Gabriela (Film 1983) – Wikipedia


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Gabriela ( Gabriela clove and cinnamon ) is a 1983 film directed by Bruno Barreto and for protagonists Marcello Mastroianni and Sônia Braga, freely based on the novel Gabriella, carnation and cinnamon by Jorge Amado.

Iléus, Brazilian State of Bahia, 1925. Nacib Saad, called “Il Turco”, of Arabic father and Italian mother originally from Naples [first] , is the owner and manager of Vesuvio bar Who, one day, knows completely casually that Colonel Jesuino Mendonça killed his wife as Revise, gives Sinhazinha Guedes Mendonça, and his lover, the dentist Osmundo Pimentel.

Nacib also has another problem, this time personal: he has suddenly remained without a cook. So he ends up taking home, as a maid, Gabriela, who met randomly, all dirty with mud, at the “slave market”. Soon, however, if it falls in love and if the bride, producing, on the interest of the lawyer Tonico Bastos, false documents since the girlfriend is without a family and without home. The two love each other passionately and instinctively, even if the different socio -cultural origins and extractions involve changes of life and habits for both.

One day, Nacib surprises his wife in Tonic’s arms: according to the Brazilian law he could kill her but, recommended by friends, he separates it after the declaration of marriage cancellation by mistake in person. The two, however, although living separate, do not resign themselves: it is she who takes the initiative and he turns it on. And everything starts again, as before the wedding.

Mastroianni’s statements on the matter. Before starting the film, in fact, Marcello communicates to the newspapers: «I do not foresee difficult to make this character: Nacib is Arabic, he is Mediterranean, therefore very similar to Italian. It is simple, he wants to live, survive and love. And I feel very close to him […]. I read the book and I immediately liked it, I read the subject and found it excellent, I met Barreto and we immediately sympathized. Why wouldn’t I have to accept? I haven’t seen anyway anyway Woman Flor and his two husbands , the film by Barreto also presented in Italy, but everyone praised him ». [2] .

Later, during a television participation in the Rai 1 Sunday transmission- Sunday in (edition 1983-84), to a question by the conductor Pippo Baudo about his co-star, Sônia Braga, the actor replies verbatim “is a black” mussel “!” Surprised and convinced that it is a gaffe, Baudo affectionately resumes the actor, magnifying the Braga as sex-synmbol and diva of the telenovelas, to which Mastroianni raises the dose and, trying to repair with a little humor, perfects the Phrase in “Well, it’s a beautiful black mussel!” [3]

According to Brazilian critics, the film cost the equivalent of three million dollars, of which the only Mastroianni would have perceived 600,000 [4]


Following his first distribution in Brazil, the film discussed several local critics although they asserted that “the actors are not faulting the failure”. The well -known newspaper The State of S. Paolo defined the film “the great disappointment of the year”, while for The globe The scenes of eroticism were all too excessive. [4] . Jorge Amado himself, after having witnessed the projection, while praising the actors and predicting a significant public success, complained that the character of Nacib Saad had been almost transformed into an Italian.

  1. ^ In Amado’s novel, Nacib was of entirely Syrian origin.
  2. ^ “Sera press”, n. 107, May 4, 1982, p. 33
  3. ^ Teche Rai
  4. ^ a b data reported by “La Stampa”, n. 73, of March 27, 1983, p. 23
