Hear After -Wikipedia


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Heer and after (Original title: Hereafter ) Is a 2010 American fantasy drama movie. Directed by Clint Eastwood [3] , The scriptwriter Peter Morgan, appeared in Matt Damon and Cecil de France.

Held in September 2010 The 35th Toronto International Film Festival English edition Was first screened.

story [ edit ]

At one point, French female journalist Marie Lure (Cecil de France) was suddenly swallowed by a tsunami that hit the area in a Southeast Asian resort where he visited with his lover. A mysterious vision that I saw in the brutal and abrupt death unfolded in front of my eyes, and in a fading consciousness. Fortunately, she was able to survive safely, but she couldn’t forget the impact of the crime -death experience at that time, and even after returning to France, she became conscious of the world after her death. However, due to the inclination to the ocartism, he began to suspect a sense of balance as a journalist, and gradually lost many positions, including dropping out of the news programs he appeared. The relationship with a lover, who had been living with life and death, quickly cooled.

Meanwhile, Marcus, a boy living in London ( Franky Macra Laen/George Macra Laen English edition ) Has lost his beloved twin brother in an unfortunate accident and could not recover from its sadness. There is no father and my mother drowns in drugs and abandoned childcare. He left him to enter the rehabilitation facility. Marcus did not open his heart after being picked up by foster parents, and was looking for a psychic only for reuniting with his brother.


At that time, American George (Matt Damon) was once known as a real psychic, but now he has his own abilities, but rather disgusts and turns his back to psychic. I was spending time. My brother praised that power as talent, but it was equivalent to a curse. Because he had a bitter memory of his friendship just showing his power, and lived in loneliness because he could no longer create a deep relationship with everyone.

These three, who are obsessed with the special world after death, will eventually be destined and meet in London.

cast [ edit ]

George Ronegan
Performance -Matt Damon, Japanese dubbing -Uchida evening night
American psychic. Lives in San Francisco. Working in a factory.
My hobby is to listen to Derek Jakobi’s reading and listen to Deken’s work.
Marie Lure
Performance -Cecil de France, Japanese dubbing -Sayaka Kobayashi
French journalist. Have a crin -dead experience in the tsunami.
Later, he published a book on the near -death experience and had a reading in London.
Marcus / Jason
Play- Franky Macra Laen/George Macra Laen English edition , Japanese dubbing -Yumiko Kobayashi
Identical twins living in London. Talking brother Jason suddenly died in a traffic accident.
The silent younger brother, Marcus, is sent to Satoko for her mother for drug addiction.
Billy Ronegan
Jay Moo, Japanese dubbing -Yasuhiko Nemoto
George’s older brother. I want to do business with George’s ability.
Performance -Blythe Dallas Howard, Japanese dubbing -Fumiko Osaka
A woman who George met in a cooking class.
Dr. Rousseau
Performance -Mart Keller
A doctor studying a near -death experience. I advise Marie.
Performance -Tier Nouvic
Marie’s lover. Director of television program news programs.
Derek Jacobi
Performance -himself, Japanese dubbing -Itohiro
Lord of George’s favorite reading.

In Rotten Tomatoes, the approval rating of 46%was 46%in 200 reviews, and the average score was 5.8 points out of 10 points. [4]

He was selected as the top five movies in 2010 in the National Board of Review. Also, at the 83rd Academy Award, it was nominated for the visual effects award. [5]

Public in Japan [ edit ]

This work was released by Warner Entertainment Japan in Japan since February 19, 2011, but on March 14, the Tohoku -Pacific Ocean Earthquake that occurred on March 11, the same year, this work only on the same day. He announced that the screening will be canceled. It is said that the scenes of the tsunami are reminiscent of the earthquake that occurred in Japan and the situation of the earthquake. After that, Blu-ray / DVD was released on October 5 of the same year, but it has been released after alert the production of the production of the tsunami. Despite the influence of the earthquake, the span from theatrical release to softening has become longer among recent Western works. Some of the sales of video software will be donated as donations through the Japanese Red Cross Society.

Donation to the victims of victims of the Tohoku Pacific Ocean Earthquake [ edit ]

In the United States, the DVD of this work was released by the Warner Brothers Home Entertainment Group on March 15, 2011, but the company donated a part of the revenue as a donation for those affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake. I announced that. According to the stakeholders, it is likely to be around $ 1 million. At the announcement, Eastwood made a statement that “I am happy to be able to participate with Warner Brothers in an attempt to reach out to the Japanese people.” [6]

External link [ edit ]
