010.
  9. ^ Mandate letter for Fontana ( PDF ) [ interrupted connection ] . are , The great sport of Bassano, January 2010, p. 3.
  10. ^ Giovanni Fontana presents the challenge between Castiglione and Seregno [ interrupted connection ] . are .
  11. ^ Players pink ( with Giovanni Fontana ) . are SEREGNOHOCKEY.IT , Seregno Hockey, 9 July 2010, p. 3. URL consulted on May 25, 2014 (archived by URL Original December 20, 2010) .
  12. ^ Giovanni Fontana is the Sarzana Hockey goalkeeper for the next season . are . URL consulted on May 25, 2014 (archived by URL Original May 25, 2014) .
  13. ^ Quote on timeless moments . are (archived by URL Original May 10, 2006) .
  14. ^ Quote on fifty fabulous years Filed May 10, 2006 on the Internet Archive.
  15. ^ Tonight, Conference of the Book of Fontana. A book full of letters to read: personal experience of a great hockey player, linked with the past, and sometimes there are ideas of Hockey and in general of current sport », Andrea Fantinato, art and culture of Il Giornale di Vicenza, 27-11-2008
