Ikai Chibi toaster -Wikipedia


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Ikai Chibi toaster 』( THE BRAVE LITTLE TOASTER ) Is a short novel published in 1980 by American science fiction writer Thomas M. Dish.

It was announced in the August 1980 issue of “Fantaji and Science Fiction” magazine. The story is that the left -handed electric equipment goes on a journey to find a person who uses themselves. He won the Locas Award and the British SF Association Award, and won the Overseas Short Stories Division in Japan in Japan. The Japanese title is also a Grimm’s fairy tale, “Brave Chibi Tailor”.

Due to the popularity, the animated movie “Brave Little Toaster” was produced. The novel, the sequel “Go to the Ikai Chibi Taster Mars”, has been published, and the sequel animation “Let’s go to Brave Little Toaster Mars!”

Synopsis [ edit ]

Electric equipment placed in the villa was consulting. The master has not visited this summer for two years and five months. Did the electrical equipment be used to get rid of them, or have you been injured or ill in your husband? 。 For the time being, the electrical equipment decided to look a little more.


Two years and 10 months have passed, toaster said. “I heard on the radio, but the dog left in the villa walk hundreds of kilometers and returned to the owner. The caster on the bed was attached to the office chair to make a vehicle. There are five toasters, vacuum cleaners, radio, electric blankets, and tablets. I got a road map. The highway that can be seen by human beings cannot be passed, so we go on the forest path. The nature in the forest is wonderful, and it is likely that flowers and birds will be deprived. One night, when I wake up from the inn, the appearance of an electric blanket has disappeared. It seems that he was blown away when the thunderstorm came. The blanket was caught on a high orc branch, so I had a squirrel couple dropped off. To that thank you, the toaster baked the acorn fruit.

Eventually, the road was interrupted by the large river. But I found an old boat, and when I tried to get into it, the owner of the boat came. The man thrown an office chair into the river and loaded the remaining electric equipment into his boat. From the behavior and words of the electric equipment, I thought this man was a thief. When the boat arrived on the opposite bank, the thief brought only a radio that could be used to the hut, and the others were thrown away in the garbage storage. During the night, the electric equipment was preparing to rescue the radio. The vacuum cleaner was charged from the battery of a thief’s car. The tabletop stand replaced the broken light bulb. After finding a baby bang, he remodeled it into a new vehicle. A strategy to surprise the thief has begun. The blanket hangs from the vacuum cleaner, on top of it, and the stand shines light from the blanket gap. The thief who came out of the hut was surprised at his face reflected in the toaster’s crisp panel and fled. The radio was saved safely.

The garbage storage area where the electrical equipment was abandoned was only about 1 kilometer away from the master’s apartment. The vacuum cleaner opened the entrance of the building and pressed the button on the 14th floor of the elevator. When I pressed the bell in the room, a sewing machine came out, but I had never seen it. When the vacuum cleaner who thought he had made a mistake in the room said, “I’m sorry,” the voice of a TV that is nostalgic, “Is that voice Hoover?” The electric equipment has finally arrived at the master’s house.

An elderly television introduced various electrical equipment in apartments to five visitors. I had some old friends, but there were many electrical equipment I met for the first time. He also told me that my husband did not go to the villa. He seemed to have spent in the sea without going near the forest because his wife became hay fever. And that villa is sold. The toasters who disappeared home to return thought. Therefore, we decided to exhibit it in the “exchange meeting” of the radio program on the condition that five electric appliances are used together. Immediately after the radio broadcast, a person who heard the radio received a phone call. He was exchanged for five kittens and was taken to the old ballerina’s house. The new woman was a very meticulous and beautiful personality, so since then five electrical equipment could continue to work in a happy and satisfying mood.

Main appearance characters [ edit ]

He is the youngest among the electrical equipment. Bake two toasts at once. Sunbeam Product.
Vacuum cleaner
Among the electrical equipment, he is an older leader. I care about the young generation vacuum cleaner. Hoover Product.
Wake -up radio
It’s noisy in time because it has a clock. I care that I can’t receive FM for AM only.
electric blanket
Bright yellow electric blanket. I want dry cleaning.
Tabletop stand
The neck turns freely. Born in a savings bank and sometimes struggles with the difference from the equipment sold at the store. Tensol Product.
Harold and Marjolly
A squirrel couple. Help the blanket stuck on the tree and ask the toaster to bake the nuts as a thank you.
Pick up the toasters on the way and carry them to the garbage dump.

Main Japanese translation [ edit ]

  • “Isomai Chibi Torter” translated by Hisashi Asakura, Hayakawa Shobo , 1987 -Illustration is Hidao Azuma
  • “Isomai Chibi Toaster” translated by Hisashi Asakura, Hayakawa Shobo , 1996 -Illustration is Noriko Nagasaki
  • “Going to Ichimai Chibi toaster Mars” Translated by Hisashi Asakura, Hayakawa Shobo , 1989 -Illustration is Hido Azuma.
  • “Going to Ikai Chibi toaster Mars” Translated by Hisashi Asakura, Hayakawa Shobo , 2000 -Illustration is Noriko Nagasaki

Film work [ edit ]

Source / footnote [ edit ]

  • Hisashi Asakura “Iromai Chibi Toaster” Translator After a postscript
