Friedrich Sertürner – Wikipedia


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Friedrich Wilhelm Adam Sertürner

Friedrich Wilhelm Adam Sertürner (Paderborn, June 19, 1783 – Hameln, February 20, 1841) was a German pharmacist.
He isolized the morphine from the opium and thus discovered a new class of drugs, the alkaloids.

Bust of F. W. A. ​​Sertürner at the Park of the Castle in Schloss Neuhaus
Targa a Sertürner Sulla wedding house a Hameln

Born in Neuhaus near Paderborn, he made an apprenticeship as a pharmacist in Neubeck and then worked as a pharmacist help in the “Ratsapotheke” in Einbeck, where he began some experiments with drugs, dedicating particular interest to opium. Pharmacist and “private scientist” in Einbeck, in 1822 he bought Hameln’s “Ratsapotheke”. In 1805 he found a free acid in the opium (meconic acid), managing to isolate it and analyze their properties. Shortly afterwards he discovered the morphine (from Morfeo, Greek god of sleep), “the sleeping principle” as it was called then. [first]

In 1817 he published his famous work: About the morphine, a new salt -capable basis and the mecoic acid, as the main components of the opium . The basis of his analyzes were numerous self -expressions (then, the scientific tool, as today, was the double blind test). He also noticed the dangerous side effects of “impure” morphine (with meconic acid) alongside the positive effects. [2] In 1831 he received the Parisian Academy Award for discovering a new class of drugs: alkaloids. In 1841 he died of a feverish infection in Hameln, being buried in the chapel of San Bartolomeo in Einbeck.

In 1821 he married Eleonore von Rettberg, the daughter of the obterstleutnant Leopold Christoph von Rettberg, with whom he conceived four daughters and three sons. The daughter Ida married Wilhelm Best in 1852 (1799–1886). [3] , son of General Carl Conrad Best. His son Carl Franz (1821–1904) became Hanover and Viktor (1834–1887) pharmacist. Friedrich Sertürner was Mason of the Loggia since 1807 Georg to the three pillars .

  1. ^ Barbara I. TSHISUAKA: Sertürner, Friedrich Wilhelm Adam. In: Werner E. Gerabek, Bernhard D. Haage, Gundolf Keil, Wolfgang Wegner (ed.): Encyclopedia medical history. It is Gayim, Greping/ New 2005, 1117-44, SO4.
  2. ^ N. N.: Opium analysis. Translated from Gilbert’s Annalen der Physik; Neue Folge, vol. XXV, p. 56, by M. Rose, pharmacist in Berlin. Annals of chemistry and physics 50 (1817), 21–42.
  3. ^ ( OF ) Wilhelm Best . are (archived by URL Original on October 5, 2014) .
  • ( OF ) Christoph Friedrich, Sertürner, Friedrich Wilhelm , in New German biography , Vol. 24, Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2010, ISBN 978-3-428-11205-0, p. 271-273 ( online ).
  • Claus Meyer: The morphine on the trail , Pharmaceutical newspaper, No. 16/2004.
  • N. Risch: Pain – curse and blessing . Research forum Paderborn, edition 6-2003, pp. 56–61.
  • Ch. Friedrich: On the 150th anniversary of the death of the discoverer of Morphin, Friedrich W. Sertürner , Pharmaceutical newspaper, Volume 136, 1991, pp. 1935–1941.
  • M. Seefelder: Opium, a cultural history , DTV-Sachbuch, Frankfurt 1990.
  • Klaus Meyer, R.-D. Müller, H. neatly: F. W. Sertürner, discoverer of morphine , Catalog of the 200th birthday exhibition, Paderborn 1983.
  • G. Kerstein: About the time of the discovery of morphine by Sertürner , German Pharmacist Zeitung/Süddeutsche Apotheker Zeitung, Volume 94, 1954, p. 968.
  • Franz Krömeke (ed.): Friedrich Wilhelm Sertürner, the explorer of morphine. Life and reprint of the original morphium work . Springer Verlag, Heidelberg 1984. ISBN 3-540-12357-1. (first Jena 1925)
