Futsuna -Wikipedia


Source: Free encyclopedia “Wikipedia”


Futna Island (Futuna, Futuna) is the island of Overseas Wallis -Futna, France. Form a Futuna Islands with the nearby Alopt Island. It is a volcanic island, and a coral reef is developed around the island. It is divided into two traditional kingdoms, a western part of Sigabe and the eastern Alo, and both kings still have autonomous rights.

The population is 4,871 (2003), of which 2,991 live in the eastern Kingdom and 1,880 people in the western Sigabe kingdom. The highest peak of Futna is Mt. The area of ​​the island is 83km 2 So, 53km 2 Is the Kingdom of Shigabe, 30km 2 Is the Allo Kingdom territory.

Futsuna was discovered in 1616 by Willem Scooten and Jacob La Mia. They visited the island after stopping on Nii -Ahoho. They named the twin islands Holun Island, which became the name of the Islands in English and French.

The king of both Shigabe and the kingdom of allo has been selected from the aristocratic class and governs residents under France. All villages except Poi Village are located on the southeast coast of the island, from the west to Troke, Fiua, Vaisay, Nuku, and the Leba village, which is the lord of Futsuna, and the waves, is the eastern Taoa, Male, Ono, Ono. , Which, Vele (Point Vele Airport is located), and Poi Village on the north shore are all territory. The residents are deeply religious in Roman Catholic as Ubea Island, with the cathedral of Pierre Chanel, the only Catholic saint in 1841, martyred in 1841. On the other hand, the residents of Futsuna are Samoa, and the culture and language are very different from the Tonga -based Ubea Islands. The Futna speaks Futsuna and French.


14 degrees south latitude 17 minutes Nishikei 178 degrees 09 minutes / 14.283 degrees south latitude 178.150 degrees / -14.283; -178.150

