Kiichi Ando –Wikipedia


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Ando Kiichi (Kiichi, December 8, 1901 -Unknown death) is a Japanese pastor. I worked hard in theology education as the principal of theology.

initial [ edit ]

On December 8, 1901 (Meiji 34), he was born as the eldest son of Shoya and Tome in Shoya, who fell in Shikai, Sukagawa City, Fukushima Prefecture. [Note 1]


Enter a commercial school. In the summer of 14, he is a peddling for households while studying at a commercial school, but drops out in two years for economic reasons. At the age of 1915 (Taisho 4), he moved to Tokyo with his uncle at the age of 15 [first]

Age of Salvation Army [ edit ]

On April 4, 1916 (Taisho 5), he went to the Ueno Hirokoji Salvation Army and entered Christianity by Captain Kie Yamamuro. At the Mukaijima Salvation Army, he is guided by Yamamuro Army. Received a dedication directly at the rally of the Holy Captive Association in Shimotani [2] 。 After that, two months later, I returned to Sukagawa in June.

Sukagawa period [ edit ]

In 1916 (Taisho 5), he experienced all rescue at a special rally at the Sukagawa Church of the Gospel Church.
In 1920 (Taisho 9), the pastor of the Gospel Church Sukagawa Church died, and Ando served as a pastor.

Kobe period [ edit ]

Mikage’s Bible Gakusha, Ando, ​​the third person from the right of the second row from the front (1924)

In September 1924 (Taisho 13), he enrolled at Mikagai Shogakuhasha (currently the Kansai Bible Semiology), which was resumed by Goro Sawamura. So he received the teacher Sawamura and Pazette Wilks. In March 1926 (Taisho 15), he was appointed principal Sawamura as a member of Ayabe in Tamba as a member of the Japanese evangelism in Ayabe in Tamba in the bathroom of the Bible Gakusha, and graduated from the first Bible Gakusha.

Japan Princede Corps era [ edit ]

On September 19, 1928 (Showa 3), married Mrs. Kin. In April 1929, he moved to Tenri City. In March 1931, he moved to the Suma Church.

Japan Jesus Christian Order of the Christ [ edit ]

M.A. Margaret Missionary

In 1951 (Showa 26), he was involved in the establishment of the Jesus Christian Order of Japan. In 1955 (Showa 30), the Maebashi Bible Dormitory in Maebashi, which was located in Maebashi, was changed to Sukagawa under the will by the Magalite Emmy Barnet, a missionary of the Nippon Economy Corps. do. Until 1971 (Showa 46), he served as the principal of Chuo Japan Bible School. In the meantime, there are the students, Kazumi Hatori, etc. [Note 2]


Departed on February 26, 1955 on February 26 on the Pacific Travel in North America. Until late July, he returned to Los Angeles, Vancouver, Calgary, Seattle in Canada, and returned to the United States to visit Portland, Oregon, Davis, California, Sannos, Sannose, Fulleremics, and San Diego. While visiting the Hawaiian church around August on the way back to Japan, I met the pastor of Yodobashi Church, Juso Ohara. [Note 3]

Annotation [ edit ]

  1. ^ In 1902 (Meiji 35), the rented house collapsed due to a storm. After that, spend time in the relatives’ storeroom. After that, he rented a house in Tsutsumi Nakayashiki and lived.
    (Ando 1996, pp. 183)
  2. ^ In 1937, Rinichi Funaki and M. Barnet began a mission in Maebashi. Maebashi Bible Dormitory, which was founded to nurture evangelists for that purpose, is the predecessor. Makoto Kobayashi and Akira Hatori will be produced. The Chuo Japan Bible School was relocated to Hanyu City, Saitama Prefecture in 1971 (Showa 46), renamed Central Japan Bible Academy, and continues to this day.
    (Nakamura 2000, pp. 112-113)
  3. ^ The purpose of the visit was to go to the church to Three Hills in Canada.
    (Nakamura 2000, PP. 261–302)

source [ edit ]

references [ edit ]

  • Ando Kiichi “Voice of the field” In 1996, the life of the life.
  • Toshi Nakamura’s “History of the Gospel in Japan” Involved, 2000.

    ISBN 4-264-01826-9。

Related item [ edit ]
