Goat meat – Wikipedia


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Marinade of goat meat

The goat meat It is the meat of domestic or wild goat.

The adult animal is said Chevon O mutton in English [first] [2] , while the kid is said kid O Cabri in French, kid in English, kid O Böcklein in German, goatling in Spanish.

Compared to other red meats, goat meat must be cooked longer and at lower temperatures; Little considered in western countries, it is highly appreciated in the Middle East, southern Asia, Africa, north-eastern Brazil and in the Caribbean area.

In Calabria and in Basilicata, in the Christmas and Easter period, it is a habit to cook kid and not lamb [3] [4] .

Taste [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Goat meat has a flavor rather similar to lamb, to the point that some Asian countries use a single word to describe both; However, depending on the age and conditions of the animal before slaughter, the meat can take on shades similar to game.

Nutritional properties [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

From a nutritional point of view, goat meat is sought for its low lipid content; In general, it is less fat than the other types of meat, given that the goats have no intramuscular fat deposits. In this respect, the goat meat is comparable to that of chicken.


In the carcasses, in fact, the percentage of lean fabric is equal to 60-65%, while that of fat fabric is around 12-14%, much lower than that which is found in other red meats.

In addition to the muscle component, other edible parts of the goat are the brain, the liver and, in the kids, some stretches of the intestine. The head and legs, cleaned up and smoked, are used to prepare soups.

Goat violin [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In Lombardy, traditional agro -food products include goat violin: thighs and shoulders preserved by wet salting, smoking and drying. [5]

Goat and beans [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The goat and beans is a tasty stew typical of the cuisine of the far west Ligurian.

Recipes based on sheep or goat meat [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Some recipes involve the possibility of using so much sheep and goat meat, for example the aneloto , an Abruzzo preparation of lamb or kid [6] , o to mucisca Molisana, sheep or salt -dried savory goat in the sun and seasoned with garlic herbs and chilli pepper [6] [7] .

  1. ^ It’s Easy Being Green » Blog Archive » Meat Goats For Food & Profit Filed On 18 September 2012 on the Internet Archive.
  2. ^ Mutton/ Goat Dishes Filed March 26, 2013 on the Internet Archive.
  3. ^ Christmas traditions in Calabria . are magniedinatale.it . URL consulted on November 22, 2013 (archived by URL Original December 20, 2014) .
  4. ^ Three Easter recipes of the Calabrian tradition , in Calabrie.it . URL consulted on November 22, 2013 (archived by URL Original April 23, 2013) .
  5. ^ The production areas envisaged by the regulations are the Valleys of the Luinese and the Val Chiavenna. For the Valcamonica there is both goat and sheep violin.
  6. ^ a b Monica Cesari Sartoni, Eat Italian. Guide to Italian regional specialties , Morellini Editore, 2005, ISBN 97888889550052. ( also available online )
  7. ^ Daniel Guaiti, Abruzzo and Molise , Edizioni Gribaudo, 2010, ISBN 9788879068437. ( also available online )
