Kinuko Obuchi -Wikipedia


Kinuko Obuchi (Kinuko Ofuchi, November 12, 1944-) is a former Japanese politician. Former member of the House of Councilors (3rd term).

History / person [ edit ]


Born in Ojiya City, Niigata Prefecture. In 1989, he ran from the Japan Socialist Party for the Niigata Councilor’s Niigata Prefectural Constituency for the first time. It was a spark of the so -called Socialist Party Madonna boom. Winning for the third consecutive term.

He has served as chairman of the Environmental Special Committee and Chairman of the Social Democratic Party House of Councilors. In the 18th House of Representatives of the House of Representatives in 1998, the party was won the opposition of the party and the riding of Naoki Tanaka, and protected the seats of the Social Democratic Party’s only local constituency.

In 2002, he submitted to the Social Democratic Party due to dissatisfaction with North Korea’s North Korea’s abduction issue. However, it was not accepted and was expelled. After that, he joined the Democratic Party and the New Green Wind Association. In the 2004 Councilors in the 20th Councilors, the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party and the Social Democratic Party, have been abandoned and retired because the Democratic Party and the Social Democratic Party have established Masamichi Kondo as a non -party -independent unified candidate (called Niigata method). Received Asahi Hikari in the spring of 2015 in the medal of 2015.

  • In favor of the introduction of the selective couple separate surname system. In 2000, 50 members of the parliamentary women’s parliament, including Obuchi, offered to the Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori (then) in search of a couple’s surname selection system. According to the offer, “The younger generation is increasingly desiring a couple -specific surname selection system. The government hopes to make efforts to introduce a couple’s surname selection system, such as evoking public opinion.” [first]
  1. ^ Applications for promotion of the Civil Code amendment, which include the introduction of surname selection, September 29, 2000
Toshiko Shinozaki
日本の旗The Upper House Environmental Special Chairman
Next generation
Keiko Chiba
Kana Kubota
日本の旗Chairman of the Upper House financial statements
Next generation
Takao Mikami
