Inequality – Wikipedia


In mathematics one inequality (O inequality ) is a total order relationship on the set of real numbers or on its subset, that is, it establishes a relationship between the numbers using the symbols of inequality, which are: [first]

The first two express inequality in the sense strict , the last two express inequality in the sense long .

The same symbols can be used to “compare” two functions to real values.

The inequality in the wide sense is indicated with the equivalent scriptures

a b {displaystyle ageqslant b}

It is

b a {displaystyle bleqslant a}

, who are read ”

a {displaystyle a}

And greater or equal a

b {displaystyle b}

” It is ”

b {displaystyle b}

And less than or equal ad

a {displaystyle a}


The inequality in the strict sense indicates the equivalent scriptures instead

a > b {displaystyle a>b}

b < a {displaystyle b

, light ”

a {displaystyle a}

And greater Of

b {displaystyle b}

” It is ”

b {displaystyle b}

And lesser Of

a {displaystyle a}


This notation can be confused with the graphically similar notation

a b {displaystyle agg b}


b a {displaystyle bll a}

), used with two different meanings: both to indicate that a number is sufficiently bigger than another (”

a {displaystyle a}

it is much greater than

b {displaystyle b}

“), both to indicate that a function is asypistically larger than another (”

a {displaystyle a}


b {displaystyle b}

“). In both cases it is not an inequality, but only a partial order relationship, that is, it may not allow to compare two distinct elements of the whole.

Total order [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

A order (broad or narrow) order) defined in a whole is total If, considering any elements of the set two

a {displaystyle a}

It is

b {displaystyle b}

distinct from each other, it always appears that

a {displaystyle a}

It is in connection with

b {displaystyle b}

, or that

b {displaystyle b}

It is in connection with

a {displaystyle a}

[2] .

A non -total relationship is called partial order report.

For example as a whole

I = { 2 , 3 , 6 , 9 , 18 } {displaystyle I=left{2,3,6,9,18right}}

the relationship ”

a < b {displaystyle a

“It is total because it is possible to compare all the elements of the whole. If instead the report is considered together”

a {displaystyle a}

multiple of

b {displaystyle b}

“, this is a partial relationship because for example

9 {Displaystyle 9}

It is not a multiple of

2 {Displaystyle 2}


Antisimmetry and trichotomy [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

If inequality is narrow, then the property of trichotomy is worth:

If inequality is wide, then the antisymmetry is worth:

Sum and subtraction [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The inequalities are preserved if both terms are added or subtracted the same number [3] :

The same applies to inequality in a wide sense.

This property indicates that comparing two numbers

a {displaystyle a}

It is

b {displaystyle b}

it is equivalent to checking whether their difference

a b {displaystyle a-b}

it is positive or negative, or to compare

a b {displaystyle a-b}

It is

0 {Displaystyle 0}

. Furthermore

a > 0 {displaystyle a>0}

a < 0 {displaystyle -a<0}

, as well as

a > b {displaystyle a>b}

a < b {displaystyle -a<-b}


This property in general describes the ordered groups.

Multiplication and division [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The inequalities are preserved if both terms are multiplied or divided by the same strictly positive number. Multiplying or dividing by a strictly negative number, however, the inequalities exchange:

  • for each triad of real numbers

The same applies to inequality in a wide sense.

For the previous property, the second line is equivalent to the first, writing

c {displaystyle -c}

in the place of

c {displaystyle c}


These properties in general describe ordered rings and ordered fields (or real fields).

Monotonal functions [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The inequalities are the basis of the definition of the monotòne functions: the functions that retain or reversing the system of real numbers, therefore inequalities, are monotonous functions growing O decreasing .
In particular, the monotonal functions in the strict sense “maintain” inequalities in the strict sense; Instead a monotonous function in the wide sense provides only inequalities in the wide sense.

Sometimes it is abused of the notation for inequality, writing

f > 0 {displaystyle f>0}

f {displaystyle f}

It is a function at real values. With this notation we mean that

f {displaystyle f}

It assumes only strictly positive values, namely that

f ( x ) > 0 {displaystyle f(x)>0}

x {displaystyle x}

in the domain of

f {displaystyle f}

. In this case there is a sign of a function or, equivalently, of the set of positivity of a function. Alike,

f > g {displaystyle f>g}

f g > 0 {displaystyle f-g>0}

f ( x ) > g ( x ) {displaystyle f(x)>g(x)}

x {displaystyle x}

in the common domain of

f {displaystyle f}

It is

g {displaystyle g}

. The same happens with inequality in the wide sense.
When the domain of the functions is not specified, we speak of a snack.

Some “famous” inquaginances in mathematics are listed below.

  1. ^ Massimo Bergamini, Graziella Barozzi, Anna Trifone, Mathematics.blu (second edition) Vol.1 , Zanichelli – Bologna, 2018, isbN 978-88-08-220-2208-1. p.568
  2. ^ Massimo Bergamini, Graziella Barozzi, Anna Trifone, Mathematics.blu (second edition) Vol.1 , Zanichelli – Bologna, 2018, isbN 978-88-08-220-2208-1. p.236
  3. ^ Marzia Re Fraschini, Gabriella Grazzi, The principles of mathematics (volume 1) , Atlas, 2012, ISBN 978-88-268-1680-7. p.140
  • Massimo Bergamini, Graziella Barozzi, Anna Trifone, Mathematics.blu (second edition) Vol.1 , Zanichelli – Bologna, 2018, isbN 978-88-08-220-2208-1.
  • Marzia Re Fraschini, Gabriella Grazzi, The principles of mathematics (volume 1) , Atlas, 2012, ISBN 978-88-268-1680-7.
