Kushi no Tooth Strategy -Wikipedia


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Kushi no Tooth Strategy (Kusenohassen) was a large tsunami following the Great East Japan Earthquake, causing severe damage to the coastal area, so the Tohoku Development Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism cooperated with Miyagi Prefecture and the Self -Defense Force in an emergency transport road. It is decided to open up as a “kushi no tooth type” and named it. [first]

Tohoku region of kushikushi teeth

This is a route that allows vehicles to pass in the coast of the damage to allow vehicles to pass as soon as possible to introduce human rescue units and medical teams from Tokyo. All 52 teams participate [2]

  • The first step secures the vertical axis line of the Tohoku Expressway and National Route 4.
  • The second step is to secure a horizontal axis line from Tohoku Expressway, National Route 4 to Kuji City, Miyako City, Kamaishi City, etc.
  • On March 12, securing 11 east -west routes on the 11th route.
  • On March 14, securing 14 east -west routes.
  • On March 15, 15 east -west routes on the 15 routes were secured (general vehicles were available on the 16th).

The third step is to secure National Route 45, and 97%will be available by March 18, and road enlightenment is generally over. [3] 。 The name of “Kushi no Tooth Strategy” is Hideo Tokuyama, the director of the Tohoku Regional Development Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. [Note 1] According to [4]

Road enlightenment is a primary response in the event of a disaster, and is the basis of the recovery of the reconstruction of “disaster occurrence → enlightenment → emergency recovery → main recovery → reconstruction”.

The only order from Tokuyama was “Go forward! Specifically, the rescue and search units within 72 hours [Note 2] It is absolute mission to send it to the stricken area.

For that purpose, the road can be rattled [Note 3] If you still don’t, make a detour.

In fact, the members of the national highway office and the national road maintenance branch office, the backhoe (power shovel), the operator, the sandbags, and the asphalt synchronous material, the team of the local construction company that had been contracted in advance were found in advance. Headed [5]

Risk [ edit ]

The place to open up is a vulnerable place affected by the earthquake. It is quite possible that the tsunami will collapse due to aftershocks and heavy rains, or the tsunami will attack again. In the Nankai Trough Giant Earthquake, it was sometimes hit by multiple magnitude 8 -class earthquakes in a short period of time. For this reason, there is a restriction of work only at the site where you can evacuate to a safe place within 10 minutes. [6]


The Great East Japan Earthquake caused the railroads and ports to be severely damaged and have not been upset by recovery or rebuilding, but the recovery of the road network leading to the Sanriku area was relatively prompt and literally gone to disaster rescue. [7]

From the experience of the Great Hanshin -Awaji Earthquake, Tokuyama has a policy based on the premise that the Pacific coast is undergoing major damage on the Pacific coast. Is summarized. The explanation of this material was a success factor in contacting a local contractor overnight and formed 52 teams. Tokuyama also stated from the less damage to the 16 routes from the inland to the coast, one of the factors of the speed of enlightenment on the 11th route on the first day of the operation.

In addition, from the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (at that time), “Human rescue is the first sense. To make full effort to rescue the victims, grasp the disaster situation early, and to respond to emergency measures.” As a judgment, he was successful, without being involved in the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, without worrying about the budget, and saying that everything could be done, such as what was needed for the rescue of the affected areas and the victims. ” It is listed as a factor [8]

Subsequent efforts [ edit ]

Similar plans have been formulated in areas where the Great East Japan Earthquake was effective in the strategy of the Nankai Trough Giant Earthquake.

  • Central place
    • In the Chubu region, launched the Tokai / South Nankai / Nankai Earthquake Countermeasures Chubu Area Strategy Conference [9] On March 1, 2012, we announced the procedure for securing the early recovery support route entitled “Chubu Version Century Dental Strategy”. [ten] 。 We aim to provide people rescue support within 3 days, and to support emergency goods transportation within 7 days, from inland to coastal parts. [11]
  • Kinki
    • In the Kinki region, the coastal areas of the southern part of Wakayama Prefecture are in the Kinki Regional Development Bureau and Wakayama Prefecture, so that the road 42 road enlightenment and recovery can be done as soon as possible, the recovery method and storage of materials are stored. We are formulating how to proceed with road enlightenment [twelfth]
  • Places in the four countries
    • In the Shikoku region, the Shikoku Southeast and Nankai Earthquake Countermeasures Strategy Conference was established. [13] , Approximately 40 people, including concrete route settings, and about 40 people, including national, prefectures, Self -Defense Forces, and representatives of construction companies in Shikoku on March 6, 2012, are conducting joint exercises. [14]
    • In addition, the Council of Shikoku Road Enlightenment was launched, and on March 24, 2016, the Route diagram of the Shikoku Wide Area Road Plan “Operation Shikoku Ogi (Operation)” was announced. [15]
  • “8 -direction operation” in the earthquake directly below the capital
For example, in the Tomei Expressway area, 3200 units are assumed that there will be a debris for 30 tendo damp cars. On the other hand, within 3-6 hours after the earthquake, heavy equipment etc. will be gathered at the Kawasaki National Highway Office, and the 3rd Keihin Road, the Metropolitan Expressway No. 3 Shibuya Line, and National Route 246 will be combined to open up. [19] [20]
Use four rivers: Arakawa, Edogawa, Tama River, and Tsurumi River, because river roads may become unusable. Already in Arakawa, liquefaction measures are already being promoted at 10 docks, and the riverbed road from the estuary to 37km. [Note 4] Is already improved [21]

Annotation [ edit ]

  1. ^ After that, the Director of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Road Road Bureau (August 1, 2013 -July 8, 2014) was performed, and from July 2014 (the highest post of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism technology). Secretary from July 2015 (until June 2016). After retirement, he has been conducting activities to convey the lessons learned from the earthquake.
  2. ^ “Survival limit time”. Medically, there is no supply, no residence. In some cases, if the conditions are good, you have survived more. For example, in 2010, the survival was confirmed in the Copiapo mine in Chile on the 18th day after the accident.
  3. ^ It is assumed to be traffic such as Jeep and military trucks such as the SDF.
  4. ^ The width is 7.5m, and the trailer can pass.

source [ edit ]

Related item [ edit ]

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