Guell Park –Wikipedia


Source: Free encyclopedia “Wikipedia”


Guell Park (Guell Koen, Catalan: Park Güell , English: Park gallow ) Is a park in Barcelona, ​​Spain, overlooking the city of Barcelona. It was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1984. It is one of Antoni Gaudi’s works.

  • It was built between 1900 and 1914, created by the owner of Ezebi Guy (in Spanish reading) and Antoni Gaudi’s dreams. The most inclined art was Richard Wagner’s “Raku”, and Gaudi tried to create a comprehensive art for harmony under Count Guell, who has the same sense of art. Around this time, industrialization was rapidly progressing in Barcelona, ​​and Gaudi and Guell tried to create a new residential area where people would naturally be surrounded by art. However, the ideas of the two people and the values ​​of living in nature were not understood at the time. Eventually, infrastructure such as a square and roads was built and 60 houses were planned, but there were no buyers, and after all, only Gaudi himself and Count Guay were only sold. After the death of Count Guay, the construction was interrupted and donated as a city park. Currently, a house where Gaudi has lived temporarily has been released as the Gaudi Memorial Hall. Inside, furniture designed by Gaudi is also gathered and exhibited.
  • Salvador Dali commented on the hut and the arbor at the entrance of Guell Park, “It’s like a sugar -eyed tart confectionery.” Terrace named “Greek Theater” [first] The design using a pulverous tile, such as a popular lizard sitting on a large staircase, a circular mosaic decoration of the hall ceiling in the center of the site, has a great contribution to Gaudi’s assistant, Maria Jujol.

Registration [ edit ]

In 1984, he was registered under the name “Guell Park, Guell House, Casa Mira”. The registered name has been changed to “Antoni Gaudi’s Works” when registered in 2005.

Registration criteria [ edit ]

This World Heritage Site satisfies the following conditions among the World Heritage Registration Standards (the following criteria are published by the World Heritage Center Registration criteria Translation from).

  • (1) A masterpiece that expresses the creative talent of mankind.
  • (2) It shows important exchanges in human value regarding architecture, technology, monumental art, urban planning, and landscape design development throughout a certain period or in a certain cultural zone.
  • (4) An excellent example of architectural style, building groups, technology accumulation or landscape that examples important times in the history of humanity.

gallery [ edit ]

  1. ^ “Beautiful Stairs of the World” Exna Ledge, 2015, pp. 157.

    ISBN 978-4-7678-2042-2。

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41 degrees north latitude 24 minutes 52.08 seconds 2 degrees East Sutra 9.65 seconds / North latitude 41.4144667 degree east sutra 2.1526806 degrees / 41.4144667; 2.1526806
