Jiro Nomura (Journalist) –Wikipedia


Source: Free encyclopedia “Wikipedia”


Jiro Nomura (Jiro Nomura, 1927-) is a Japanese justice journalist.

Born in Tokyo. Meiji University graduate [first] Asahi Shimbun Tokyo Headquarters Social Affairs Department (Author of Judicial Press Club), he will interview the trial as an editorial committee member. From 1987 to 1998, he served as a professor at the Chiba Institute of Technology (Constitution and Law). From 1987 to 2000, he is a lecturer at the Waseda Seminar Music Course.

  • To be a judge, lawyer, prosecutor, edited by 1977, BOOKS
  • “To be a newspaper / broadcast reporter” To Naoya Jinja, Kirikan 1977 BOOKS
  • “Japanese Prosecutor” Japan Review 1977
  • “Prosecutor power and human rights” Education company / introductory new book current affairs questions 1978
  • “Supreme Court’s Shaking Current Status and Future Challenges” Education Company / Introductory News Affairs Explanation 1978
  • “Legal Sergeant” Nippon Review Susha / Day Review Book 1978-81
  • “Group of postwar prison history” first law publishing 1980
  • “Continue / Japanese Prosecutor” Nippon Review Shallow 1980
  • “The eyes of the trial and the citizen sensation judicial reporter” 1981 Yuhikaku Shinsho
  • “Sin and Punishment of Eastern Europe” Times Times 1981
  • “East and West German Sins and Punished Newspaper Reporters’ European Justice” 1982 Yuhikaku Selection
  • “Law rulers” First Law Publishing 1982
  • “Thinking about crimes for mentally disabled people” 1983 Yuhikaku book
  • “Prosecutor’s postwar history” Person of the powerful person Showa History Series 1984
  • “European Trial” Arinodo Kobunsha 1984
  • “Supreme Court Secretary of the Supreme Court’s postwar history” Person in Showa History 1985
  • “Trial and Human Rights European Trials” Todomido 1985
  • “Judgment with the Supreme Court Judge” Sanseido 1986
  • “Can you become a lawyer?” Waseda Management Publishing 1987
  • “Inside of the Supreme Court Court” 1987 Kodansha Modern New Book
  • “Inside of the strongest power of Japan’s prosecution” 1988 Kodansha modern new book
  • “Common sense of trial” Waseda Management Publishing 1990
  • “Reality of the Legal Society America and Europe” Waseda Management Publishing 1990
  • “Japanese Judge” Waseda Management Publishing 1992 Sguto Series
  • “Japanese Lawyer” Waseda Management Publishing 1992 Sguto Series
  • “Nazi Trial” 1993 Kodansha Modern New Book
  • “Japanese Prosecutor” Waseda Management Publishing 1994 Sguto Series
  • “Japanese Judge” 1994 Kodansha Modern New Book
  • “To be a lawyer, prosecutor / judge” Purikan 1995 BOOKS
  • “Fifty -century of prosecutors’ 50 years after the war” Waseda Management Publishing 1996
  • “President’s unprecedented court anti -human road crime” Waseda Management Publishing 1998
  • “Encyclopedia to Read the History of Japanese Trial” Free National Society 2004
  1. ^ “National university staff record” 1987
