Kotaro Kobayashi -Wikipedia


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Kobayashi Taro (Kobayashi Tarai, April 10, 1908 -November 12, 1985) is a Japanese lawyer.

Born in Shimokawaguchi Village Otsu, Hata -gun, Kochi Prefecture (now Tosashimizu City). Her named name, Tarotaro Kamioka. The eldest son is Ryutaro Kamioka, a former talent comic artist. The film director Seitaro Kobayashi, the brothers’ comedy combination Miki is the grandson.

History / person [ edit ]

On April 10, 1908 (Meiji 41), he was born as the third son of Kamioka Iwakichi and Masano. After graduating from high elementary school, he worked at a third -class post office in the village for a while, but until the age of 18 he made sweet potatoes, took Tengusa and fishing squid. Meanwhile, take the elementary school teacher qualification exam three times on your own.

In March 1926 (Taisho 15), he decided to study while working and went to Kochi City. Enter the “Student Labor Association”, which was operated by Christian organizations, and study milk while delivering milk. Kinoku Akisui, who is from Kinato, died in the Kotoku incident and under the influence of Taisho Democracy, which was usually in front of the election law, approached Marxism. In August of the same year, he passed the transfer test of the Kochi Prefectural Castle Kita Junior High School (currently Kochi Prefectural Kochi Otsu High School) for two years. (Old system) As a junior high school student, under the influence of Marxism, he was expelled as an “anti -religious behavior” as a result of hating Christian rally and worship at the Student Labor Association.


He graduated from Johoku Junior High School in March 1930 and entered Kochi High School in April. In high school, he joined the speech department. He was arrested for subscribing to the left -wing magazine “War Flag” in two years, and the school was told to be modest. He is told, “If you do not do the left wing exercise, you will be exempt from the monthly fee.”

In 1933 (Showa 8), he graduated from Kochi High School and entered the Kyoto Imperial University Faculty of Law. In May, the Takigawa incident occurs. In July, he spoke at a student rally, saying, “It is a defeatism to make a Jiyu Gakuen mainly by Professor of the dismissal.” From this time, we aim to become a lawyer.

Graduated from Kyoto Imperial University in 1936 (Showa 11). In the extreme recession, he employs a job at Gifu City Hall, but since he has no time to study, he returns to Kyoto as an elementary school substitute teacher in Kyoto.

In 1937 (Showa 12), he married Tama Kobayashi, the only daughter of a raw silkwrite in Miyazaki Prefecture. Adopted the Kobayashi family. In the name of the criminal law research, he entered Kyoto Imperial University Graduate School and continued studying for the bar exam (at that time, the Judicial Department of the High School of Public Public Office).

In April 1939 (Showa 14), he went to the sixth cavalry regiment in Kumamoto due to a temporary convening, but returned to Tokyo on the same day due to excessive weight (25 buns, about 94 kg). In 1940 (Showa 15), he passed the bar exam. Enter the Osaka Bar Association’s Yoshizo Takayama (later mayor of Kyoto) as a trial.

In March 1942 (Showa 17), the eldest son, Ryutaro, was born. In July, I registered with the Osaka Bar Association.

In October 1944 (Showa 19), the family was evacuated to Miyazaki. In 1945 (Showa 20), the registration was changed to the Kyoto Bar Association. He was recruited by Yuichiro Komatsu, the Kyoto Regional Committee, which was rebuilt after the end of the war, but at this time, he said, “At this time, a worker farmer student rather than a small citizen like me who has never lived in a prison in the former constitution. You should join the Kyoto University student Mitsuo Wakasugi (later film director).

In January 1946, he joined the Communist Party. In April, he will be a candidate for the 22nd House of Representatives under the New Election Law, as a candidate for the Communist Party, a candidate for the Communist Party (this election is a major constituency system). The Kobayashi family owned the residential land owned by the Kobayashi family to the Communist Party for 15,000 yen, but at first they were not allowed to attend the party sponsored speech, so they were finally in the constituency of two consecutive notes. The Communist Party has a third candidate. He repeated his speech that focused on the abolition of the emperor system and the detoured goods, but was lost with only 14,000 votes. This year, he joined the free law.

In April 1947 (Showa 22), he ran again to the 23rd House of Representatives general election after the war. He ran from the first ward of Kyoto, which became a two -ward system with the introduction of the middle constituency system. During the election campaign, he was caught by the US military and was detained overnight in one room of the Japan German Hall. Rapid in the next point of 14,000 votes. “If you are a Communist Party candidate, you have to make your favorite sake and you have to be able to do everything with a chitin.”

From this time, with the lawyer of Katsuto Nose, we have undergone the crackdown on citizens, workers, students, farmers, Koreans in Japan, etc. in Kyoto, and have undergone various incidents related to human rights oppression. bottom. In 1960, he played the central role of a democratic legal profession in Kyoto until Shibata and 莇 Law Office was opened. Sometimes he took advantage of his own defendation until the transportation expenses, but scolded the client who did not pay for the time of the incident without paying a defense fee.

In July 1954, his wife, Tama, died of breast cancer.

In February 1963 (Showa 38), he became a caller for the formation of the free legal lawyer Kyoto branch and form the foundation of the group. In addition, he published a large number of essays and tanka on the “Subaru” and “Saturday” published in Kyoto Legal Pen Club.

On November 12, 1985, he died while watching a TV sumo broadcast in a kotatsu. The last word is “Ashigashi has won.”

The main case name in charge [ edit ]

  • In front of the Chukyo Tax Office (pressure on hundreds of Koreans in Japan protesting the unreasonable investigation and seizure of the tax office that started the dust
  • Tokyo Tax Office case (protest for forced tax collection)
  • 9 occupied army military trials for anti -American villas and anti -war villas
  • Day 2 Red Convention case
  • Utoro Military Budget Opposition Case
  • Public bath case
  • Otsu Shiga Industrial Criminal Case
  • Fukui City Ono Mine Strike Suppression Case
  • Prefectural Medical College Dispute Criminal Case
  • Takefu court arson case
  • Capture of Red Purge protest (6 cases, such as invasion of housing, injury, etc.)
  • Civil lawsuits such as disabled red polar dismissal (300 companies 30 companies)
  • Public Security Regulations
  • Maruyama incident
  • Cabinet Order 325 incident
  • Cabinet Ordinance No. 201 for Kyoto Kai Strike
  • Kyoto May Day case
  • Defense law opposition demonstration case
  • Provided US struggle case
  • Wildshen Bridge incident
  • Kyoto University Takigawa case (second Takigawa case)
  • Jingjiao team Xuyuqiu incident
  • Yamashiro High School Case
  • Palace Security Security Event

references [ edit ]

  • Luminum and memorial service “Igokuso Lawyer” Memorial Editorial Editorial Committee, Memorial Editorial Committee, 1986

External link [ edit ]
