Franco Cuomo – Wikipedia


From Wikipedia, Liberade Libera.


Franco Cuomo (Naples, April 22, 1938 – Rome, 23 July 2007) was an Italian journalist and writer.

Degree in Law, he was a finalist twice at the Strega Prize, with Gunther d’Amalfi, Templar Knight in 1990 (recently reprinted by the publisher Baldini Castoldi Dalai) e The Macbeth code in 1997.

A few months before his death, his latest novel entitled was released in March 2007 Lost souls. Venetian night with black mass and love ghosts (Baldini Castaldi Dalai) who follow The basements of the sky (Baldini Castaldi Dalai) e Tattoo (Baldini Castoldi Dalai). His last essay entitled Great success was very successful The ten , on Italian scientists who signed the “Race Manifesto” in 1938.

Narrator [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Include among other narrative works The demigo , a spy story in contemporary Italy; The Lord of the mirrors , on the life of Nostradamus; Scroll On the legend that Shakespeare was not English. He is also the author of the serial saga in five volumes The novel by Carlo Magno , on the origins of Europe, and of a biography of Rita da Cascia entitled Santa Rita of the impossible , which outside of traditional agiography reconstructs the yellow in which this mysterious medieval mystical was involved for the murder of her husband.

Essayist [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Has published essays on The uncle , on seduction ( Praise of the libertine ), on Oscar Wilde and Victorian Decadentism ( Who looked into the eyes of beauty ), on the tragedy of Beatrice Cenci and on historical themes on the margins of the imagination, such as The great prophecies from the origins of humanity to the present days e Chivalrous orders in myth and history .

Theater author [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

He is the author of a vast theatrical repertoire, represented in Italy and abroad by directors such as Carmelo Bene, Maurizio Scaparro, Sergio Fantoni, Françoise Petit. Among his theatrical texts: Faust or Margherita (with Carmelo Bene) e Romeo and Juliet (with Carmelo Bene and Roberto Lerici), Comrade Gramsci, the Matteotti case, Caterina delle Misericordie (Riccione Prize), Nerve (premio then), Giovanna D’Arco and Gilles de Rais (Vallecorsi Prize), Goodbye love [Beatrice Cenci] (Fondi Award), A night in Casanova (Flaiano Prize) and the recent Gladiator . Among the other prizes received: The Fregene for Journalism (1984), the prize for the culture of the Prime Minister (1989), Ravello (1990), Vanvitelli (1995), Blow in (1997).


Translator [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Has translated Utopia by Thomas More and numerous classics for the scene, including Citro It is Caligula , directed by Maurizio Scaparro, as well as works by Shakespeare, Marlowe, Jonson, Plauto and De Musset.

Television radio activities [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

He collaborated on Rai as curator (or consultant) of cultural radio and television programs (such as The eye on the theater It is Magical and black for video -off) as well as vast popular breath (such as Cararai, chronicles of cinema and theater, European goal It is Filmmaker ).
He was a guest of news and popular broadcasts on Rai, Mediaset and other broadcasters, taking part in programs such as Stargate, Voyageur, Unomattina, Maurizio Costanzo Show, top secret It is SpecialestoriaTG1 .

Editor in printed paper [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

He has been editor of newspapers and periodicals with duties of special envoy, critic and chief indacter of cultural services, co -director of the magazines Fair It is Ahab , author of monographic texts for specialized magazines such as Middle Ages It is Ulisse 2000 .

Esoteric studies [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

He was a deep scholar of esotericism and for his passion, he was also enrolled in Freemasonry, who on more than one occasion recalled his cultural commitment and insights in the initiatory universe. About the Masonic path of Cuomo, the unpublished book was released in 2012 The master of the dream – between esotericism and literature .

Novels [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • 1989 – Gunther d’Amalfi, Templar Knight
  • 1990 – Scroll, adventurous life of Guglielmo Scrollanza in Art Shakespeare
  • 1991 – The Lord of the mirrors
  • 1995 – The demigo
  • 1996 – The Macbeth code. The return of Gunther d’Amalfi
  • 2001 – The basements of the sky
  • 2002 – Tattoo
  • 2007 – Lost souls. Venetian night with black mass and love ghosts
  • 2008 – The betrayal of the Templar
The novel by Carlo Magno
  1. 1998 – The predestined
  2. 1999 – The iron crown
  3. 1999 – The paladins
  4. 2000 – The defeat of the idols
  5. 2000 – The city of God

Essay [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • 1982 – Praise of the libertine. Seduction manual
  • 1989 – Drugs, an Avanti investigation!
  • 1990 – The uncle
  • 1992 – Chivalrous orders in myth and history
  • 1994 – Beatrice Cenci
  • 1994 – In the name of God. Bals, ritual duels and other orders in the medieval Christian West
  • 1995 – History and epic of cavalry
  • 1997 – Santa Rita of the impossible. The story of love and blood, of revenge and forgiveness of Rita da Cascia
  • 1997 – The great prophecies
  • 1999 – Nostradamus, alchemist and prophet
  • 1999 – Arthur and the round table
  • 2000 – The paladins. All the men of the king
  • 2000 – The age of saints, stories of men and miracles
  • 2000 – Dracula, a legend in history
  • 2001 – Riccardo Cuor di Leone
  • 2002 – Harun Ar-Rashid, the Caliph of the Thousand and One Nights
  • 2005 – The ten. Who were the Italian scientists who signed the “Race Manifesto”
  • 2012 – The master of the dream – between esotericism and literature

theater [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • 1970 – Santa Maria dei Battuti, report on the psychiatric institution and his denial in fifteen mysteries
  • 1972 – Caterina delle Misericordie (last re -edition 1986)
  • 1972 – Comrade Gramsci
  • 1973 – Passion 1514
  • 1975 – Blood of love. History of Giovanna D’Arco and Gilles de Rais (last re -edition 1986)
  • 1980 – Nerve
  • 1984 – A night in Casanova (last re -edition 1994)
  • 1986 – Love heresie
  • 1987 – Goodbye love [Beatrice Cenci] (last re -edition 1994)
  • 1994 – SIAD contemporary Italian theater – Franco Cuomo
  • 2001 – Gladiator. That the poets Orazio and Giovanni Pascoli, a Master of music and a little killer repeated on the day of the liberation of slaves (last re -edition 2002)
